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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. Jackson is a better reciever, and has far better vision, in my opinion. This guy knows how to run to space. Lynch is an excellent power back, but his game is limited. I love the fact that we have both backs, and each have their roll to fill. If I have to pick one, its Jackson, with little hesitation...but I'm a big fan of both players all the way.
  2. I don't think anyone is disagreeing with you...but why would you start Byrd at SS? He's a natural FS, and Whitner and Scott are both natural SS's. Why would you swap them?
  3. I actually could care less, because it frustrates me to no end whenever I hear that. People don't think before they speak.
  4. That happens during the season in baseball all the time, but they don't have months and months to make their decision, as the NFL does here.
  5. I honestly didn't know there were Bills fans who didn't like Doug Flutie until I joined this board. It just doesn't make any sense to me.
  6. "Smoking weed is incongruent with being an athlete." Tell that to Randy Moss, an admitted smoker.
  7. This attitude is a bit ignorant, and seems to indicate that you've never used marijuana, or while using never had a thought deeper than, "I'm hungry, man!" I've come into contact with such a variety of people who use marijuana in a plethora of different ways, I would have never believed it. People in all different walks of life-- lawyers, doctors, teachers, writers, musicians, tour guides, Israeli soldiers...successful people, unsuccessful people, lazy people, energetic people, you name it. If used in moderation, there's no reason why marijuana can't be a part of a well-rounded life. Your views are about 50 years out of date, in my opinion.
  8. Look at this guy with the snappy headlines
  9. Do we give Belichick the same criticism for starting Bledsoe over Brady?
  10. I agree with Crayonz and Bill. I'll be hella pissed if this actually happens.
  11. No player will spend every moment of every day working out, anyhow. What is the difference, from a football perspective, if they waste a couple of hours in the evening reading a book or playing Madden or watching Sportscenter, or if they just relax with a bit of green? Either way, they can get up in the morning and get back down to work at practice.
  12. I don't know what you'd do with Ware and Merriman as your OLBs in a 4-3. Are you rushing 6 guys on every down?
  13. Not at all. Sometimes you have to escape and blow off some steam. It doesn't mean you can't get back down to work the next day at practice.
  14. I figured it was just Hamdan. You can covet the Chroise even when you already have it.
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