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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. Still hasn't been added to the active roster for the Bolts! I checked their depth chart and he isn't on it.


    They are probably just wating to add, but wouldn't it be great if he didn't play?



    Unless you're looking for an even cheaper way to get high, don't hold your breath.

  2. Right, I just did a google search and the first year they started putting players on the cover was on Madden 2001 with Eddie George.




    IF I had to guess I"d say it's going to be a receiver. The cover has gone hand in hand with the addition of positional gameplay which corrresponds to the player...this year was the year of the running back and last year was the year of the quarterback. The year before that it was Ray Lewis and there were new gameplan options on defense.


    That being said, something to enhance receiver play could be a possibility, the question is who is this year's sexiest receiver? Steve Smith? Chad Johnson? Leeeeeeeee?

  3. That's the only thing I like about Kornheiser in the booth: he pointedly highlights Theisman's stupidity.


    And as much as I hate the booth interviews, it was great seeing Jimmy Kimmel ask "So Joe...how's the leg?"



    I like that Kornheiser gives him a harsh time too...but sometimes it's seems almost too blatantly caustic and I think his comments contribute to a bit of awkward tension in the booth.

  4. I really hate trying to read other boards.  They're all so messy with graphics and colors and sigs and crap.  It takes forever to try and figure out who's talking about what.  That's the last link to another board I follow. 


    I love the look here.  Its clean and easy to follow with a tasteful use of color and limited graphics in the avatar.



    I'll drink to that :censored:

  5. 1. San Diego has had 3 come from behind victories in a row against Cinci, Denver and Oakland.  If they get behind can they be expected to do it again?


    2. Both of their losses have been on the road and the game is in Buffalo.


    3. They are showing signs of fatigue with a poor performance for 3 & 1/2 quarters against the lowly Raiders.


    4. Now that they have been crowned "best team in the league" by the media they are due for a letdown like the previous "best teams" Chicago and Indianapolis.


    5. Bills are on a roll having won 3 of their last 4 and nearly winning in Indianapolis.


    6. Schottenheimer coached teams HAVE ALWAYS faded and disappointed towards the end of the year.  He has never been to a Super Bowl in 25 years as Head Coach.


    7. Rivers has less experience as a starter than Losman and is still largely unproven; this could be highlighted as the games become more meaningful.


    8. Their lone deep threat Keenan McCardell has been playing injured most of the year and has no touchdowns.  This will allow Bills to cover their own run defense weakness by putting 8 men in the box (like they did in 2nd half against Jaguars.) 8 in the box also helps to counter Chargers most potent threats LT and Gates.


    9 San Diego is a warm weather natural grass team playing in a decidely cold weather artificial turf stadium.


    10. San Diego's next 2 games after Buffalo are against division rivals Denver and Kansas City and they could get caught looking ahead.




    I like reasons 6-10. 1-5...eh

  6. that last drive when he was going in to the huddle he was looking at the sideline and pointing his finger like a gun and shooting , anyone else see that on tv ?? wonder what that means ?



    That was JP shooting down naysayers

  7. Dear everyone on hear who always uses states to make points (daquix and others pay attention):


    stats aren't everything.



    argh...I was using stats to prove that he was very close to having two excellent STATISTICAL games in a row!


    His intangibles yesterday, however, DID ammount to a good game without a stat line.

  8. if if if, woulda coulda shoulda..IF he doesn't underthrow lee evans on that PI call he has a lot more yardage and a TD. :shrug:


    yeah, his numbers weren't great. he did pretty well that game i thought.



    no his numbers weren't great but they were DAMN close...that was the point. Granted it was a point driven by intoxicating optimism, but to me it's a silver lining none-the-less

  9. I know I'll most likely draw HUGE flaming for even thinking it, but I think he's about run his course. He looks very slow and that makes it hard to watch him play. I hope that before the seasons over he can be the same player he was last year, but I wouldn't bet on it. When you factor in his age and his health, I don't know how you can keep him past this season? :doh:







    give him one more year. Few players would be an enormous step up, and for the time being he's still dependable, smart and a good leader. Other positions deserve upgrading before his.

