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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. I agree completely!  Of course, Jim Morrison also regularly soiled himself in public.  But that doesn't take away from how right he is on this point.


    The first quarter of any NFL games looks like this:  Coin toss, trucks, beer, cheeseburgers, kickoff, pepsi, trucks, beer, trucks, incomplete pass, punt, trucks, beer, cheeseburgers, boner pills, first down, offsides, time out, golf update, cheesburgers, public service announcement, beer, trucks, punt, beer, trucks, beer, missed field goal, cheeseburgers, boner pills, taco bell, trucks, false start, punt, beer, trucks, boner pills, taco bell, end of first quarter.




    personally the commercials that drive me absoultey bannanas are the CBS promos for their hackneyed, predictable, and poorly acted crime series...eseses. By the end of the game I can usually tell you exactly what the premise is for this week's Cold Case, CSI, CSI Miami, CSI New York, Numbers, Criminal Minds, and, if it's a reallly bad week, How I Met your Mother. Man, that Doogie sure is whitty.

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