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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. To be THAT close to beating the colts and failing because of two words we hate that begin with W and R, it's just about enough. Enough, enough, enough. There's always a new way to lose a well fought game.


    How 'bout them sabres?




    just for the record, today not included, Lindel is 0-0 in game winning field goals...I don't know if today counts or not

  2. Thoughts?






    If Buffalo scores first-which IS possible if they elect to return- I wouldn't be surprised to see a Bobby April onside kick to keep the Colts off the field for as long as possible.


    Why not? For Peyton Manning, there really is NO difference between a 50 yard drive and a 75 yard drive. Plus, I believe the Colts tried the same thing last year (or the year before) in order to keep their own defense off the field...

  3. He took that name in the off season to honour a family member who's last name was Baker. I can't remember the exact connection. I notice on NFL.COM on Sunday that on the live game cast it said "London Fletcher-Baker 10 yd INT return for TD".


    I think they only ones calling him by Baker are guys like Pitts who show up and just see it on the roster. But guys like JOhn Murphy and other Buffalo sportscasters just call him Fletcher.



    I'm assuming it's his mother's maiden name. She passed during camp right?

  4. Now all the Negative Nancys can FINALLY shtfu


    (AP) In a stunning turn of events, Buffalo Bills' head coach Dick Jauron has decided to forego this Sunday's game against the Indianapolis Colts citing the potential for deep physical and emotional scarring. "It's just not something I want to put our boys through," said Jauron at a press conference Tuesday morning.


    When asked what encouraged him to save his team from inevitable humiliation, Jauron accredited Buffalo's otherwise stupidly loyal fan base, calling them "punctilious" in their assumptions that the only thing that could possibly result from a contest with Indianapolis would be additions to the injury report.


    Owner Ralph Wilson was unavailable for comment but this journalist believes that he, like most of Jauron's players, supports his coach's decision whole heartedly.


    John Paul Losman, Buffalo's third year quarterback, is one of the most ardent supporters of Sunday's forfeit. He had this to say: "...it's not like we have a chance at winning. I mean, heck, we can't even satisfy our fans with a win, so the only logical option for Sunday was to spare them the grief of another embarassing loss. We're doing this for the fans."


    Buffalo will resume practice Monday morning in preparation for their upcoming game against Houston. Plans for forfeiting that game have not yet been dismissed. "We'll know better at this time next week whether we're ready to go forward," says Jauron, "I just want to do what's right."

  5. Who was that who predicted the WM bashers would come out in droves? Come on; these same WM bashers are probably the same ones who ran Travis out of town as well. Fans on this board are so critical and are quick to throw punches or pull plugs. I mean look just look at the talk the past 2,3 weeks:


    • We want our 1st rd QB who has 16 starts pulled for a career backup.

    • Schoebel is overrated and just get coverage sacks

    • Spikes is declared washed up 2 games back after coming of major Achilles injury plus hamstring pull.

    • Lee Evans can’t make it as a number one WR; we should have kept Moulds

    • Nate is garbage.

    • Both of our young safeties aren't all pro's


    We are suppose to defend our good players to an extent and let other fans do the bashing. I'll bet the Pats fan are as quick to label Bruschii as being washed up!



    I was under the impression that this thread was pro-Thomas and not anti-McGahee. I don't know why folks are so reluctant to sing Thomas' praises. The same thing happened when I tried to support him a few weeks ago- I was immediately shot down for not backing Willis with the respect he deserves.

  6. I'm with you Z - get your game face on Bills Fans!!






    Total Confidence this week in my Bills! I benched Peyton for JP in fantasy because it's going to be a high scoring affair at the Ralph Wilson Stadium!



  7. none.  Hard to judge them seeing as we've never seen them play.  It could have moments of true ugliness though this week.  However there were those moments before the change, so at least we're seeing what we've got.  I think Gandy actually might be the answer at LT.  I could be proven terribly wrong, but he's pretty big and can move and its supposedly his natural position.  We shall see.  The tackles will be the wildcard.




    Do you mean Gandy at LG? I think our left side with him and Peters could be pretty affective. And I think the right side, with Villarial in there, though he's probably not the best option in terms of skill/affectiveness, will be the best option come Sunday with Pennington next to him. I expect Villarial to espouse a lot more wisdom unto the youngster than any other potential candidate for RG.


    And for that reason, I believe that this is the strongest OL we could put together with our current personell and I agree, that with the exception of some MEGA lapses (let's hope they don't result in TO's) they should be quite good on Sunday.

  8. He's not even a good RB yet.  They have to work really hard to get him 15 touches a game and he's never been a good runner between the tackles.  What happens when he gets to the NFL and can't hit the edge every time he touches the ball like he did in college?  He averages 3.0 yards per carry.


    The guy is sensational in open space...unfortunately for him with the speed of the NFL there isn't that much open space to be found unless you're a WR.




    I agree. Ive always thought that Reggie had another thing comin' when he elevated to the NFL.

  9. To a thorn named Lawrence Maroney stuck in the side of Buffalo for a long time to come.


    The guy's a beast. When he's returning or when he's rushing, he gets the ball he finds ways of making plays and does so with aggression and banshee like determination.


    He's almost like a mad lab combination of Larry Johnson's strength and Reggie Bush's versatility and elusiveness.

  10. Hope to see some of you there this Sunday.

    Remember, i'll be the one with the strange accent.

    I begin the 2 day journey tomorrow morning...countdown.

    Go Bills.




    I'll be there, making the trip in from Chitown.


    Go Bills!

  11. You sound ridiculous. You could say that about ANY RB ... if they had a long run once in a while they would have over 700 yards too .... but they DONT!


