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Posts posted by bizell

  1. florence isn't all-pro, but he's not a bum either. he's a solid NFL corner. he's not worth big money, but here's the thing; if he walks there's another hole that needs to be filled. Injured Terrence McGee and can't hold down a starting position Leodis McKelvin would be our top two corners if he leaves.

  2. Not directly because of his religious beliefs but because of all the hype that came with it. Let's not use Denver as the gold standard of drafting last year shall we? Their moves were soundly mocked and the person making them (McDaniels) didn't even finish the year. Tebow was selected purely for the hype and to sell jerseys and tickets.


    Take away the hype and he's at best, an average quarterback with terrible mechanics.


  3. I'd rather see: Bell, Mankins, Wood, Levitre, FA/Draft Pick; but if that's not a possibility I'd take it.

    Mankins is another good one, he'll be a FA (was franchised this year). He'd command quite a bit more coin than Gallery, though. (last 2 seasons a pro bowler)


    although this will weaken the patriots, and i'm down for that at whatever contract cost

  4. Great. More locker room propaganda for Brady and the Patriots heading into Sunday's game. I can just see it now, BB to Brady: "Hey, Tom. Suggs says that Fitz is a better QB than you..."


    So what's Brady going to do? Pass harder? Throw more accurately? Juke our guys out of their shoes to make them look bad on a scramble?


    It's not like any motivation will make him play any better than he's played against us before. I never understood that about 'firing up a quarterback'.

  5. Yea, thats the link, but its grainy and choppy and I cant really see the ball coming down.


    Thats not a seam route though, Seams are run between the hashes. The dropped TD though he does throw it off the defender who ahs his back turned.

    err, i should have prefaced the 'seam route' statement with the comment about fitzpatrick's pass hitting off of dansby's head.

  6. Its hard for me to tell, I have watched it a few times but I cant see where the ball is exactly. He didnt pick it off so obviously he misjudged it but it looks like it was a little out of his reach. But at the same time the WR didnt have to be on his back catching it and could have been jumping and getting it at his highest point. It was a TD so its hard to complain too much and I have always liked guys who risk it.


    Either way its moot - I just wish people would be more realistic, some of the same fans crowning Fitz as a God after bouncing a TD pass off of Dansbys helmet are the same ones hating on Tebow for doing quite literally the exact same thing.



    were you watching this link? in any case, i've heard several commentators say that the seam route in a cover-2 is best beaten by the QB 'aiming for the back of the retreating mike's head'


    edit: on second view, it bounces off of routt's head also.. ahahahahah

  7. Yea, it was the first option.


    Its a fade route. A fade route is never ever ever supposed to be throw to the inside - because then you lead the WR into the safety and its an interception or a huge hit - just because the raiders guy pulled a "Donte Whitner" and was really late to the ball doesnt mean Tebow had a bad throw.


    It doesnt matter if the WR is looking over his inside shoulder (as he is supposed to do) the ball is supposed to be on the outside shoulder regardless if its a back shoulder throw or not - outside shoulder every time. Sure it was a bit low/short, but that doesnt matter in this situation because its a fade route and the defeners back was turned.


    Look at my avatar, most people blame the Polomamlo pick on SJ for not catching this ball - but I and Chan put it on Fitz. high and behind is a big no no on slants - just as inside and short is a big no no on fade routes.


    The other TD pass is hard to tell from my video (its too grainy) and I cannt really tell if the ball goes through the defenders hands or if he is jumping and just doesnt get there. But regardless it was just deep enough for one defender to miss it and short enough for the WR to box out the deeper defender. If that was Fitz you would be clamouring about hit he fit one in there - just like everyone is about him bouncing a TD pass off of Dansbys helmet.


    The most impressive throws are the one deep out route (which Fitz completes about 15% of the time) and the deep crossing route one which was an awesome ball. And the TD run wasnt bad either.

    The deep pass to Lloyd was terrible. The ball, literally, goes through Stanford Routt's hands.

  8. What's with the fascination and disdain for teams that "run up the score"?

    Isn't it the point for offenses to score points?

    Aren't many players/coaches contracts loaded with scoring/performance incentives?

    Why shouldn't a team score as often as they can?

    In this time of great parity among NFL teams, if a team sucks bad enough on any given Sunday that the other team beats them by 40 or 50 points then so be it. If a team does not like it, then do something so that you don't suck so badly. Don't cry about the other team "running up the score".

    dunno. it's just an unwritten thing, like a code. like in baseball. you don't steal bases when you're up by 12 runs.

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