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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. I thought throwing (even short) on first down could've helped against the NYG. We kept running our way into third and longs, on which Tyrod had no chance, partially because we couldn't protect and partially because we didn't get him in rhythm. I believe we had 5 or 6 three and outs in that first half.
  2. Something I've been telling anyone who will listen in person is I believe Chan Gailey is a good offensive coordinator but a mismatch for the Jets personnel. NYJ have a limited quarterback, a big bruising HB who I love in Ivory, a pretty good offensive line, a blocking TE, and big physical wide receivers. This is a team built for run sets and power plays, and then to work the passing game off of the run via play action. In other words, a team built for Greg Roman. Instead, Gailey is lining up in the spread, which doesn't suit their halfback's style and doesn't take advantage of their O-line, and Fitz has thrown too many passes in some games. Contrast this with the Bills. An explosive quarterback with both arm and legs. A ridiculously shifty, but smaller HB. Athletic matchup nightmare TE. Two quick matchup nightmare WRs in Watkins and Harvin, and another strong all around receiver in Woods. Could the Bills make better use of all these weapons by lining up in the spread more? Giving McCoy more space to shake n bake with, giving Taylor more room to move as well, and using our strong athleticism as the engine of the offense. It seems like instead, we're trying to force our O-line to be the engine. I offer no stats but we seem to be running the ball on 1st down quite a bit. In this league, in order to be a team that lines up in run sets and runs first to set up the pass, you will need to run successfully at times even when the defense lines up to stop the run. We don't have the offensive line G-Ro had out in the bay, yet we seem to be proceeding as if we do. Against soft defenses like the Colts and Dolphins it's one thing- against active defenses like NE* and the Giants we wasted the whole 1st half failing to run, put ourselves in a hole, then opened it up and started scoring too little too late. Power running just doesn't seem to make the offense's greatest strengths the focal point of the attack. I say spread the D out, use to the fullest our athleticism at WR/TE and give Taylor and McCoy more room to operate in the run game. This de-emphasizes our mediocre-to-crappy offensive line while emphasizing our superior players at other positions. Really I want to hear your thoughts though. Go Bills.
  3. Agreed. Roman spent a number of years collecting plays that utilize an athletic TE and we're reaping the benefits.
  4. Aye, I forgot which thread this is. And of course we weren't 100% healthy in our wins, nobody ever is.
  5. This just comes off like lip service to appease the masses after people were unhappy with his lack of accountability after the game. Why in the world would it take him another day to realize penalties are bad? Refs have always sucked. Remember when Andre Reed got a 15 yard penalty for standing up? Cost us a playoff game for crying out loud. Still burns up my stomach when I think about that chickensh*t call.
  6. So we're only good when 100% healthy? In other words, never. I sure hope this isn't the case.
  7. It needs to be hammered in every day of the week before the game. Make discipline and focus a point of emphasis and these hungry players will catch on and respond accordingly. Why this hasn't already happened 4 weeks into the season, I do not know.
  8. People are actually scared of this clown. The guy who ordered his players to carry him off the field. LEADERSHIP right there He's a good coordinator but not a great one- no adaptivity. He needs the elite 4-man front that we have. When he had merely a very good 4-man front in DET, didn't work out so well...
  9. Not slow but maybe emotional right now? No worries, we all are. Not that you asked but my advice is to just read what's actually written and stick to it. We'll never reach the playoffs if we have double digit penalties every game. Rex needs to either improve on this or go. And the way he is with the media, and how the same thing has gone on for a quarter of the regular season now, I'm not sure he gets it. Nobody is calling for him to be fired, it's early and there's a lot to like but it's well worth talking about.
  10. I believe in the Boob. We finally gave him carries he didn't get in SF and he had a higher average than Fred or CJ, 4.1 in a less than dynamic rushing attack. The team, including Roman seems to be good with him and I am too. He runs hungry and finishes the play and is tough to tackle whenever he can move downhill. I like his vision/decision making. He has 8 or so carries this year and a good chunk are short yardage plays that got blown up and a shotgun draw that went the same way. Not a bellcow but I think can produce in our power running offense. He may not be full speed from that calf injury yet. This usually comes in time. Re-posted from another thread. I'll just add that there's very little mileage on the tires here, so I see no reason to think he won't recover fully from the calf at some point and be the solid hand he was last year.
  11. And you have Thigpen hanging around, Goodwin, Clay looks phenomenal with the ball in his hands and of course Taylor. Roman may have some things up his sleeve to help out.
  12. I believe in the Boob. We finally gave him carries he didn't get in SF and he had a higher average than Fred or CJ, 4.1 in a less than dynamic rushing attack. The team, including Roman seems to be good with him and I am too. He runs hungry and finishes the play and is tough to tackle whenever he can move downhill. I like his vision/decision making. He has 8 or so carries this year and a good chunk are short yardage plays that got blown up and a shotgun draw that went the same way. Not a bellcow but I think can produce in our power running offense. He may not be full speed from that calf injury yet. This usually comes in time. Watkins is a matchup nightmare. We have Harvin and Clay which helps the medicine go down but Sam is the kingpin. Coordinators who don't already know will soon learn they need to account for 14 at all times.
  13. Totally agree with this, it's startling how much this has changed in so short a time.
  14. You are. You keep presenting the narrative as if the Bills just happened to sign Tyrod and it was pure luck. There is always an element of luck in how newly-acquired players turn out- no one is "embarrassed" by this. its always a given. Whaley spoke early on about going in a little-talked-about direction at quarterback. This team had their eye on Tyrod Taylor as a possible starter early in the process, prior to his signing. That is the part where you're selling them short.
  15. Fair enough, but there is nothing to support the claim that the Bills didn't aggressively pursue Tyrod.
  16. McCown was available (and signed?) before Tyrod became a free agent, due to his release from the Bucs. To me it reads like they wanted Tyrod vs. Veteran QB all along, with McCown first choice to be the vet and Cassel the runner up. edit- McCown did sign with Cleveland March 2nd, 8 days before the league year.
  17. Thanks for the link. Maybe you're right and I'm skewed by the last 2 years, though I have a hard time believing there was ever a time CJ was more elusive than Shady McCoy (15th on their list) or Fred Jackson (14th). He did have chances (not enough of them) under Marrone to make one guy miss and gain a chunk, and failed, whereas Fred was still able to do this regularly. Also interesting to see Mr. Bryce Brown 6th on their list.
  18. I am questioning his potential. These undersized speed backs need to evade tacklers to be worth using instead of someone with more power who can get tough yards. CJ has no shake n bake to his game, just speed. The first tackler gets him virtually every time. Then throw in suspect vision, anticipation, timing, balance.
  19. I had high hopes for CJ but he's a fast little scatback without a lick of actual elusiveness. Who ever heard of such a thing? A speed back who never makes a tackler miss? lol. Hard to find a role for players who offer nothing other than speed...
  20. lol need to get humble and focused, no doubt. those penalties are killers. I still think this D will dominate on some days.
  21. yeah I think it's the biggest thing for him. The 1st half would've gone a lot more smoothly if he'd have done a better job of that alone. He's so close to being really freakin good.
  22. Game plan Sunday was lacking but all the same, I can't wait to see this defense against a QB who isn't Luck or Brady*. Agreed, there will be some blowout wins this year when mediocre quarterbacks have no answer for what we bring.
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