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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. I've seen several people make reference to this seemingly reliable Bills team. Someone cited the 2004 season as an example saying that in typical Bills fashion, teams of the past would find ways to LOSE. Every-GD-time. But something has changed this year and for whatever reason, I don't see this team bagging it this Sunday and I think we have an honest shot at the Ravens.


    Am I being a stupidly and blindly optimistic Bills fan (a charge we have ALL been guilty of at least twice)? Or is this team for FINALLY for real?


    I liked the comments that Ralph passed on from his "kids" (I'm assuming they're in their 50's or 60's). He said they were present at a team get together and that the feeling of unity was higher than it's ever been. He then went on to name Jauron as the best coach since Marv.


    Is the coaching that much better this year? Is it personell? Is it a combination of the two- in which case, go Marv? Or is this a smoke and mirrors team stringing together victories over questionable teams?


    I want to Billieve I really do. I think 9-7 is a definite reality based on this team's play the past two weeks. But who knows if they can hold it together. What does everyone think about this team's attitude? And how will personell additions/subtractions impact any momentum they might build going into 07?


    Go Bills!

  2. Nope. Mularkey's first year, LeBeau was in Pitts, and the Bills' third quarter defense was the best in the league. I don't think they gave up more than four TDs the whole year in the 3rd quarter.



    they gave up less than a point in the third quarter that year.

  3. But lest we forget some of the paltry offensive statistics the Bills are currently bolstering which havne't been totally offset by the recent resurgence.


    How has their D fared the past four weeks?



    I looked it up myself :rolleyes:


    (Jacksonville): 202 rushing yards.

    194 passing yards.

    17 pts. allowed

    4 TO's

    3 TD's


    (Houston): 218 rushing

    200 passing

    20 pts allowed

    0 TO's

    0 TD's


    (Indy): 100 rushing yards

    351 passing yards

    17 pts allowed

    2 TO's

    0 TD's


    (NYG): 144 rushing

    143 passing

    21 pts. allowed

    2 TO's

    0 TD's


    (Philly): 209 rushing

    84 passing

    13 pts. allowed

    3 TO's

    0 TD's


    Translation: This is their current FIVE GAME WINNING STREAK. The Titatns have managed to catch teams in the troughs of their respective lulls (McNabb injury occurred against them, the Giants' implosion, Indy's annual late season egg fart) and have played teams which are inconsistent at best (Houston, Jacksonville). BUT, the numbers they have allowed during their current streak are analogous to the Bills' own improvment.


    But these stats also justify the topic of this particular thread in that stopping the run has clearly been their bane.


    I expect Buff to take its shots though too and though runs might dictate/sustain drives all day, big pass plays and red zone pass plays will account for Buffalo's scoring IMO.

  4. Going into the jags game the titans had statistically the worst ranked defense in the game. 25th against the pass. 22nd in ypa. 26th in passing tds given up. 28th in rush yards. 25th in ypa. 29th in rushing tds given up. 32nd overall.  No need to be conservative regardless of what they did against the jags.  Garrard hasn't been terribly effective this year. Protect the football, and make smart decisions, but don't hold it back because of a lucky defensive game, for a unit that hasn't done much of anything. For the record the titans are also 28th in the league in points allowed.



    But lest we forget some of the paltry offensive statistics the Bills are currently bolstering which havne't been totally offset by the recent resurgence.


    How has their D fared the past four weeks?

  5. Prisco Grades: Week 15


    Another clown who "analyzes" games he clearly didn't watch.




    The blip cites only positive aspects of the game...where the !@#$ does the minus come from??


    We shut out a decent team, stopped them on three fourth down conversion attempts, including one at the goal line with no time on the clock, put up 21 points on a top five defense, dominated time of possesion and field position, had a game winning game plan, forced turnovers, capitalized on turnovers, had good play from SP (Roscoe excluded), and did all of this against a rising division rival.


    I would love to see what a B+ looks like!!!

  6. Top 10 with a mediocre OL......imagine with a solid OL........Granted the OL has played much better, but i comment only on the first 7 games....I think he would have way better #'s if we started with this OL......


    Great to see though!



    I thought the OL played outstanding yesterday. One thing that not enough people are giving this Bills team credit for is putting up 21 unanswered points against a TOP FIVE NFL DEFENSE. The times that JP was sacked, it was by blitzers coming in from the secondary untouched. I thought Peters handled Taylor brilliantly and the rest of the line seemed to hold up their end of bargain as well. BTW, and I'm not 100% positive about this, but I think that sacks only came from the right side yesterday...

  7. there's another scenario which puts six teams in a tie at 9-7:



    Cincinnati-loses to indy, beats Denver, loses to Pittsburgh


    New York-Loses to Miami, beats Oakland


    Jacksonville- Lose to New England, beat KC


    Denver- lose to Cincinnati, beats SF


    Buffalo- wins out


    Pittsburgh- beats Baltimore, beats Cincinnati

  8. you've gotta be kidding -- I counted about 8 miami misdirection plays in the first half.



    during that first drive that they actually ran the ball quite well, Miami showed us just about every run variety out there: up the gut, toss to the outside, misdirection, draw, fb run, reverses...Murlarkey was getting really cute and getting away with it.


    then it stopped working.

