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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. I remember a ~30 yard drag/crossing route that Edwards hit perfectly at the sideline to set up a game winning kick with seconds remaining. I wanna say it was at Jacksonville, to Peerless Price ? That was a man's throw, and the moment I started to buy in a little bit.
  2. I wonder if this is about them wanting to use more I-formation. I find myself saying as much to the TV every time they line up in Shotgun on 3rd and 1.
  3. Thanks for the breakdown. If he can function well enough to limit negative plays and keep KC from selling out on the run, we'll have a chance. I hope Hackett looks to establish a little something in the passing game early via play action to keep the box open for Freddie and CJ.
  4. You took that one the wrong way. There were posts a few pages back where people were saying they want a coach who doesn't use what we refer to as 'gut calls,' and that got me thinking is all. I'm only suggesting we don't go overboard, far from insulting statisticians.
  5. This is a good thing as long as Marrone views it as only one piece of the puzzle when it comes to game management. I'm a firm believer that you can have say 14:00 on the clock, 4th and 5 on the opponent's 20, and on some days the right call is to go for it and other days the right call is to take 3. If you're at home against Miami and both sides of the ball are on their game, that's different than being at New Orleans and needing to put up as many points as you can, when you can. Is the quarterback playing well? Are we stopping the run? Where is the current momentum of the game and if I go for it how would the momentum change if we get the touchdown, or if we turn it over. etc. I love stats and figures as much as the next science nerd but when you're leading a group of human beings, I think there will always be a place for 'gut calls.' I do suspect Marrone gets it as he seemed to go for it against Cincinnati and then take a field goal at Miami in somewhat similar situations.
  6. Very true. It did seem that Geno might've hurt himself a tad on the pre-draft team visits whereas Manuel likely knocked that stuff out of the park. We will never know for sure.
  7. I don't think there's much chance Manuel gets past the Eagles early 2nd rounder (think it was #35). Chip Kelly tried to recruit Manuel to Oregon, and he seems a much better fit for Kelly than the quarterback they got. Belichick, being close to Kelly, would be aware of this and would know he'd probably need to take EJ at 29 to have much of a shot. Personally I think if the Bills had passed, it would've gotten real interesting in the late 1st with teams trying to go up and get him. There were a few early 2nd round teams that were also candidates like Arizona, Cleveland, Jacksonville.
  8. I agree he looks a lot better than he did last year and has made a few plays for us. Hopefully his escalation continues and we can have one heck of a WR group.
  9. https://www.profootballfocus.com/about/pff-signature-stats/#DropRate Take a look at the table labeled Drop Rate TJ Graham had the second-highest drop rate in the entire NFL last season. With 31 catches and 7 drops, he missed out on about 18.4% of catchable passes. Greater than 1/6 of the time the quarterback put the ball there for Graham, he could not catch the thing. So far this season Graham has dropped at a rate of 12.5% (2 drops, 14 catches, 16 catchable balls). The 10th worst reciever in the NFL last season was just one percent higher at 13.5%. This is a WR who so far ranks near the bottom of the league in terms of simply catching passes which are there to be caught. This happens because despite playing WR his whole life, Graham still has a nasty habit of basket-catching. I know from memory that at least one of Graham's two drops this year was for exactly this reason. If you watch Goodwin closely in his limited exposure in preseason and so far in the real games, you'll notice that (despite not playing WR much in college) he consistently catches the football with his hands UP. On top of this Graham is prone to mental lapses. We all know he cost us an opportunity to beat New England last season with poor route running resulting in an INT. There were also times in the first half of last season where Graham didn't know where to line up on the field. There's also the kick return this season which he mis-played in the endzone, still ran out for an unknown reason, and was smothered inside the 10 yard line. We both know kick returning doesn't matter, but it's another example of how Graham's head falls out of the game making him prone to !@#$ing up. At the same time I've been pleasantly surprised by Graham's play overall this year. I think he put a ton of work in over the offseason to improve his blocking. He came up huge as a reciever against Cincinnati and played an outstanding football game. He made a huge play for Thad in the 1st quarter at Miami and showed ability to get yards after catch. He's cut the drop rate some, and though it's not good enough imo because it still ranks close to the league's worst, it's a good start, it's progress. At the same time Goodwin is already a better blocker, because he's tougher despite being smaller. He's already a significantly better pass-catcher. Graham's best trait, his straight-line speed, is lesser than that of Goodwin. We haven't seen enough of him to say this with any certainty but I am not anticipating the same rookie mistakes (aka bonehead plays) that Graham has toiled with. Call me inept, but I see certain things that Goodwin does better than TJ Graham, and I don't see anything Graham does better than Goodwin to even the scales. The big question I have about Goodwin is whether his body can hold up; if it can I'm confident he will be the smarter, hungrier, more consistent football player, despite his size. I'm sure it doesn't come off this way but I wholeheartedly root for TJ Graham every time he steps on the field. The guy frustrates me though, with issues that this year's crop of rookies do not seem to suffer from. I'm glad he's on our team because I believe the long-term plan is to run a lot of run-n-shoot type stuff when EJ is ready for it, and Graham is good enough as a deep threat that he'll be able to pull safeties away from our playmakers in the slot.
  10. If we win this game I can only imagine what the home crowd will be like against KC. Gets me pumped thinking about watching that game coming off a win @NO. NFL's a crazy place
  11. Maybe since on the other side of the ball we have an OC who has never coached in the NFL and inexperienced quarterbacks, the offense will improve as the season progresses. I also wonder if our run D will get better as the game slows down more for Kiko. These things could compensate for a potential dropoff in takeaways, and help keep those skin of the teeth wins coming.
  12. Yeah he deserves credit for fighting and competing for us the way he has but imo he doesn't quite have the natural ability to be a great corner. Can't wait to see him back at safety, he was killing it there.
  13. I've had Blind Bills Faith in a ton of players but Losman and McKelvin stand out as players I really thought I knew something about. Leodis did play at a high level very end of last season but we'd seen him run hot/cold before and I couldnt buy in. He's become an excellent cover corner for us, learned to track the ball yes but also presses better, and is more consistent in coverage. He hasn't been burned on a double move yet! With he, Gilmore, Brooks, Robey, CB is a done deal. Bargain contract too D. Bell. Oh the shame Count me among those who got excited about Bradham. There's a good lesson here I have to say Whitner too. Just thought he'd be better, in every way.
  14. Good point. They're only eyes, WNY. Your other senses will compensate, you'll be fine, man.
  15. Some did not notice because he didn't record a sack but Mario completely dominated the 1st quarter of this game, in addition to the 4th. Had the rush on Robey's interception, drew a holding penalty that brought back a Miami first down completion, and forced an early throw several other times. I can't express how awesome it was to watch a Buffalo Bills defensive lineman dominate a game so thoroughly.
  16. Here's our competition for that spot: Jets Dolphins Chargers Raiders Texans Titans Jags Ravens Steelers Browns Jets are the only ones playing better ball than we are right now imo
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