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Everything posted by bizell

  1. EJ still looks like he tries to 'aim' passes rather than throwing passes sometimes. He did this at FSU also. side note: Corbin Lacina wasn't a terrible player
  2. not going to lie, i'm envious of his penmanship.
  3. we were doomed when they drafted EJ Manuel because he was good at running read option (after the one good year of read option w/ Kaepernick) even though at FSU Manuel sucked at any type of read option
  4. being replaced by dalvin cook isn't really a knock against karlos- dalvin cook is a future 1st round draft pick. but i agree with you.
  5. I've watched literally every snap of his while he was @ FSU. That is an entire highlight of his 2013 year- nothing from last year. He looked much better in 2013 when he mostly ran outside without having to let blocks set up.
  6. well, to wit, winston has been accused of rape. who has been cleared by 3 (or was it 6?) different people/systems. which is different from being a rapist.
  7. here's hoping it all comes together for EJ this year.
  8. you're right, there is a very good reason that he fell to the fifth round but it's not what you're intimiating at- he's still an athlete as a football player rather than a running back or a safety (the two positions he played in college). he can run fast, he's powerful, but he doesn't have good vision and doesn't always hit the right hole. a very raw, raw player that has only played 2 years of running back.
  9. that wasn't the full quote of what bowden said, fwiw.
  10. very much so. since his days in college.
  11. the PFF rating is just one metric that should be considered into account with other forms of data when ranking a team's strengths/weaknesses (in this case, OL)
  12. what baseless claims did he make about the accuser? I don't think that you've read as much about the case as you think you have. If your entire base of knowledge on the Jameis Winston/Erica Kinsman incident is solely from that new york times article you're leading a flawed arguement.
  13. i saw this comment on one website but it goes something like this... "So they use cameras to measure the severity of cheating. they give freaking spygate 2 cameras out of 5(!!!!) while giving atlanta piping in noise 5 out of 5 cameras"
  14. not sure how accurate this is but i saw it floating around http://www.builtlean.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/body-fat-percentage-picture-men-women.jpg
  15. this is patently false this is patently false.
  16. while that's true, clemson had the best defense in college football last year and Steward contributed quite a bit to it
  17. this. winfield was a powerful tackler for being small. darby is an effective dragdown tackler.
  18. I've watched every snap Ronald Darby took in college and here are my thoughts: He's blazingly fast, with elite track speed that translates well to the football field. While tackling isn't his strong suit, he's a very willing tackler. He doesn't blow people up (like his DB mate PJ Williams does) but he almost always gets the ball carrier on the ground and very rarely misses tackles. His hands absolutely need work. He only had two career interceptions @ FSU and had several more passes clank directly off his hands. His coverage is very good and thus he was rarely targeted. Darby played fulltime from the second he stepped on campus, getting ACC Defensive Rookie of the Year and was a Freshman All-American. He was almost impossible to complete a pass on his sophomore year. His JR year there was either a lack of a. production of the d-line or b. effort on his part due to not wanting to risk draft status that didnt live up to his Sophomore year production. There was talk of Darby being a back half first round pick, so this is a very good value. I like the pick (I may be a bit biased)
  19. screw that. i'll never root for new england to win.
  20. maybe pettine was thinking 'uhh... how the hell did hartline get wide open that last play. let me call timeout and make sure that doesnt happen again'
  21. that video was pretty awesome. thoughts: 1. it's funny how high-pitched mario's voice is for being such a huge, intimidating guy 2. mario cries a lot to the refs 3. mario is awesome
  22. i've been very impressed with what i've seen from Hughes this year. Highway robbery on the colts, imo.
  23. one thing though, i wish mario would go for forcing a fumble a little bit more often. i've seen a few times where it looks like he could have easily knocked the ball out rather than trying to crush the QB
  24. okay, so I had the chance to watch EJ his whole time @ FSU and Jameis all of his career so far @ FSU Manuel was a good college QB, and he was 4-0 in bowl games, but I never really felt comfortable with him @ the qb save for two games- the bowl game against Notre Dame and the Clemson game last year. I always feel safe in thinking that Jameis is going to make the right read and find the open man. For instance, everyone was always hard on Nick O'leary (a 5 star TE prospect from a few years back) because he only had 37 receptions and 3 touchdowns his first two years. This year? O'leary has 16/293/5. Jameis is the natural. He's got it all. edit: in summary, saying winston is better than EJ isn't a slight to EJ- Winston is really, really really !@#$ing good
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