    This such a dumb post above me ^^^ ... His stats clearly present a better case for him hitting the holes harder? Are you crazy? Take away his one long run and he is averaging about 2 yard per carry. Thats hitting the hole hard? I believe his long run came about 4 or 5 games ago also.  :P




    if you're going to call me dumb then I'm going to call you flippant and ignorant for not being able to detect sarcasm. I feel like I'm having an argument with an irrational troll right now, so I'll leave it at that.


    The ONLY person to mention stats was you, friend. You can steer, spin, and redirect my first statement, interpret it how you see fit, and then call ME stupid or you could park that high horse of yours in the Kiss-My-A$$-Chorale. My initial argument was completely esoteric and if you want to criticize me for that you can.

  12. Willis has not been our problem this year.  If he were Walter Payton in 1985 - yes, we'd be better off.  He's not the best running back in NFL history.  But to seriously argue that Anthony Thomas is better is just ridiculous.  He has 37 yards, and half of them came on one carry.  His average is .2 yards less than Willis's.  This isn't to say that every one of Willis's carries is better than every one of Thomas's, but quite simply, the sum is better under every metric.



    I never once said that the A-Train was better. What I said was that he appears to hit holes with more conviction and that that conviction begins the moment the ball is snapped. I have YET to see that CONSISTENTLY from McGahee. Have you?

  13. HAHAHA .. you base your judgement on such a short period of time.


    1. A-train only plays about 2 snaps a game thus he is not tired. Willis plays the entire game ... he gets tired


    2. A-train has only ran the ball 10 times (and you base your judgement off of that)  if you take away his ONE long run he has 19 yards on 9 carries for a wopping 2 ypc


    you sir , dont know what your talking about



    Fatigue is NOT AN EXCUSE. And if it is then he's not worth the millions he's getting. And if we got one long run every 10 runs out of Willis, he'd have over 700 yards by now.


    But yeah you're right, you saw the game through my eyes much better than I did. A-Train's stats clearly present a better case for hitting the holes harder than Willis.

  14. What holes?




    the same holes that the A-Train seems to blast EVERY time the bills need 3, 4, 2, 17 yards!


    I remember one carry by Thomas on Sunday and he hit the hole WAY harder than Willis did all day. He didn't dance, he didn't juke, he saw daylight and went for it as hard as he could.


    Willis rarely does this. Period. He might as well stand next to the QB because there's no sense in him getting a running start.

  15. Telling fact about Gandy:


    There is only one (1) team in the entire NFL who does not have their left tackle extended beyond the end of the season with a contract.  That team is the Buffalo Bills with Mike Gandy.  Feel free to correct me if that info is wrong, but that is what I heard.


    Does that put him in position to make some coin, a la Jonas Jennings a few years back when he happened to be the only LT free agent available?  And does it mean that the Bills really think he sucks?




    If this is true, then I think it might be some telling evidence. Marv has always prided himself on being a "trenches" guy. May be there's some gearing up for off season moves- the draft, trades, etc that involve the choraling of both D and O linemen. I can foresee him dealing a TD position guy who may, by the end of 2006, proved himself dead weight?

  16. THE LIES


    1. Gandy is a good left tackle.

    2. The Bills suck because of bad coaching.

    3. Money is no issue when hiring a head coach.

    4. Max, er ah, Matt Leinart has no arm strength.

    5. JP Losman will get better with more experience.

    6. Money is no object when acquiring free agents.




    1. Gandy sucks. Gandy is playing out of position. He should be a guard.

    2. This may be true, but how many coaches do you need to go through before you realize that the players suck and should take the brunt of the blame?

    3. Yeah, right. The Bills are consistantly amongst the bottom of the league in Head coaching payroll.

    4. Matt Leinart isn't a Bill because the owner is a cheap skate. The Bills invested in Losman and they want to get their money's worth. Leinart has good enough arm strength. Brady has comparable arm strength and he gets by just fine.

    5. JP Losman showed promise through Week 4, but has gotten progressively worse ever since. I realize that he played a tough Bears defense but he did much worse than any other QB that the Bears have faced. Chicago's opposing QB rating is in the 60's. JP's QB rating in that game against the Bears was in the 30's. The Lions pass defense is awful. Where's JP's excuse there? Of course there are other factors that go into JP's play such as pass protection and rushing.

    6. Other than TKO and Drew Bledsoe, who have the Bills broken the bank for?




    where is the evidence that JP has gotten progressively worse? It takes four games to build confidence and only 2 to completely obliterate it?


    21/34 for 207 yds 2 tds and an int is NOT THAT BAD!!!

  17. Someone's got to throw it down and it might as well be me. The Bills will no doubt attack the Lions in the air this Sunday. Detriot's passing defense is one of the worst in the league. Between Jaroun's knowledge of his former defensive players and Fairchild's knowledge of the wide open attack plan from his days with the Rams, I think this is the game JP and the receivers have their day.


    JP has 3 TD passes (2 TDs for Evans). Oh yeah...and the Bills win baby!




    I couldn't agree more- So much so, as a matter of fact, that with the Colts having a bye week this week, I drafted JP to be my starting QB in my fantasy league because I think he's going to be a points cow this Sunday.

  18. I dont know about the outcome, but Grossman SHOULD have been intercepted about 3 times today but the media will never mention that.



    Ball floating in mid-air after being tipped. Three Bills players surround it. One Bears player comes down with it. One of those three Bills should have MURDERED the receiver and one of the other two should have come down with it easily.


    Rex Grossman wasn't luck, the Bills were sloppy and frantic.

  19. on any given sunday........................................




    THANK YOU. This is NFL here. Every player, like it or not, is a professional, is talented, athletic and CAN PLAY.


    Furthermore, the offense isn't the only unit capable of getting a TD...Defense? Special teams? Why is everyone ruled them out. I believe they can be the game changer this week.

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