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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. Yeah, who do ya reckon will be our other starting reciever anyway? Its not like we have someone for that spot who stands out or anything.
  2. It is not beyond reason, agreed...but exactly why everyone is assuming we have a Coach/GM, I really can't understand.
  3. I like how coaches run drafts now. I doubt its in the job description, though.
  4. I'm sorry, but we have no way of knowing whether any of this is true. We have not been given any information into the behind-the-scenes workings of the Bills front office, and we have no clue which ideas came out of which mouths. We also have no idea how much Jauron has been involved with personnel decisions. I have no clue where you're pulling this from. What makes you believe all of this? His title is only Head Coach...we have little to no reason to believe he's been any more involved with the process than any other Head Coach.
  5. You're right. He should have taken teams with crappy lines and awful quarterback play to the SuperBowl. Now I've seen the light.
  6. Then again, there were complaints amongst Bills fans about drafting too many DBs about ten fcking years before Jauron got here, and these complaints have stayed relevant that whole time. So how much this really has to do with the head coach, we could sit here and debate for days.
  7. Baltimore got outstanding line play on both sides of the football, so I'm not sure what you're getting at.
  8. I'll answer with a question of my own, Bill. Does this post do anything to dispell the theory that, theoretically, Dick Jauron (acting purely as a Head Coach) would win football games with strong line & QB play? If not, the guy coaching the team may not be what needs to be re-examined. The structure of this team's front office is. I strongly believe that with a front office that provides him with ingredients necessary for winning, he can get the job done. We have no way of knowing for certain either way, because Buffalo hasn't done that so far, whether Jauron was (wrongfully?) involved in the process or not. But, then again, this was certainly an encouraging draft (Wood, Levitre)...so maybe something has changed that we aren't privy to.
  9. lol. There are good small D-linemen, and there are bad small d-linemen. Just like there are good big d-linemen and bad big d-linemen. The Bills front office has not provided Jauron with athletic, disruptive linemen. Last year, the Bills started Ryan Denney, Chris Kelsay and Kyle Williams at 3 of the 4 DL positions. Yeah...no. And Beerball was clearly being sarcastic.
  10. 1. No coach wins with poor lines and poor quarterbacks 2. The Bills have given Jauron poor lines and poor quarterbacks Conclusion: Seven wins, nine losses exceeds reasonable expectations. Show me the hole in the logic.
  11. I agree completely. Most coaches, when working with poor quarterback play and poor line play, would struggle to win 4 games. Dick Jauron consistently gets the most possible out of the teams he is given, and in terms of W/L records, has exceeded the marks we could have reasonably expected 3 times out of 3. Its like clockwork, really. We give him poor lines and poor quarterbacks, and he still finds a way to post an average record. I'm not sure Houdini could manage the same. But I get it. The team hasn't made the playoffs, and Jauron is the only one in the organization who shows his face to the media after a loss...we need someone to blame, and his constant presence makes him the easiest target. So rather than examine the structure of our front office, which is a joke, and is the reason Jauron has been saddled with poor lines and poor quarterbacks...we lynch the Head Coach, who has now found a way to put lipstick on a pig for 3 years running.
  12. The personnel is what is mediocre. Poor offensive line play, poor defensive line play, poor quarterbacking, poor records. It would be that way with ANY head coach. Jauron has been saddled with at least 2 of these 3 circumstances his entire career...yet, he finds a way to avoid dismal W/L records. Give him strong line play and quality quarterbacking, and watch what happens. Ralph Wilson understands all of this.
  13. lol, now we know for sure he's trolling. If you want attention, name-dropping JP is a good place to start.
  14. How do you figure, when the improvement didn't come until 2008? All I'm saying is there was an offensive improvement from 2007 to 2008. This could mean absolutely nothing, or it could be the beginning of an upward trend. Your money is on the former, seemingly. But with inexperience at both quarterback and offensive coordinator, there's a chance the offense will continue to get better as Edwards and Schonert get better at their jobs. And, again, there's more weapons this year than last. I agree completely, this tendency was incredibly frustrating. Schonert needs to stop outthinking himself and just do whats working sometimes.
  15. I think the idea is that the improvement between the 20s is a launching point, for an offense this year that will be filled with weapons to finish off those drives.
  16. Its not Jauron. But Jauron is the only 'face' the organization gives us, so whatever we can pin on him, we do. Its easy to think we can replace one guy and all the problems will go away.
  17. Its pretty simple...the quarterbacks have sucked. Last year, for 6 games, we actually got good quarterback play...and voila! The offense was good! Yay! Then when Losman played like a clown and Edwards curled up in the fetal position the rest of the year, things looked a whole lot different.
  18. Agreed. You don't see much legit cleverness on The Wall, that one was brilliant.
  19. I nicked that stat off Simon. I trust Moderators don't go around making sh-t up. Tim, if there's any way you could find out if Schobel was indeed leading defensive linemen in tackles when he went down, that would be amazing. Its a weird question though, if not, don't sweat it.
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