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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. Okay so I checked out the playoff scenario drawn up by professional Bills nerd Chris Brown and found his analysis to be thin and containing a lot of Bills-friendly what-ifs. Here are my predictions for how the rest of the season will likely shape up for all AFC "contenders." By my good sense, the Bills are out of reach...(home games capitalized)



    TEAM WEEK 13 L3Opp Outcomes FINAL REC


    NE 9-4 HOU Win 10-6

    jax Loss

    ten Loss


    BAL 10-3 CLE Win

    pit Win

    BUF Loss 13-3


    SD 11-2 KC Win 14-2

    sea Win

    AZ Win


    INDY 10-3 CIN Win 13-3

    hou Win

    MIA Win


    CIN 8-5 ind Loss 10-6

    den Win

    PIT Win


    JAX 8-5 ten Win 10-6

    NE Win

    kc Loss


    And the following teams finishing 9-7 will be- NYJ (minW, miaL, OAKw), KC (sd L, oak, W, JAX W), DEN (azW, CINL, SFW), BUF (MIAW, TENW, balW)


    with TEN (JAXL, bufL, NEW) and MIA (bufL, NYJW, indL) finishing 7-9

  2. Chris Brown has a great breakdown of all the things that the Bills would need to happen to make the playoffs over on bb.com. Save your time and check it out.



    haha thank you so much. It's really really complicated. At this point all but three teams in the AFC (OAK, CLE, HOU) have a "shot" at the playoffs.

  3. That would clinch home field advantage for the Chargers and increase the chances of seeing Baltimore's reserves. This, of course, assumes that Baltimore will either lose at home to the Browns, fat !@#$ing chance, or lose on the road to Pittsburgh. The road loss is much more likely, largely for revenge purposes, but I wouldn't bet on it.


    Buffalo, on the other hand, is thriving on Cohesion and loving its momentum. THEY WILL WIN THEIR LAST TWO HOME GAMES. Regardless of which Baltimore opponent Buffalo faces in their final game, they will thirsty to finally get a win over an "elite NFL team." The close losses to NE, SD, and IND will only add fuel to that fire. I look forward to watching this never-say-die team to the bitter end.


    9-7 in the AFC having played 5 games against the four best teams (arguably) in the NFL during a rebuilding year? I think I can live with that.


    At this point I don't believe a 3-0 finish to be unobtainable. To me, it doesn't even seem like a "long" shot. However, the playoff implications for all of this are absurdly complex and I'm still compiling a spread sheet. But, I love looking forward to watching a balanced, disciplined, and hard working football team for the next few years.

  4. Call me crazy, but they are starting to grow on me. I guess that winning makes them look better. I do like the retro look though. I dont like the home(blue) jersey with blue pants. They look like a high school team.



    I think that the current colors (the darker blue, grey, and light blue and red) on the throw back design with a modification to the standing buffalo-may be curre t helmet but white instead of red coloring (like old school...those could be tight)

  5. Willis gets grief regardless of what he does.  People just don't like him, period.  Try to dress it up in stats or comments he makes in the media or how ever you want, but at the end of the day they just don't like the guy.



    It's true. I myself have a complicated relationship with dear Willis. I think if Willis' skill as an NFL running back were likened to those of an amateur golfer, he'd have a 20 handicap. There are spots of brilliance, steady mediocrity, and moments of shear disgust.

  6. After thinking about this, I gotta say, fans focus *way* too much on one play when it involves a challenge rather than the full assortment of 130-140 plays. Basically, it's too goddamn easy for fans to focus on easy stuff like that, which in turns skews their view toward how well a game was coached. The Bills played probably the most talented team in the league, got down by 17, and almost came back *despite 8 clearly bad calls that hurt them while enjoying the fruits of precisely zero bad calls against the chargers*. but carry on: blame the coach.





  7. Between a guy dragging his toes and then falling out of bounds with his torso being the first thing out and a guy tapping his toes and then having his heels fall out??


    What is this "whole" foot nonsense??? Why does it apply to the bottom of the foot but evidently not to the top?



  8. No money was exchanged.  Do you REALLY think that the NFL wants a playoff without its marquee player???  In a game where not that much of the nation was seeing it, including the home market, they could easily get away with questionable calls.  And lets be honest, the NFL doesn't exactly have the greatest track record.  See Super Bowl XL...



