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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. I like Trentative Edwards better. 'Checkwards' has no meaning. I get that its supposed to reference the term 'checkdown,' but it just isn't working.
  2. I don't think it has much to do with coaching. One idiot quarterback was scared to throw the ball anywhere but sideways, and the other idiot quarterback would stand there until he got sacked.
  3. Okay...I never said anything to the contrary. I said "reading comprehension," because you completely misinterpreted (or at least misrepresented) the OP's meaning.
  4. He mentioned Ngata in an attempt to stop that debate before it got going, because he knew somebody would bring it up. Reading comprehension.
  5. I wouldn't expect much of that, considering the poll allows us to pick both of them.
  6. I wish I was Adam Sandler in Click. Fast forward please.
  7. Tim, with Schobel's injury, I'm curious as to who gets the majority of the first team snaps in that spot. In the past it would've been Kelsay and Denney on either side, but with the way Copeland Bryan has looked in the preseason, I'm hoping they use this as an opportunity to get a look at him against starting linemen. If you could give us some word on this as it develops, that'd be amazing. Thanks Tim.
  8. Thanks for posting Mickey, there's some good info there. A little tidbit from Bryan's wiki page: "Bryan lettered in football and track at Bellarmine College Prep School (San Jose, CA). He participated in triple jump and long jump at the Junior Olympics while in high school." Football, track and long jump...this guy is an athlete. Obviously he has a nice first step at the snap of the ball. With Schobel's injury, he ought to get some time with the first team to see what he can do against starting tackles. Here's to hoping for a diamond in the rough, as you say!
  9. Whenever we talk about this, people always start debating whether or not he can be used more in the offense. I think thats missing the point, which is that we have the NFL's best punt returner, and some people say we should swap him for whatever we can get because he's 'not worth a roster spot.' Thats just preposterous.
  10. You knew when the guy mentioned Peters, Mickey just had to chime in.
  11. Did you notice him in the 2nd preseason game, SD? This guy was all over the field. He, Corey Mace and Copeland Bryan gave me a very pleasant surprise, and im pumped to see if they can follow up the next couple weeks. But here's to hoping.
  12. Major props to Mace. What a huge surprise he was. I'll definitely be looking for him next week.
  13. Parrish? How do you "make room" for a guy who's been on the team 3 or 4 years?
  14. The plan isn't for him to be a situational pass rusher his entire career. The pick was made with more than just this season in mind.
  15. Can't wait for the new Potter, there are some scenes in the book that I'm very intrigued to see on film.
  16. You seem to be underrating the value of an average NFL starting quarterback. The 16th best quarterback on the planet Earth? Yeah, I think I'll take that.
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