  9. Still behind Leinart, Roethlisberger, Vince Young, Grossman, Eli Manning, Michael Vick.  I believe he's played better, and more consistently than all of these other qbs THIS YEAR.  I have to respectfully disagree with ESPN's rankings. 




    I didn't even read past Manning ranked 1 over Brees. These guys are such homers for superstars it's ridiculous. ESPN (Eastern Seaboard Propaganda Network/part of Disney's grotesque corporate conglomerate) does their best to individualize the NFL (see the downfall of the NBA) and turns these guys (football players, mind you) into pop idols. I know I'm preaching to the choir but clicking on that link immediately started to grind my gears.

  10. Buffalo, despite being in the bottom half of capacity (90.1) is ranked sixth overall. The metro area size (1.5 million) is second to last, but the Bills are essentially tied with Jacksonville (1.6 million).  There are a number of teams more likely to move than the Bills, as this makes clear: the Raiders, the Chargers, the Jaguars, the Vikings, and (to a lesser extent now) the Saints.   


    You need to click through this to see all of the profiles:




    My read on all of this: fan enthusiasm is a major factor in the NFL's decision process, and TV ratings are significantly more important than metro area size (my sense is that the Bills are a more popular TV draw nationally when they're fielding a good team than many teams with larger metro areas). From this, I see the current rhetoric as the beginning rumblings of a drive for a new stadium, a drive that will most likely be successful.



    cool list, interesting study- I don't know how I feel about Pittsburgh being number 21 though

  11. My only question is who goes? Evans and Parrish aren't going anywhere. Andre' Davis has proven to be one HELL of a Special Teamer and we all know of Aiken's ST's contributions. You have to assume that we'll only keep 6 WR's on the roster and that's 4 right there.


    I agree, Josh Reed and Peerless Price are good #3's. But neither one is a viable option to take pressure off of Lee. Whether that means we sign a guy like Drew Bennett or draft a guy like Dwayne Jarrett remains to be seen. But if we do that, then we'll only have one roster spot left for Price or Reed.


    Both WR's were signed to 4-yr, $10 million contracts (which I thought was pretty dumb). That's a lot of money and contract to eat on one of those guys.



    it seems to me that this will be a moot point until 2008. Since there isn't one guy the Bills would cut without hesitation, and because there are plenty of needs elsewhere, I don't foresee WR being a big offseason issue.

  12. Whatever happened to the brash, flashy, pouty Peerless?


    This new Peerless Price is a different breed altogether.  Keeps his mouth shut and makes tough sideline catches.  I daresay he has the best toes of an Bills WR in recent memory.  That kind of body control tells me that even though the afterburners might not burn quite as hot, he takes the ART of being a WR very seriously. 


    Happy to see him here.  He's a nice complement to our new #1 Evans, and our new brash and flashy guy, Parrish.  For lack of a better comparison, he fills the Lofton/Billy Brooks role.

    My level best,

    Eric C





    [also posting from the windy city]


    he's been a suitable stand-in for the time being. the night the beatles first played on the ed sullivan show, George Harrison was sick and unable to attend the rehearsal during that day. Because the camera crew needed to go through the blocking for that night's performance, John Lennon asked the janitor to stand in for George pretending his mop was a guitar. Price is the janitor, this season is the rehearsal and I can't wait to see who we have playing there next year...

  13. Yeah and with JAX being such a terrific road team I bet they don't lose those two remaining road games (sarcasm off)


    Its crazy to be talking playoff scenarios yet again. I just hope its not a tease and a major let down next season, but in any event, if we finish 9-7 and miss the playoffs we can look back and see missed opportunities. Like not taking the points in NE, or missing a FG in Indy (tho manning probably would have scored again), or laying an egg against that abomination that is the Detroit Lions.  To me these are not negatives, they are simply mistakes that young teams make when they are learning to be winners, and that gives me hope for next year.  I am most impressed with JP answering the bell when idiot fans (myself admittedly included) and "experts" were calling for him to be benched in favor of a third string QB, and the kid elevated his game and now looks like he'll be leading the Bills for the forseeable future. GO BILLS!!!


    PS- didn't i feel this exact same way at the end of 2004? Oh well, this is what being a fan (especially a Bills fan) is all about...hope.



    I think there was a similiar "team" buzz in 2004. But I NEVER had the faith in Drew that I have in JP.

  14. Do you realize how close this scenario is to us making the playoffs? All we'd need is for Jacksonville to lose one additional game, and we're in!



    are you certain that Buffalo trumps KC, DEN, and NYJ in the event of a tie?


    because, yes, JAX could lose two of those games...

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