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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. I agree, but we all thought that Manning would pass for  750 yds against us and that McGee and Clements would get torched...anything can happen...


    PS...I think it will be like 10 tds and 400 yds with our stout DT's.....




    Unless there really is 2 ft of snow...





    Well I'm planning for snow.

  2. I'm afraid the only thing that will slow LT down is 2 feet of snow.  Our defense makes average backs look great.  LT will likely break records on us.    To beat them would be nothing short of a huge upset. 


    No win for this team is gonna be easy.  And I certainly wouldn't just write the Titans off.  They've been playing tough all year.  And Travis will want to have a big day; and again have we stopped a back all season? 


    I'm hopeful, but not expectant.



    Successful teams beat the opponents they should. In a game like the Titans game, it's a matchup which doesn't blatantly favor one team over the other but the Bills will have the home field advantage and a chance to prove that as a team they will better that day than the Titans, and a win is a definite possibility. Said win would be as ultimately dubious as yesterday's, but a loss would be far more devestating...

  3. One can only take so much from a big win over the Texans. Don't get me wrong, to see the Bills overcome a fourth quarter lead and win a close game is awesome...the game snapped a THIRTEEN game losing streak of games decided by three points or less. But let's see how this momentum carries them into next week. Buffalo might be setting themselves up for a 2004esque late playoff run. If all the stars align...it could happen...



    Jacksonville - a lot of momentum coming home against a team without their starting quarterback. Buffalo SHOULD win this game. IF they do:


    SD- Two game winning streak. Back at home, expect to see a similar game plan like we saw against the Colts may be not as much running because SD is obviously better against the run, but a patient, methodical game plan and more turnover-free football (LIKE WE'VE BASICALLY SEEN SINCE THE BYE WEEK) could equal a big upset for the Bills. Not to mention, HERE COMES THE SNOW...


    NYJ- No matter how you cut it, this will be a good game and will come down to which team makes fewer mistakes. Buffalo should have won the last contest and looks to even the 2006 series. Especially coming off three big wins in a row, including two home upsets, a win is definitely possible.


    Miami- Unless the Bills truly crap the bed, this should be a win.


    Tennessee- If the Bills lose this game, they deserve nothing.


    Baltimore - If the Ravens continues to win, there might be the possiblity of seeing some reserves allowing Buffalo an easier chance at a win. Aside from that, this will be a tough game...no guarntees here.


    Okay, so I've just justified a win in all of our remaining games resulting in a 10-6 record. FURTHERMORE, Willis is likely to be back one of these weeks and whether or not you like him or want to keep him in Buffalo, you can't deny that a Wills/Thomas combo is better than just Thomas...


    Please do not accuse me of being drunk off a win, next week willl truly dictate the course of the remainder of this season. I want to see them carry this momentum and not Jekyl and Hyde Western New York like they've been known to. I'd like to believe that this new regime won't allow a complete breakdown...

    Oh Boy!



  4. Folks have been calling for JP to be given the keys to the "Chevette" and he confessed to that being Fairchild's attitude for today's game .


    Has the organization finally wised up and infultrated TSW or was the unleashing of JP dictated by today's subpar opponent...


    I don't know but why not stay with it?

  5. As soon as I saw those laterals starting I said oh schit here we go....




    It's no mystery why Buffalo fans feel this way. That claymation commercial on ESPN (already refferenced today in regards to a potential breakdown) speaks volumes towards Buffalo trends.


    IN FACT, they just announced on SNF that today's win snapped an NFL record 13 game losing streaks in games decided by 3 points or less..they really broke through that glass ceiling today...finally...hopefully...

  6. They were terrible for the most part.  Some big plays and a big holding penalty negated a first down to the 15 yard line.


    Carr completed 22 in a row and they (Houston) had their second best rushing day ever.


    They were much better the second half though....




    How bad is a defense that allows stats but no points??? (second half)

  7. :doh:


    I'm sorry, man, the run defense is pretty horrid.  What I am seeing is that they seem to have the goods in crunch time, at least for today, which is good, but they were definitely saved by some great opportunities and exceptional play by Clements alone today with the turnovers.


    A few things will really help this D in the long run:  1) A healthy Takeo Spikes another year removed from his injury.  2) A FA or draftee who can hold his own better than Tim Anderson.



    I will concede that the run defense was, at times, a bit pourous. But ultimatley, it only lost Buffalo the field position game-which was an issue, but not one that today's offense couldn't over come...

  8. There wasn't one unit that really stood out, but collectively, the defense had a great day...No points in the second half and gave the offense not one but two fourth quarter opportunities for the win...great pick for Nate and a great two man hit from Ko and TKO. I like what I saw...this unit, as a whole, is very few spots away from being NFL top 5 again.

  9. And this year we have 3 out of nine. Over the final seven the Bills will face three teams that are now 3-6.


    Last Season they beat an 11-5 team (Cincy), a 10-6 team (KC) and a 9-7 team (Miami).


    This season? None of their wins (3) are against teams with winning records. 


    And again I read things like "poised to improve" or "A coach who knows what he's doing".


    Please. Tell me what you are basing all of this on. The coach is 3-6 which falls right in line whith everything else he has done in the NFL.


    And what does "poised to inprove" mean? Shouldn''t there be some small improvement this season. I see bad play calling and dumb penalties. They continue to shuffle the O-line. These are the same things we all saw the past five years. Considering the offense was the worst in franchise history last season. They were "poised to improve" this year, where is it?


