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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. writeup on Cedric Reed http://www.buffalobillsdraft.com/2014/09/2015-nfl-draft-prospect-to-watch-cedric-reed-de-texas/
  2. I'm interested in Ben Koyack, TE from Notre Dame. This profile makes him sound like a pro-ready run blocker with the necessary athleticism and hands to develop as a receiver. http://www.nfl.com/draft/2015/profiles/ben-koyack?id=2552396
  3. When his name popped up I was just so relieved to finally acquire an offensive lineman. I'd still like RT help but at least we have 'hope' at all 5 positions now. Interesting that he sounds like such a mauler in the run game without being much more than 300 lbs. Roman must love this!
  4. Thanks again, sorry to ask you to repeat yourself. I'm going to look up your thread on OTs as well as that's a big position of concern to me- there's certainly hope for Henderson with better coaching, but counting on him to start with no alternative when we have QB issues and need to run the ball seems very risky. The fact they chased Bulaga hard tells me the coaches have their reservations too. Re: Jackson I'm a sucker for road grading type guards who can move big DL around but I may be behind the times there. I gather that pulling and movement in general will be important for OGs under Roman. Also off topic sorta but I'd be open to TE in the 3rd too. Your description of Jarvis Harrison intrigues me because I think we can find value in those types with Rex on helm. Ryan has things 9n his resume that could give one pause, but one thing he does well is motivate and get players to buy into the program. Due diligence really is due and it's gotta be case by case, of course. On pins and needles here like everyone else so thanks for your thoughts, and GO BILLS!
  5. Thanks for adding your updated mock, bandit. If you have the time... Do you see Cann as a fit for Roman's system? Also I'm wondering if you see Tre Jackson as an early third rounder, or will he slide in part due to the knee concerns. If the Bills do go DL at 50 would you want Jackson in the 3rd?
  6. He was awful. Quality execs turn things around and WIN GAMES in a year or two in the NFL. A fine scout in way over his head as the trigger man.
  7. Agreed. Throw in Robey, and Brooks who's no All-Pro but does belong in the league, plus Cockrell, I don't think I've ever seen the Bills so deep at corner.
  8. If they get another WR I think Hogan is toast. Watkins-Harvin-Woods-NewGuy-Easley. Not sure they can keep more than 5 considering all the guys at RB/HB/FB/TE that Roman will want, and all the front 7 defenders that Ryan will want. Agree with those who think we don't need another WR though.
  9. I think RT as a need gets overlooked. Everybody says guard and then we're good but you could make a case that Urbik is a better player than Henderson right now. I'd like the both of them to be backups.
  10. ESPN did a fascinating piece on him years ago in which he returned to his hometown. Think it was an E:60. He has an amazing story, talk about coming from nothing.
  11. I totally agree. We saw what happens just last season when you have a great defense and a crap offense. Well with Cassel or EJ, we know our passing game is limited and the run needs to carry us. I think if we're serious about challenging for the division we can't afford to just be good enough on the offensive front. It's not about filling holes on the depth chart when it comes to this position, this season. Without a very good quarterback we have no choice, we have to be able to dominate the point of attack for 60 minutes or we will lose games. Incognito, Wood and a (typical) mid-level FA is not a dominant interior. I know Lou Potty is a bully- if there's another one out there who is cheaper then great. But imo we gotta get one if we have the chance.
  12. This is more crucial to making the playoffs than Hughes is, in my opinion.
  13. Not having a QB of course doesn't mean you can spend endlessly. My point was basically that I don't think Hughes will help significantly because our pass rush will be nearly league-best whether he's there or not. I'd rather bring in multiple top-level offensive players so that we're capable of scoring points. But I digress.
  14. He is, but he made the same error with the Jets in putting too much emphasis on the defense at the expense of the offense. This is where a GM, Team President or Owner needs to step in and say I have confidence then you can produce one of the best defenses in the league as currently constructed, let's use that 8-9 million to build a running game and make a real run.
  15. Right my point is there are players available who will help us score points, which I feel makes more sense. Rex Ryan simply doesn't need Hughes in order to produce one of the best pass rushes in the league. He's done it in the past with less than Mario, Kyle and Dareus. We have real weaknesses and instead are breaking the bank to make our strength a little stronger.
  16. We can't sign Hughes and also sign Iupati, Demarco Murray, and Julius Thomas. Hughes may well get more money than any of those guys. Lack of a franchise quarterback aside, I'd much rather add a marquee offensive player who's going to balance the team out a bit and help us score points, than Hughes who is just going to make an outstanding defense a little outstandinger. Again Hughes or not, our record will depend on whether we get it together on offense. We shouldn't IMO be foregoing the best halfback in the league or the best guard in the league for ANY defensive player, let alone Hughes.
  17. He does play with a chip on his shoulder and is very good, however I still don't think we need him. We have Dareus, Kyle, and Mario already. We have the best pure defensive coach in the NFL who has proven he doesn't even need good pass rushers to have a quality pass rush. Our defense is going to be excellent with or without Hughes. Either way it's the best personnel Ryan has had since he was in Baltimore. Our offense is garbage. We need another starting OG, a starting OT, a TE who can both block and catch, a young halfback and a starting quarterback. How many games we win will depend on how much we improve the offense, not on whether we have the best defense or the best best defense. That 9 mil or whatever it'll be can be better allocated in my opinion. No slight on Hughes. This over-emphasis on the D is a mistake Rex made in NJ, and it's scary.
  18. I've been wondering if Grey could be a fit for a role similar to what Delanie Walker did in Roman's offense in SF.
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