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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. Yep. We also had a timeout- we could have ran the ball multiple times rather than giving Tyrod one chance with 8 seconds left.
  2. I count 5 or 6. Dareus, Hughes, Gilmore, Darby, Graham, Lawson. Aaron Williams a potential seventh. If we were in a base 4-3 rather than Rex' antiquated two-gap run stopping scheme (which the rest of the league is moving away from in favor of a one-gap pass rush), then Kyle Williams would be added to the list (8) and re-signing Bradham would be logical (9).
  3. Yep, all we can do is hope. This is the first year of this awful drought that I have to desperately hope I'm wrong rather than desperately hope I'm right. Hey wait maybe we ARE on to something I see you. I do not see it that way though, needless to say.
  4. What I continue to believe is true TBC is that you're debating the exploits of two different types of turds. I think this is a team as talented as any in the NFL that, despite mismanagement, dragged two bad head coaches kicking and screaming to middling records. We've had bad coaches heading our Bills for a long time but its also been many years since we gave those bad coaches a strong roster on both sides of the ball like we are now, hence the slightly better results post-Gailey. Mike Mularkey circa '04 (who I was real excited about after 9-7 in his first season) just told me this concept sounds familiar to him. Players' coach vs. disciplinarian is always an intriguing conversation but in this case I think its worth remembering how terrible you have to be to play Colin Brown at guard over half a season. That we can even debate Rex vs. Marrone is quite damning of Rex' ability as a head coach. I don't know about you but I want for the Bills a coach who is not even in the same ballpark as Doug "New York Guy" Marrone and who, with comparable talent, would leave Dougster coughing on fumes rather than finishing even worse.
  5. I'm painfully aware of this, reddogblitz. There isn't a day that goes by I'm not scheming a way to end this drought. I'm also aware the great future Hall of Famer who is Doug Marrone went 9-7 with a less talented team. Rex lost 8 games with what should have been a playoff team. thanks for the correction
  6. Well that's what happens when you lose 9 games with a playoff team.
  7. Not a great coach but obviously better than we have now, obviously.
  8. Dibs, What is so awful about the idea of bringing in another football mind for the GM to report to? Not being a football guy, Pegula may not know whether Whaley can be trusted to build the team or not. So if he can find someone he does trust to make a better decision for him, I hardly see the harm in this. Whaley has an eye for talent, he's not afraid to be bold and he has a lot of good ideas, but is lacking somewhat in experience. I think Whaley with another football mind above him to filter his ideas for him could be a winning formula.
  9. Why did we run out the clock on ourselves at the end of the first half? I would not expect to see that kind of incompetence in high school football. Forty seconds left on 3rd and 1 we don't go no huddle and don't call timeout. We could have run the ball into the endzone on multiple tries. Instead they huddle up and take their sweet time while the clock goes from 40 seconds to 8. Tyrod with no time left to operate forces it into the endzone and instead of 7 points we get zero for no reason other than idiotic coaching.
  10. It's the same players who made up the best defense in the league a year ago when they had a coach who stayed out of their way.
  11. The defensive personnel is not average, not above average, not good, not even great, but elite. Nothing has changed there since last season except they are now poorly coached. Best defensive line in all of football, and an excellent secondary. A little help at linebacker wouldn't hurt. Elite on defense, average to above average on offense has our personnel looking good in my opinion. Gotta get better on the o line.
  12. Nova you poor thing man. I know where you're at, it was tough for me to accept losman was a loser. Know that there are better days ahead, my friend.
  13. if Rex is never hired then mario plays the proper position and gets 10+ sacks just like he did the three prior years. In this scenario nobody forgets how great a player he is and he gets restructured rather than cut.
  14. I fear I'm missing your point. If Miller checks out with the doctors and the coaches prefer him, why wouldn't he play?
  15. I completely agree. Looks like Rex is about to do the same as marrone or slightly worse, despite a better roster than marrone had. That's poor coaching.
  16. Does Greg Roman know what hurry up offense means? Because we should have been in one the whole 4th quarter.
  17. Well not if KC goes 5-1. Then they are 10-6 to Buffalo's 9-7. We have to beat KC plus see them lose to one of the losing record teams they play (Raiders x2, Chargers, Ravens, Browns). Then they are 9-7 and we take the tiebreaker. Also Houston winning out makes them a division winner and irrelevant for us, in which case we look at Indy. If we beat KC and Houston it probably all takes care of itself, just need a little help with the Chiefs. edit oh you meant winning out after we beat them maybe. Yeah you're right nevermind
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