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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. I told my family that Bell was the biggest surprise of the afternoon for me, on a day bursting with pleasant surprises. As many have said, you didn't hear much from Hali despite Bell being isolated on him quite a bit. The even BIGGER surprise than that was seeing the way Demetrius went to work in the running game, observed him multiple times controlling his man and throwing key blocks to spring Captain Jackson. Even saw him get to the second level more than once and take LBs out of the play. An impressive performance from a guy I thought was a weak link-- lets hope he can maintain this level of play. Still concerned some with the right side of the line, though there was room for The Captain on the ground today, and he was spot on. I don't know how he (Freddy) spent the offseason but he is significantly better this year than last, and I hope he gets more recognition around the league. It's a good thing Gailey knows how to scheme around so-so pass pro and that the Amish One understands what needs to be done. But overall a much better performance from the guys up front than was expected!
  2. Dave Wannstedt says, "Hello there, Harvey." Haley got those guys because of Pioli, by the way. Charlie Weiss and Romeo Crennel can pick and choose from a great number of different jobs when they go down to the coordinator level. It has nothing to do with Haley's "confidence in himself."
  3. Pretty sure Jeremy's point was exactly the opposite of MD's. Jeremy said Whitner and Poz wanted to be here and MD said they did not. How is that the same? Personally my belief is that Poz wanted to be here and Whitner wanted to leave.
  4. It's sad that Tim, along with so many faithful, long-suffering Bills fans won't be around to taste the day when the Bills make all of us scream out in pride. On that day I will take a moment to revisit this thought in my head. Much of my thought will center around what it will mean to my father, a Buffalo native and member of The Wall. My brother and I remember him as an optimistic "never give up" style fan in the 90s but bitterness has seen him slowly descend into bitching and whining all game, every game, about everything-- even when we're winning. I can't wait to feel the jubilation and share it with my family when that tremendous evening finally comes. My brother and Dad have always said we'd hop in the car and drive 9 hours for the rally so we could also share the moment with all of you. The only birthday wish I've ever made was for a Bills championship. Go Bills. And dammit, LET IT BE THIS YEAR!
  5. Clearly you're not the only one. Look how many Bills fans are just HORRIFIED at the thought of a head coach who truly believes he can win. God forbid!
  6. Yes, it's ridiculous that we don't go add one of the guys Senator mentioned. No, that does not mean you should get angry every time they add a young lineman you've never heard of. Nick Kaczur > Sam Young > nobody Offensive line is our biggest need. We have a lot of bodies at WR. How could it possibly be a bad thing to let Ruvell go and pick up a lineman?
  7. Correct. I laugh every time I read someone saying the opposite.
  8. We have perhaps the worst starting tackles in the NFL. If not, then close. Thats the issue. And Kraig Urbik isn't good either.
  9. Really annoying. I was going to bet Tennessee +3 in Jacksonville's home opener. Now the line is off the board and will move toward Tenny. JAX is awful with or without Garrard
  10. SM I would think is Shawne Merriman. I do think Ralph will be more likely to spend in FA next offseason if we can win 7 or 8 this year, than he was this year coming off a 4-12 season.
  11. Interesting thought Ganesh. Dexter McCluster is an absolute nightmare back there. Dehaven better have the troops playing at a much higher level than we saw at any point in the preseason...
  12. They watch all that formatting junk pretty closely nowadays, its tough to get away with.
  13. Exactly. How we do versus their backs will go a long way toward deciding the outcome.
  14. Gotta be Hangartner. I never heard of this Colin Brown guy until today. For all Geoff's limitations, you'd have a hard time convincing me Brown is the more useful player right now.
  15. Waters take a backup role to some guy named Kraig Urbik? You're dreamin
  16. I'm looking forward to seeing this team with Wood at center. My hope is that we will find it easier to run inside with a center who can move people around as opposed to being pushed backward. Also may help in keeping the blitz and the pressure out of Fitz' face up the middle. Mike Pouncey recently went 15th in the draft. Centers are valued as highly, sometimes higher than guards. They have it right having Hangy run with the 2nd unit. Doesn't mean you have to cut him, he's a servicable backup center. You're creating unnecessary problems for yourself by cutting him IMO
  17. I like Coleman quite a bit as a project but the reality is he's hardly ready to contribute right now past special teams. Moats imo has shown more pass rush ability so far and I'd be a bit surprised to see him cut for Coleman. Moats also has all that college experience lining up with his hand in the dirt, which we love to do with our OLBs. As for the move to the inside, I thought it made sense before Morrison was signed. Who was the first ILB off the bench in case of injury to Barnett or Davis? Torbor? It's easy to see why they gave Wanny a crack at molding Moats into an ILB. But the signing of Morrison should have immediately kicked Arthur back outside. Just the opinions I've pieced together, could be wrong
  18. Florence has had a very up-and-down career arc and looked better last year than he has in the preseason. I really wanted to re-sign this guy. We'll see
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