  10. Like most, I think JP had a great game yesterday, but his numbers hardly compare to the Houston game. Or do they?


    With an ill-fated interception and a long pass interference call, he missed out on about 100 more passing yards and two more completions and at least one touchdown...may be two..


    With one TD resulting instead of a INT and with a quasi-generous 250 yards passing, JP's rating on Sunday goes from 75 to 116.5


    If the PI resulted in a touchdown, like the INT would have, he's looking at at rating of 128. Not bad.


    Oh yeah, any way you cut it, he still completed 75% of his passes. I don't care what you think about JP, but I think we're getting close to using the words Losman and reliable in the same sentence...


    P.S. he wasn't sacked either

  11. You're kidding, right? He had a very good interview after the game and the only thing he did wrong was not smack the reporters for asking moronic questions. In what way do you think he was making awkward or comical statements?



    I'm not saying the content of his interviews is in question, just the volume. He tends to go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on...almost as if talking about it helps him understand it more...I think it's funny and entertaining, not inrritating

  12. I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere else but did anyone see JPs face in the huddle right after the kick return with 30 seconds left?  I'm no lip reader but he had this look of confidence on his face and it seemed like he was telling the guys: "Don't worry, we got this".  Right after I saw that I turned to my friend and said we're going to win this game.


    In all the progress, JP has shown, this is what blew me away.  His confidence in the huddle shows he's starting to believe in himself.  Like he can win us games on his own.


    I know it's early but I like what I'm seeing.


    Let's start Nall though.  :lol:



    wow I just wrote the exact same thing..

  13. Did anyone watching the game on television see JP's cocky grin going into the huddle before the last drive? It was a look that said, "are you kidding me? There's no way we're not scoring on this drive"




    But seriously, win or lose that kid has postgame verbal diarrhea resulting in interviews which were comically verbose and even a bit awkward at times...


    Nevertheless, I love that our cocky quarterback finally has something to feel cocky about, and I think he wears it well.

  14. What the Hell happened??


    How did he under throw the receiver SO badly? I was watching the game in a bar and could not hear the game so all I saw were replays...


    Did he second guess himself at the last second?


    Was he hit?


    Did it hit a bird?


    ...regardless, props to Royal for getting the ball back, without a doubt one of the luckiest plays to fall in favor of The Bills since Morman's record punt.


    But seriously, did any one get a good look at why JP f'd up that pass so horribly??

  15. You're right yet again.


    He's been playing for three years now and he should figure it out by now. Who cares that he's been managed by a bunch of chuckleheads who have single-handedly stunted his growth. That means nothing because...well...it's been three years and regardless of who has managed you or who has coached you or who has trained you in those three years, it's still three years. Just like it's been 16 games for him, and that's the equivalent of an entire season even it if wasn't the equivalent of an entire season.


    But now that there's a glimmer of hope that he's starting to figure it out after three years, sixteen games and two management changes, and could possibly be making progress, that's bad because he will ultimately win games, and winning games, to quote your genius self, destroys this franchise.


    You are proof positive that some people come here simply and exclusively to say idiotic things to piss people off. And that's a compliment because it assumes you're really not that idiotic.


    But I could be totally wrong about that.



    yet you still devote time to a lengthy response...

  16. I have been told how good the gameplan was the last 3 weeks and now we play a real good defence this week (see what they did vs. Pitt & NYG, at least 'til 11:00 pm when I am writing this).  Does leash go back on JP?  Can't let him loose against such a good defence, can we???  :P



    Really I need to know.




    I say they keep Losman underwraps. If Willis plays the game plan will be totally different. But whether or not he's in, take what's given-checks to the running backs, rushing inside and out, and the long ball (which undoubtly raised a flag with our remaining opponents). The Bills have now proven they can be successful wearing the leash (MIA and IND) and equally succesful not wearing the leash ( NYJ and HOU).


    The key to the HOU, IND, MIA, MIN, GB, NE1 games, though was defense. And the way this unit has played since the by week continues to tickle me with optimism...

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