    No Joke. I want to see it. I hate dreading Sunday afternoons. I want to be able to enjoy Bills games again. I just can't sit there and lie to myself. I need soemthing tangible. Catch phrases and slogans don't do it for me.  :D



    I think you're conveniently ignoring the obvious direction this new regime has established. Whether or not you agree with it, it's CERTAINLY an improvment from Murlarkey and his fat-headed dawdlings.


    As far as Jaroun's track record goes, I think any accurate assessment regarding his abilities will have to wait until after his fifth year with the Bills. That's right, I said it. What he walked into in Buffalo was a coach's wet dream. A young team ready to be molded at his direction and a man who shares his intellect and devotion to running and defense at the controls. Let's see what he does with it...

  10. Yes, free agent acquisitions generally have not worked out well.  I still don't understand why the Bills paid Price such a large signing bonus (or why they signed him).


    I like our draft choices and many are getting valuable playing time.  I also think that Levy and Jauron have been a breath of fresh air compared to the TD regime.


    I do think that Marv needs to take a hard look at the Bills' free agent talent evaluators.  I believe they are the same people that TD hired, and they have made poor recommendations over a number of years.  It is time to get some new people.



    I think they were openly taking a gamble with Price, bringing in a once successful Buffalo receiver in an attempt to curry some much needed support from a dejected and disenfranchised fan base...sadly, it's tough to say that ANY of our receivers have had a fair shake this year thanks to Buffalo's inability to establish an effective passing attack. Granted, when Price's number has been called (excluding his insane touchdown catch/run) he has not made the plays folks expected him to. He was a long shot, and it hasn't paid off yet...but it isn't neccesarily a COMPLETE bust.

  11. I actually think the Mularkey regime did a better job of trying to develop JP.  They did not rein him in this much.  As much as Jauron and Fairchild want to make him a pocket passer...he's not.  This kid cannot stand in the pocket and read a defense and make quick decisions.  He needs to be running around, buying time and hopefully finding the open guy streaking down the field or doing a sideline pattern....whatever.



    I disagree with this. I think they've been pretty clear all along that having him stay in the pocket is going to groove him to read defensives more effectively and not resort to running on EVERY snap. I don't think this year is truly about winning to be honest. I think that winning in 2006 has always taken a back seat to learning and I"m fine with that...for now.


    Expect a spring 2007 OVERHAUL with ATLEAST as many personell changes as last year.

  12. Levy is the Genral Manager.  Not the head coach.  Not the offensive coordinator.  Not the QB coach.  He does not call the plays, ever. 


    Please stop referencing what Marv did in KC back in the 70's as if it were relavant to anything that happens today. 


    Get a grip.  :lol:




    It's likely that Levy DOES have a say. Jauron seems like the kind of guy that would use him as a resource and as a mentor. If he lets Marv steer the ship for the time being that means they WILL ger the right personell for a plan most likely strenuously and methodically devised by a pair of Ivy Leaguers.

  13. Now, now, I don't ignore facts to suit my POV, I select them.


    Running the Wing T goes way beyond tinkering, it is truly outside of the box thinking. I think Marv grooves on the intellectual challenge of football and accepting the novelty of the K Gun following his stint in KC is not out of character if you can accept the point. Going back to the future with Jauron (as opposed to, say, Sherman or Martz) is the same sort of clever.


    Fairchild and the emergence of Stephen Jackson would be a reach ?


    Losman could go 17 for 30, 220 this week. Or not get anywhere near those totals until Week 10 of next year. If they continue to play 3 and half hour, ten possession, 50 play games his numbers will suffer no matter how well he plays.


    This is far and away one of the most interesting and thoughtful posts presented in a while and was one of the best READS in a long time.  Thank you for your plausible, and IMO, hopeful insight.  I think that JP's numbers against the Jets all but make your point for you. 


    If Marv wants to win with defense (I think the evidence is clear), and furthermore, if he wants to win with a defense anchored by speed and agression, the most logical offensive gameplan would be to keep the ball as long as possible, giving the defense a nice rest/play ratio.


    Did anyone notice how aggresive the defense looked on Sunday?  Those two fumbles were not flukes, they were inevitable.  On just about every tackle a defender had an arm in trying to rip the ball.  The incessant running enabled that perpetual tenacity...they just crapped the bed on the last drive...


    Regardless, here's to low scoring, defensive games, which feature loads of running with OR WITHOUT Willis McGahee!


  14. Evans is getting just as fed up with this offense as the rest of the world it seems, and I don't think I've ever really heard him speak up about anything. If this continues why would any of our guys even want to resign with us? Do you think free agent offensive players are going to want to come here when our own guys think we stink? Lets just go nuts and throw the ball around, what's the worst that happens? We lose, like we've been for the past weeks? Do we end up 4-12 rather than 5-11 or 6-10? Im not going to tell you JP is the guy or that he's anything more than garbage, I really don't know, we have nothing around him and a coach who can't seem to make up his mind about how he wants to go about things. That and I can't gauge a performance on 13 passes




    Just out of curiousity...what is this based on?

  15. Seems to run alot harder then Willis. I not convinced that willis wants to play here. For the money is worth it.



    I think that's been the elephant in the room...and yes, Thomas does run harder. What's unfortunate is that Willis runs better. If Willis were to run as HARD as Thomas, he'd be a dominate, play making back. But alas...

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