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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. This is the same day you said they ran the no-huddle the whole time, right? Veeeeery interesting...
  2. I really don't think Brandon is acting as GM, anyway. He has the title, but there's little reason to think he's actually making personnel decisions. I'm sure he's in the conversation, though.
  3. Every player gets a couple of fans that are high on them, thats why it seems like we're high on everyone. There's so many of us, all with differing opinions, that every player they bring in is bound to get a couple of believers, just by the odds alone.
  4. Okay, we're rebuilding startiiiiiing......................................................NOW.
  5. This can only be good news, but I'm still expecting Fine to eventually emerge as the #1. Neither Schouman nor Nelson are much of a blocker right now, and I think Fine has a shot to be decent in both areas. While Nelson spends the year getting his bearings, the vets will get a lot of snaps.
  6. Its getting to the point where as soon as you see a topic like this, you already know your answer is some variation of, "Did you forget to post the part where he takes a shot at the Bills?" Ya don't really even have to read the original post...you just know these topic titles are sensationalized.
  7. Sin City and 300 were both Frank Miller comics, but Robert Rodriguez directed Sin City. Not sure who directed 300, but it wasn't Rodriguez. I'd like to see War of the Worlds actually done well.
  8. He's the league's best punt returner. That goes a long way.
  9. Its astonishing how similar that thread looks to this board around this time last year.
  10. If you haven't checked this show out, I can't recommend it enough. Very smart, cool, fun little show. The Season 3 premier is tomorrow (Thursday) night at 9pm ET on USA, take a look if you can. Any other fans on here?
  11. Do you want Maybin attacking the quarterback, or dropping 10 yards into coverage?
  12. I hope you're kidding. Could you imagine your average Waller trying to complete a sorite?
  13. No chance Ellis could play LB in a 4-3 zone scheme. He might be able to help the pass rush as a DE, but we've already got Maybin as a pass rush specialist.
  14. You're just a funny guy, SP. Willing to go to any and all lengths to diminish any positives the Bills could possibly have. Hey, at least you're committed.
  15. Ah I saw the commercial for that, it looked hilarious. I'm sure they'll re-show and I can nab it with the DVR.
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