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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. And maybe we're not quite at that point with Wood yet, but he does seem to get quite a bit of chatter and I saw a poster in the last couple days talk about drafting a center next year and I don't think that got much pushback. Whereas Wood seems to get a lot of the flack that's due to him, Henderson and his lazy, fake-hustle approach seems to fly under the radar. To me, the pair of them are easily the worst starters we have.
  2. My thought was that there doesn't seem to be many left who think he's good. If everyone knows he's overrated then he's not anymore.
  3. Yessir! Beat me to it. What a play from Mr. Watkins on a ball thrown way behind him to win us a ball game.
  4. I like a lot of what you're saying, I'm a Taylor vote but agree this team would have a chance to win with Cassel or EJ too. I'm curious what you've seen of Taylor that makes it clear he's an unpolished QB. From the glimpse we've gotten so far, to me he has surprisingly good pocket awareness and looks confident and accurate. I would agree we just don't know with him one way or the other.
  5. All good sir you may be right about that. In the case of a disappointing 2015 it's gonna be difficult to become an entrenched franchise guy in 2016 with a handpicked 1st rounder waiting in the wings.
  6. Fair enough that all seems accurate, I just thought it seemed redundant with EJ not looking like the starter.
  7. Well you asked if he's gonna become a franchise quarterback this year, at a time when he was clearly third in the competition. I kinda thought to myself 'Is this really necessary Kirby? Obviously he's not becoming a franchise QB if he's not playing.' What I love is that through 2 games all 6 QB shifts have been pretty good. That speaks well of Roman and his staff. I can't wait to see the system Roman has cooked up for Tyrod.
  8. The ball to the endzone for Thompson was underthrown, it being nearly caught was only a result of the DB failing to turn around and trying to defend blind. If it's thrown to the back of the endzone it's 6 points. Taylor's throw to the endzone for Thompson last week though was a good ball in a tight window. I think Tyrod has shown enough efficiency to be named the starter and get the reps going forward. If he's comparable to Cassel and EJ as a passer, tie should go to Taylor for the added mobility element he gives Roman. That stuff opens things up for everyone else and helps the team win, especially with a coach who uses it so well. This offense has a chance to be dangerous!
  9. I see you Tyrod! Excellent sideline ball on an out to Deonte Thompson for 22 on 3rd & 6, so far so good.
  10. If you can't get all in with Rex, you're one of those poker players who has their stack blinded out. Year 3 and now with competent coaching my boy needs to turn that potential into production. For a guy like Goodwin to make it he's gonna have to really want it, no doubt. Go Bills
  11. He's put in the work to make himself a heck of a blocker despite a natural disadvantage there. I wouldn't be shocked if he hears footsteps after all the injuries but would certainly hope it doesn't go as far as consciously skating by.
  12. I know they were thinking that way in Houston last year, lol Don't let the past ruin the present Marquise!
  13. Interesting stuff Badol. He doesn't seem to have had the standout camp this year that he did in his first two, dropping more passes. I thought when he first showed up he tracked deep balls easily and naturally. Still hoping the little guy can get it together though the clock is ticking.
  14. Not sure but I think Mario and Hughes will be two slightly different positions once we unleash the real defense. Could see Carrington backing up the Mario role and Enemkpali behind Hughes.
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