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Posts posted by bizell

  1. Call me when Cargill and Tyson start electrocuting the animals. The don't systematically go out of their way to kill the animals in the most painful way possible way.


    This board is overflowing with stupid today.

    okay, keep living in fantasyland where animals raised solely for FOOD are treated kindly and gently when they're slaughtered and i'll just live in reality.


    You're right- the board is overflowing with stupid. And a lot of it is coming from Syracuse.

  2. Really? A "bad choice"?


    Dogs were shot, hung from trees and electrocuted. Puppies were held underwater until they died. This went on for months if not years. A bad choice?


    Some of you need to do a bit more research on what actually went on as part of Vick's dogfighting ring. It wasn't as simple as "he shot a few dogs".

    how do you feel about eating chicken or beef or pork? yeah, moving right along...



    vick's having a hell of a year and if he keeps it up i don't see any reason why he shouldn't be in the running for mvp.

  3. i'd like to know where whitner was supposed to be on that play. he came flying over after the catch was made. he has to see that matchup and find calvin johnson. but yes, it is really hard to figure out why poz was twenty yards away from the line of scrimmage with johnson.

    there was another receiver to the right, though looking at the replay the receiver to the right that whitner was looking at ended up running a short pattern .. so yeah, whitner probably should have had his focus on megatron.

  4. He really seems to have some huge mental lapses out there, but without a pass rush the DB's will struggle. Cover 2, unfortunately, is better suited to this team rather man to man without a pass rush. It is frustrating to see McKelvin make the same mistakes he made his rookie year. Both Brandon Flowers and Aqib Talib have been excellent. In fact, Flowers is holding WR's he covers to less yards than Revis did in his record breaking effort last year

    i dunno about that any more, jacoby ford toasted flowers last game.

  5. It's possible Merriman contributes just as much as Marcus Jones and Jason Gildon did for the Bills once upon a time--- remember those names? But it's definitely worth a shot.


    One thing that is odd about all of this is Chan Gailey's response in the afternoon pres conference. According to Joe Buscaglia, Gailey didn't recall coaching against Merriman when he was at Georgia Tech and Merriman was at Maryland. Gailey thought he was already gone by the time he took over at GT, although their respective tenures overlapped from 2002-05, and Merriman was pretty effective against the Yellow Jackets. He very well could have been intentionally coy because he didn't want to let on the Bills were discussing it internally, but it's odd nonetheless.



    When did the 'Donger ever play for Buffalo?

  6. I wonder how Kelsay makes it through film review every week.. man, he was abyssmal on Sunday. He can't set the edge. When he does set the edge, he can't run fast enough to tackle the running back. He overpursues. He can't cover. sigh.

  7. You didn't do the same analysis on Lee Evans stats

    And Stevie Johnson has 13 rec, 204 yards, and 3 TDs in that span and you proved that he was irrelevant during all of the Jacksonville game, which would be slightly out performing at 1/23rd of the cost.

    kinda reminds me of wes welker playing off of randy moss... would you say welker was the #1 because he had more catches (or yards) than randy moss?

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