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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. Actually, Schobel was leading the entire league in tackles by a defensive lineman, when he got hurt. But let the gross under-appreciation of this guy's career continue.
  2. The problem with your comparison above [edit: Ramius], is my girlfriend has complete control over whether or not she cheats on me. It does not depend upon other people doing their job...either she cares about me, or she doesn't. Winning in the NFL takes a whole host of people doing their job. The explanation for Dick Jauron's past failures boils down to this, for me: No lines, no quarterback, no wins. It doesn't come as a surprise, and it still wouldn't even if it were Belichick, Holmgren, Parcells or anyone else. Nobody wins with poor play from the game's pivotal positions...Jauron has been saddled with that his entire career.
  3. No coach wins with poor line play and poor quarterback play. Can't make it any clearer than that.
  4. Gotta be Haynesworth. Imagine he and Stroud on the inside, Schobel and Maybin on the outside. Thats money. Instead we have "Mr. Invisible" Kyle Williams at the most pivotal position on a defense.
  5. Agreed 100%. Walker did a fine job filling in at the spot last year, and he's given us every reason to think he'll be okay since the day he got here.
  6. He doesn't need to be that interested. It just needs to be the best offer he gets, and it doesn't matter how interested he was.
  7. The thing is, Jackson already fills quite well the role you would think a guy like Rhodes can fill. Jackson is a good reciever out of the backfield, and is likely shiftier and quicker than Rhodes, at this point. Therefore, Taylor would have been a better back for the Bills, because he could be our Marshawn at the beginning of the year, when Lynch is in street clothes. Another way to look at it, is none of us seriously thought we would sign Taylor...the thought of him signing here to be a third running back immediately struck us (or most of us) as unrealistic. But with Rhodes, that doesn't seem unrealistic in the least, as thats what he's been the last couple of years. I agree there are SOME things Rhodes can do better than Taylor, mainly catching the ball. But if we're talking overall backs, there's no conversation, IMO.
  8. lmao There are actually people who think Rhodes is better than Taylor? Say it aint so, Deano.
  9. 1. No coach wins with terrible line play and mediocre quarterbacking. 2. The Bills have gotten terrible line play and mediocre quarterbacking every year under Jauron. Conclusion: 7-9 is about the best we could have expected.
  10. lol, I meant Skooby. "His waters uncharted, depths unfathomable."
  11. SDS, Lori, Simon When one of you does decide its enough and cans this guy, please make a thread about it, so we can organize a celebratory parade. Thanks.
  12. Man, was Kath & Kim garbage. I figured a show with the two of them would at least be watchable.
  13. I wouldn't really say he's being a bully, Bullpen, because we all know its an act. When he tells Bob Costas he's gonna get out of his chair and fight him, we know its for show. Now, he probably means it when he challenges Kroenke to a cage match...but a cage match, also, is for show. If these threats were real, you could call him a bully...as it is, you can call him over-the-top and ridiculous.
  14. In McMahon's defense, its TERRIBLE for business when they tape RAW. Spoilers are all over the internet an hour after the taping is done with.
  15. Furthermore, something thats being overlooked is this is a Memorial Day game. Its not like they can just move it to another day and its the same thing for the league, in terms of advertising revenue. They needed to find a way to get the game played in that arena on Monday night, and it looks like they managed it. I think both sides handled it pretty well. The Rich-Creamies HAD to take a hard stance, and Vince HAD to back down eventually, even if it was after milking it for some extra pub. Cause if WWE had actually put their foot in the sand here and demanded use of the arena, as a wrestling fan, I would have been concerned that they come out of this looking like the bad guy. I'm glad McMahon bowed out.
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