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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. Nothin' shakin' on Shakedown Street, used to be the heart of town... You da man
  2. Not concerned about versatility to the inside right now, we need pure unadulterated PASS RUSH. I don't follow college football so I can't give you a name, but just get the best damn edge rusher you can (value permitting, as always). Honestly when I hear a guy can play inside in a 34 it downgrades him for our purposes in my mind. Demarcus Ware and James Harrison wouldn't be nearly as effective at ILB as they are at OLB, and that is the kind of linebacker we desperately need. Between Barnett and Shepp we're good up the middle.
  3. A mixture of these "football smarts" and good accuracy (which even our contrarian seems to admit is there) can take a quarterback a long way in this league, elite arm strength or not.
  4. It's a Spiller topic, you can deal with it
  5. Spiller is AWFUL on punt returns, my god.
  6. The Broncos let him go because they have Eric Decker and Demaryius Thomas. When you have that kind of young talent you don't pay big money for a 30 year old Brandon Lloyd. So they did well to clear the way for those guys to get experience and to get something for Lloyd before he'd walk in free agency for nada. In the Rams case, why wouldn't they re-sign him? If they do then it makes sense for them as well.
  7. Brown-eyed women in red grenadine, the bottle was dusty but the liquor was clean... Well played, William
  8. Drop MSW. I suppose if you're in a very deep league you can hold Gibson, but I see Lloyd and Danario Alexander both having more value. Hopefully this deal benefits Eric Decker!
  9. He never actually called it a "past conversation." He called it a "pleasant conversation," "this past weekend." Thanks for posting. I have to say I have close to zero concern about the Bills leaving Buffalo at this point. From what Jimbo, Goodell, a handful of extremely reliable Wallers, and Wawrow have said, I get the impression there is a succession plan in place that is not being made public.
  10. Not sure what the oops is for, but thanks! Fitz is actually a decent actor
  11. When you have a strong locker room with strong leaders and a group of guys who all buy into the team-first mentality, you can take on one player with a checkered past. In order to fit in with his new family, the acquisition has no choice but to fall in line. We've seen it work before, including the case of Moss in New England*. Lloyd can help us on the field. Still don't think it makes sense to give up more than a 5th for a 10-game rental, and not sure if a new contract for Lloyd fits the plan.
  12. I was glad to see your post, the unnecessary apostrophes are a pet peeve. We're not Bill's fans, people, we're Bills fans!
  13. So you don't think it'd be a good sign for our long-term fortunes if a young pass rushing OLB were to have a breakout, 3-sack performance?
  14. This is really the only hole I've found in Donald's game, going up for the ball in the air and winning it. Stevie is very good at this. As you say, he's young and can get there.
  15. Davis definitely does not suck, as others have said. He reads plays and gets to the right spot (sheds blocks) well, and is a solid tackler. When you see an opposing RB get stuffed for a yard or two up the middle, Andra Davis probably got on that ballcarrier at some point.
  16. Great job tooting your own horn regarding your test results, way to be humble. I don't remember claiming to be smarter than anyone. I said "surely you can grasp this" because you haven't yet shown that you do, so I'll keep it simple. It has already been disproven that college accolades alone, even from the SEC, indicate professional success. The arguments from the skeptics on the other hand are based upon very logical concerns gleaned from observation. If you think all Kelly talked about was some elusive "ideal throwing motion," please, read the post. There were multiple legitimate concerns brought up. Your college-accolade-based argument has been rendered useless by a long list of names that included Erik Ainge. If you can't make an argument that doesn't use college accolades as a crutch, you have no data, empirical or otherwise. You have nothing suggesting Tebow isn't another Erik Ainge or Danny Wuerfel, a college hero doomed for professional failure. There is a reason Andrew Luck is considered perhaps the best quarterback prospect in a decade or two, and it is not statistics. Other quarterbacks have produced better stats. It's because he has been OBSERVED to have the combination of physical tools and mental acumen to succeed at the higher level. You need to show not that Tebow (a less accurate passer than Luck) was great in college, which everyone accepts, but why it will translate to the next level. Otherwise you're failing to seperate him from past NFL busts.
  17. Friend, NO ONE is saying Tebow's strong college stats support the notion that he won't be successful. They're saying that it doesn't matter. Surely you can grasp this. Kelly earlier made an intriguing argument that had nothing to do with statistics. Being 100% on the fence on this issue, I'd love to hear an equally-as-compelling argument from the pro-Tebow camp that doesn't make extended use of college accolades. What is it exactly that makes you so sure his game will translate?
  18. Hah I was just reading that post, impressed by how correct you were. To think many of us, myself included, were appalled at the Evans deal
  19. It's all about if we'll have the money to re-sign more important players. Fitz, Freddy, SJ, George Wilson, perhaps Bell (depending on Hairston's development), with Wood and Levitre on the horizon. If we can give Lloyd $6M/year and keep these players I'm all for it, I do think on the field he helps us quite a bit. I just don't know if it's a deal that fits Nix' plan.
  20. It would be a good fit in a football sense as we need a #2 to line up on the outside, who has the versatility to both go over the middle and to go deep. The economics, however, make me think this will not happen. Just doesn't make sense for us to give up a 3rd rounder for a 30-year-old WR on the final year of his deal when we have so many contracts we already need to re-do. I don't think there's enough money to go around to give Lloyd a new deal, and the asking price is too high to bring him in as a 1-year rental. Makes a lot of sense for Washington, they lack playmakers.
  21. Seriously, How long did it take you to come up with that one?
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