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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. I'm trying not to get too high on Jasper. It's not easy
  2. Don't feed the trolls As for having this news getting you worried about our offensive line, you can rest assured Bills fans. You should already know the O-line is going to struggle.
  3. And look how long ago that was! The Bills have emphasized character for years now, ever since Donahoe left.
  4. It's a small market because despite selling out The Ralph we can't make nearly the revenue other teams can from ticket sales. Whether the market is literally small or not geographically doesnt really matter-- the dollars arent there. Still agree we could win with a dedicated owner and good management
  5. When were the Bills loaded with me-first types? I don't see the change you're talking about. And I may be blind but I don't see the 'plan' some others see. I'm not trying to be negative...Buddy seems to be doing a decent job adding talent despite the frugality. Adding talent isn't exactly a plan, its his job description. Maybe I'm missing something.
  6. This. So clear. At least this time he'll be learning the position from Stache rather than G. Edwards, that's night and day. Kelsay for all his shortcomings is a hard worker...maybe he can take an enormous leap up to "mediocre OLB." A guy can dream
  7. Hypothetically, what if a longshot like Jasper pans out? I've seen some Wallers mention the DL Dareus-Jasper-Williams. If you assume the ridiculous for a moment, that Jasper (edit: or Troup) will own the NT spot as soon as this season (edit: or next), it seems like a good way to get what would be our three best linemen on the field. Williams is the right size for a 34 DE. But as far as I know Kyle Williams has only ever played defensive tackle. Sometimes these position changes don't go the way teams and fans expect. That said, what would we expect? A scenario that may well never be relevant but what the hey! Can't wait for opening day, go Bills!
  8. Gave me a bit of a scare getting on here and not seeing a thread title announcing the deal, haha Great posts by Dankenstein and by Kelly. We needed a veteran ILB in the worst way, and it's good to get a guy who knows how to lead and who knows how a winning team functions. This defense looked lackadaisical sometimes. Between Barnett and Merriman (if he can still go) we may have some leadership in the LB corps-- for a moment i thought they might let merriman go it alone. Buddy did well within the budget. Go Bills
  9. Can't we get a new thread now that the deal has been made, so we can get right to the posts made after the signing without sorting through 10 pages?
  10. And I respect your opinion as much as just about anyone here eball, even if we disagree. Here's to hoping I'm dead wrong
  11. Bell has never looked like a starting LT at any point in his young career, healthy or not. Average in pass protection but quite beatable to the good pass rushers, and a complete mess in the run game. I find him to be one of the more overrated Bills on this forum that there is right now...and he's not even rated all that highly. Just because he's young and inexperienced, you don't ASSUME he's going to vastly improve. You could put me at left tackle and say, "He has no experience and no conditioning, he'll improve." My improvement would be irrelevant because I do not and never will have the skills to start at left tackle in the NFL. Could I be Demetrius Bell? Last season was supposed to be the whole new ballgame, after the offseason of pro conditioning and strength training yada yada yada. I'm not holding my breath waiting for this guy to suddenly show competency when he has given us so little reason to believe.
  12. As long as Demetrius Bell is the starting left tackle, I'm not confident.
  13. I think the Kelsay love goes higher up the food chain than Chan.
  14. Wow Heitz that's lower than expected from where I'm sitting, I wonder if he gave them a discount
  15. Well that's what you want on that right side, and we need a road-grater badly-- the run blocking was putrid most of the time last year. This would sure make that Poz pill easier to swallow, but knowing this owner I won't hold my breath...
  16. Is he strictly a right tackle, or capable of swinging to the left?
  17. Why would we bash them as often when they're about half as important?
  18. Bledsoe sure made Peerless Price a lot of money
  19. I like SportsNation, that Michelle Beadle is a cutie and its a fun little program. Cowherd's personality works alright there, though I don't like his radio show either. Too much damn college football
  20. Who was Super Bowl Champion Trent Dilfer's number 1 receiver? I'm sure someone far better than Steve Johnson
  21. Of course it matters, Bill. It just doesn't matter any more in Buffalo than it does in Alabama or anywhere else in my opinion. Every team needs to be prepared for bad weather, whether they play in Buffalo or Green Bay, or San Diego or Jacksonville... I can't agree with this theory that because we play in a couple windy/cold home games towards the end of the regular season, we need to build our team differently than everyone else. San Diego has to go into Kansas City and into Denver every year, do you think its less important for them to run/stop the run than it is for Buffalo?
  22. Who is this guy Scott Chandler, what's his story? I see the name thrown about now and then
  23. The point I got from it was that cold weather, warm weather or no weather you just have to be good to win. Cold weather teams win championships without much of a running game...it just happened a few months ago.
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