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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. I think they're gonna use Graham and Rambo, if not then Brooksy gets a shot. I don't see Rex after what he went through last year playing a rookie who isn't ready at CB against Luck and those WRs. could easily be wrong of course, no sources deep within.
  2. With Schwartz it worked because our guys fit his system perfectly. With Rex it will work because he can play any system.
  3. Clay for me too, I couldn't be more pumped to see him make plays for us. A matchup nightmare positioned right in front of the quarterback, now that's how you make an inexperienced QB's life easier.
  4. An unproven qb doesn't necessarily create a ceiling. What if he does that annoying thing and goes ahead and proves himself.
  5. Curious about Easley too, you never know if the guy may get it together. That'd be pretty f'n cool.
  6. The advantage is you get to have a QB who has done this before.
  7. Another thought on this, I have to respectfully disagree with your reason why you don't see it around the league. We have -one of the best rosters in the NFL top to bottom (ready to win) -a starting quarterback who is a complete unknown -a backup quarterback who is a complete unknown These decisions are not made in a vacuum. If Seantrel Henderson is a starting left tackle it decreases (but by no means eliminates) the value Cordy Glenn has to our team. Likewise, the circumstances above give Cassel value to the Buffalo Bills in particular.
  8. If the Bills did keep Cassel, where roughly would you think they rank in terms of total cap money devoted to the quarterback position?
  9. I think quite a bit of EJ. There is nothing I'd like more than to see this team go to the playoffs with EJ Manuel establishing himself as a franchise quarterback! It would be sweeter for me personally than it would be to see Tyrod do the same because on top of finally seeing the Bills get strong quarterback play and wins, it would mean personal vindication with my dad and brother- few things in this world are more appealing to a Jewish man like myself. I think you're pointing to the line "the last time he played he gave us no chance to win," but fear you've misconstrued the meaning. The last game he played he gave us no chance to win, and a relatively strong preseason following a shaky training camp is what it is. EJ has made clear progress and that is a beautiful thing! Hopefully he's ready to fulfill his potential. Consider that if EJ followed the career path of Tyrod or Aaron Rodgers he'd still be sitting on the bench for two more full seasons. Acknowledging he may or may not be ready is a far cry from writing the young man off.
  10. Could you be thinking of Stephania Bell? http://espnmediazone.com/us/bios/josina-anderson/
  11. It's not only his mentorship. Consider that Tyrod has never played real NFL football and the last time EJ tried it he gave us no chance to win. Both have a ton of natural ability and looked good in preseason but why assume they can start in this league before you actually see it? Is starting a QB who has never played NFL football not risky enough? It's so outrageously easy to cover our bases in case we're wrong / injuries, all we'd need to do is not cut a guy.
  12. Now this is funny, eball. This is humor. Here I'm labeled an EJ hater simply because I don't think it makes sense for this team to subtract reliable quarterbacks. In my family I'm an EJ fanboy who regularly invokes eyerolls for voicing belief in the kid and talking about him as a legitimate prospect. Shows how insane the partisanship has gotten on this young man. Either get giddy or get lost!
  13. I thought Urbik played well at guard for Incognito the first game, would be very surprised to see him go.
  14. Ha we'll see if that's just the writing on The Wall. I'd prefer to keep him just in case but Tyrod looks ready to make him expendable.
  15. TEs can both block and catch- yes you bring them in because its a running set but the defense still knows they have to cover the guy in case of play action, don't wanna give up 10-15 yards for no reason. Kyle or Kouandjio the defense can pretty much ignore. Maybe not a big deal to Roman as he's more focused on the running game?
  16. I'll be irked if we let either of em go. EJ the physical prototype 1st round pick who's clearly getting better as time marches, and Cassel the only QB we have who you can be certain will get the ball out on time and accurately. Dropping either one seems to do more harm than good.
  17. Hah that is true! Touche. At the same time I just can't help myself- overrated, dear eball, is when there's a difference in perceived value vs. actual value. Any player you and I perceive as having value can theoretically be overrated. Disagreements can be a wonderful, productive thing, you don't have to agree with the viewpoint but the opinion is perfectly plausible
  18. Someone has an opinion an accepted starter is overrated, let me cry about it
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