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2020 Our Year For Sure

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Everything posted by 2020 Our Year For Sure

  1. Their personnel was really lacking the last few seasons. For a long time they just kept losing great players all over their defense and on the offensive line, guys like strahan, osi, tuck, diehl, and it kept getting worse. I don't blame coughlin much for what happened there. His staff coached circles around ours this year.
  2. You are so right. How do you arrive at this? He was a fine starting corner when last he tried it 2 years ago. I think he's a strong nickel back.
  3. His age already limits the length of the deal and by extension the signing bonus, I feel like a good agent won't allow it to also limit annual take. His camp will argue the short, lower risk deal we get as a result of his age should pay the player what he's worth. Take some off the top for off the field concerns but that'll only go so far at this point. In my opinion his annual compensation shouldn't be too far from the top guards in the league, maybe 5 or 6 million, maybe a bit higher.
  4. Two years / 7.5m seems awfully low, to me, for a top 5-7 guard in the league. Even if you wanna say top 10. That puts Incog at less than 4m while Iupati signed for 8m annually. Incognito's age = shorter deal = lower signing bonus = less risk to the team. But his strong play means he's worth at least half a Lou Potty, imo. Around 5m, maybe a bit more seems fair to both sides.
  5. Wouldn't Gilmore's cap hit decrease if we were to reach a deal?
  6. I was one of them, thought they might make use of him as an h-back type.
  7. I hope you're right. There's certainly room on the depth chart to add young talent at any of the 3 positions.
  8. Why use another first round pick on a stay at home lineman. The run d was fine last year. All we really need on the line is a nose tackle. At one end is dareus and the other we have Wynn, Charles and Bryant. what do you expect to change with another two gapper? Linebackers are the playmakers of this defense and are sorely lacking. BPA is great but needs to be kept in context. If their highest grade is on a punter or fullback that won't be the pick. BPA really means BPA at a position of priority.
  9. They go all-in on personnel 2 consecutive years, with coaches who hold them back.
  10. Great post, you may well be right. I had thought other TEs were doing a lot more than he did, but looking at his pace through 12 games he would've finished 10th in both catches and yards. I understand you're not a stat guy and that he contributes to the offense in other ways but when you spend money on an elite tight end there is of course some expectation of pass catching. Clay was my favorite pickup last offseason contract and all, never doubted the player himself is worth the deal. I just sometimes wonder if there's a disconnect between the way the offense is assembled and the way it goes to battle- doesn't seem to be the case here to any great extent. Sorry about that. Interesting.
  11. I agree completely. edit- My bet is he's hoping Roman and Tyrod can get more than 40 yards a game from this matchup nightmare as time goes on.
  12. Agreed. But when you pay a guy as an elite TE, you don't just completely ignore what kind of production you get from him. Again, watch, if he continues to get 40 yards a game, Whaley won't let him make 9m a year for very long. Its not like his production has to be exactly in line with his contract, but ballpark it. When a guy is paid as an elite tight end, some receptions, yards and touchdowns should follow, no?
  13. He belongs there if we get production from him like he's capable of. We can talk about versatility and blocking and how the defense has to account for him lining up different places but its flat-out stupid to pay 9m a year just for that. If he gets 40 yards a game Whaley won't let him go on sucking 9m a year from our available cap for very long. For a guy as big and as quick as he is, with his hands and elusiveness, we should be able to get a lot more from him than we did last year.
  14. Thank you, seems fair enough I guess but only if we get a good deal more from him than 40 yards a game.
  15. 9m for the rest of his contract? We really overpaid him, didn't we.
  16. Manny keeps proving himself overlooked. Im looking at you, Jim Schwartz. Go get em 91
  17. How good of a run blocker do you think he can be? its cool that he was 7th in bench reps at something around 300 lbs, and those aren't empty reps, they show on the field. He's 1 of probably 2 linemen we have with the power to really exert his will and move people around. Still has to smooth out some technique and he's not the most bendy or agile, it seems. What do you think is holding him back? Because we run so much and throw so little I'm wondering if Miller will have more value for us than for other teams who are going with the rule changes/league trend and throwing it more. I'd be against Miller truly being the lone option at guard but Urbik will have to do as a safety net for another year, considering the salary cap situation. To get a clear no-doubt upgrade over Urbik the Bills would have to spend significant money that isn't in the budget. I do think the Bills should remain open to all OL positions if one happens to be their BPA.
  18. I agree with your conclusion, but a ball going through the wickets is different than missing a kick the player has missed every single time he's attempted it.
  19. You like the dead? My man. Just wish I coulda seen that band beyond description before Jerry departed.
  20. That was only true once they hired idzik. Prior to that Rex held influence over which positions were prioritized, as a head coach should, and nearly all do.
  21. Chandler vs gragg would be a better question. I'm interested in getting another versatile inline tight end. Might free Clay to be more hbacky on some snaps, and take advantage of that running ability. He runs with it better than he high points IMO, not surprising with his background. Agreed he's one of the better ones out there, tough to matchup with and can block. I hope we get more from him. I don't feel compelled to respond.
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