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Everything posted by bizell

  1. heh. Philly, the place where they had a jail/courtroom built into the stadium, of all places to talk about this. Okay.
  2. I think Jenkins is actually playing safety for them.
  3. i could see the saints putting up 50.. but if reggie bush has a big game rushing... sigh. that'd be embarrassing.
  4. man, I really hope Everette Brown does well. I followed him @ FSU and he was one of my favorite players.
  5. Love it. It pokes fun at the mouth breathers that have no leg to stand on (nor brain to think with) and just parrot out the phrase, "BUT HE HAS POISE!"
  6. even though this isn't about the topic, i cannot stand when someone/something is being described as 'poised' or 'having poise' anymore. i immediately go into an eye roll, mainly due to the people that justified trent edwards' non-producing by him having a lot of 'poise'. (fyi, this was a year or two ago)
  7. one game does not a career make (nor does it shake a label); however, if edwards keeps putting up games like last game, then he'll definitely shake the 'no arm' and 'captain checkdown' labels.
  8. heh. i remember last year, during the 4-0 streak, people were clamoring for him to sign a contract in the peyton manning range.
  9. living in central florida, that is pretty much correct. where jax is, most people either a. care about the gators b. care about the seminoles c. care about the dolphins.
  10. damnit. This sucks all ass.
  11. that pass was absolutely beautiful. perfectly placed, with the right trajectory for TO to run under it... and let it clank off his hands.
  12. I noticed that McCoy and Hovan were not hesitant to do extra shoving, grinding an arm into a guy as he's lying on the ground, etc. Also boo to Gaines Adams for ripping off Edwards' helmet on that QB sneak.
  13. i'm not him, but i think i know where he was going with this. i'm thinking he thought the #1 that NE was receiving was going to be next year's. hence, the more the raiders win this year = the lower pick new england receives next year.
  14. why shouldn't we think that? new orleans has a BAAAAAD defense.
  15. Thanks for the posting assessment. I'm cautiously optimistic. This game is definitely a building block to (hopefully) great things to come.
  16. i'd say on both passes to evans there was a little too much loft.
  17. oh, absolutely. to say that i despise the cowboys would be an understatement.
  18. I dunno if you can accurately judge a defensive lineman's performance by the number of tackles, etc but I do know Tampa Bay had a tough time running the ball. case in point: everyone is lauding Kyle Williams' play today (as they should, he was a beast), but guess what his stat line was? 1 tackle, 1 assist.
  19. the bucs didn't do so great today... shrug.
  20. well, i'm sure we can all agree about this: he handily outplayed the other team's qb
  21. IMO, he played his best game as a Buffalo Bill. Too bad TO dropped that gorgeous spiral that hit him perfectly in the hands in stride. Hey, he's capable of throwing the ball further than 10 yards down the field! From the parts of the game I was able to see (about 3/4ths of the game), I couldn't really notice him do anything bad. grade for the game: A
  22. unless we have another Evans on our team, he caught a 32 yard touchdown
  23. Yeah, as someone said earlier, Penn is a either 7th rounder or UDFA who got pressed into playing either 1 or 2 years ago due to injury. He never relinquished the spot, as he has done an excellent job.
  24. heh, after stevens caught a pass w/ about 1 min left, you can hear 'rapist' being yelled from the crowd
  25. and another note: jimmy leonhard is a hell of a player in the perfect scheme for him.
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