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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. I find Skip a blast to watch if you take nothing he says seriously. It's fun to watch him squirm and struggle against a sound logical thinker like Stephen A, I think that's the appeal of the show.
  2. Agreed. Once Anderson was injured and Moore got to play a lot, I thought he was exposed.
  3. Tarvaris Jackson has accomished more in this league than Fitz has, and he doesn't limit the playbook with a noodle arm. The sooner you cut Fitz the sooner you get his contract off the books. Rip off the band-aid, move past this career backup and let TJ compete with the rookie.
  4. Who's to say he didn't already discuss this with the coaches?
  5. Carroll obviously thought more of Wilson than Nix did. He thought Wilson was worth a third round pick, Nix did not. That's not luck, it's positional prioritization and talent evaluation.
  6. Doesn't Mario go around 300 pounds these days? If he doesn't like playing LB, why not just let him play DE even in our 3-man fronts, like Bruce did?
  7. Brad Smith can play WR, QB and KR but doesn't do any of them well. The guy is completely worthless, it has nothing to do with misuse. I look around the league at what passes for a backup QB, and I think Fitz is better than a majority of those guys. Absolutely no harm in keeping him around strictly as the #2. And Wilson may not be perfect, but who's gonna play strong safety? Add it to the long list of needs?
  8. 1bills, you do realize WRs waiting for deep balls is not necessarily an indication of a lack of arm strength? His arm strength has been viewed as a positive everywhere I've looked, so it's possible that's more of an accuracy/touch issue, which can be corrected.
  9. I don't understand what's funny. Who cares what some site called the National Football Post thinks? Nobody is allowed to have a differing opinion?
  10. He already has. Lindell 40+: 7-9, 77.8% Janikowski 40+: 11-14, 78.6% People are underestimating just how good and how consistent Lindell is. edit- and let's keep in mind re: non-attempts that Gailey's judgment is far from infallible. This is the guy who started Trent Edwards over Fitzpatrick after watching them everyday much the same as he did Lindell.
  11. He went 21 for 24 this year. You KNOW he can't kick 50+ because he missed ONE kick in that range the entire season? For !@#$'s sake
  12. Why replace a guy coming off a year where he was 21 out of 24? I'm really happy with Lindell, he's rock solid. He might be getting older but this is the kind of thing you don't worry about until he proves you need to worry.
  13. It's special teams. You're not implementing a philosophy on special teams. Its just coaching a bunch of guys up to cover a kick well and return a kick well. You don't need to like, or even have familiarity with your ST coordinator, you just need someone who can get the job done. He didn't do that in Detroit so I question whether he'll get it done here.
  14. Marrone just hiring people he knows, or what? Four special teams touchdowns allowed in 2 games? Makes it more difficult for me to give benefit of the doubt on the Hackett hire.
  15. The difference is you present your opinion as fact. "Anybody who knows what they're talking about knows he's terrible." You're saying it's a FACT that he's terrible and anyone with a differing opinion is wrong. The post you quoted on the other hand has no absolute statements like that, as it's presented as an opinion.
  16. He should strive to put together a better staff than he had at Syracuse. I hope this is untrue
  17. I'm not buying this. The worry is that it could cause a divide in the locker room-- but somehow I can't envision anyone campaigning through the locker room trying to get Fitz back in.
  18. Not only can Buffalo be his stepping stone to a HC gig someday by working under an offensive head coach (apologies to Marrone), but he'll also have the opportunity to stick it to Rex and his mediocre offense twice a year. Seems like a good fit.
  19. Anybody know of any LB or DL coaches whose stock is rising? I'm guessing the DC will be someone I've never heard of. Horton already has a DC post and Lovie is getting paid as a HC and has no incentive.
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