    I did find it rather strange that we got the Big Hochli guy-who is one of few refs I recognized...usually we get the b-squad...

  9. Schoebel is good, but once again the combination of Kelsay/Denney had equal sacks and more tackles.  So far this year, Kelsay/Denney is our best DE.  The numbers show this throughout the season.



    That's probably because they each get twice as much rest as him! May be? I LOVE HARGROVE! THAT GUYS IS OUT OF CONTROL

  10. Is Judaism a nationality?  I thought Losman was 100% American (as well as Adam Sandler and Bob Dylan).



    Yes, Judaism IS a nationality. Nationality doesn't neccesitate statehood, it embodies common traditions, beliefts, language, and in some cases (Judaism not withheld)- similarities in physical traits.

  11. If that was true. Why wouldn't the Bills "donate" the tickets?


    The Bills get their TV money before the season even starts so that sounds like a bunch of bullsh--. The Bills get paid if the game is on or not.



    or better yet, if the Bills organization is going to lose MILLIONS in TV revenue, why not spend THOUSANDS to buy up the remaining tickets, insuring that the game will be broadcast. assuming ofcoruse, that that is legal.

  12. Dude, seriously, where the hell have you been these last three years? I thought this was common knowledge by the time we were making our failed playoff run in 2004.



    Sorry! I never bothered to pay attention to the man's nationality!! I always just assumed he was Jewish!


    peep the longevity of my TSW membership, then you'll know "where I've been!" :D

  13. I just read JP's entry on Wikipedia and was fascinated to find out that he was half Mexican. In all honesty, the only nationality I ever assumed was that shared by Robert Zimmerman and Adam Sandler...


    Is there a precedent of ANY kind of Mexican quarterback in the NFL?



    Ole, JP! Y en este domingo, vaya con dios!

  14. I sure as hell hope not. That means SD is scoring at an alarming rate. We wont stand a chance in a shootout. Id prefer it be about terrence mcgee and good kicking/kick coverage/fg's/punting/punting/punt coverage/punt returns.



    true but let's face it, even in a perfect game, there's one return. in reality, mcgee will have atleast four returns on sunday (including first or second half kickoff)

  15. I think Buffalo's special teams have the opportunity to orchestrate a win this week.


    Though brandishing a punter who is almost never returned, San Diego has been struggling to contain the kick return. After Roscoe's touchdown last week, Terrence McGee will be looking to settle the score. Based on the escalating team chemistry I've been hearing about, I have to assume that the two of them have a friendly competition as the two returners of the best special teams unit in the NFL...I, Terrence, and the entire Bills nation is ready for the GD kick return touchdown! The Bills are going to have to win any way they can, and I'm sure April is making this known to his unit. Expect good field position from the returns and God willing a touchdown, a clutch game from Moorman, and a place kicker who is flying high.


    Furthermore, if the Charger's punter really does succeed in kicking away from returners, then the San Diego PUNT return hasn't had the chance to struggle yet. And if given the opportunity, Roscoe is the man for the job! (this ofcourse assumes that the defense can force a punt!)

  16. Randy Cross is a Donkey.....


    Dierdorf every Monday night game would say and I quote "There's nobody better than this guy in the NFL......"  that is, until next week when whoever is playing is suddenly better than the guy (who a week ago) was the best!


    If Bryant Gumbel would stop using phrases like......"Now the Bengals are forced to relinquish the ball......"


    Relinquish????  There ought to be a Man-Law against football announcers using "relinquish" during play by play!



    at least he's no Dennis Miller who made Niezche references on MNF!

  17. The Worst:


    Ian Eagle and his misplaced emphasis on words =  :D


    Randy Cross should be killed.  :lol:


    Jim Nantz is clueless and would prefer to be announcing the Nagano Winter Olympics than NFL Football.  :lol:


    The best:


    I really like Mike Tirico and Ron Pitts as play-by-play guys (Pitts is esp. impressive given that he was a former player--Buffalo Bill draft pick).


    I think Phil Simms is a fairly astute color commentator.



    Mike Tirico is a notorious pervert. He has had NUMEROUS complaints against him from female coworkers everywhere he's worked. That makes him number 1 in my book.

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