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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. I just called Wild Cards and the Colony Pub and both bars said they weren't sure if they would get the game that even Direct TV has blacked out their home games as of late.


    I managed to see the blackedout Jacksonville game at Wild Cards but not on one of the big screens.


    To my limited geographic knowledge, Erie is outside the 75 mi radius. What gives? Any one know a good way to watch the game here?

  2. Titans 27

    Bills 21


    Titans have 200+ yards rushing... Lossman throws a pick to P. Jones. The game plan will be to run it down your throats. Hope you can stop us :doh:




    You're right, Travis Henry will march up and down the field from the 20 to the 20 not once not twice but three times in the first half and ends the second quarter with 114 yards and a touchdown. Sadly, during two, long, dominant drives he coughs it up in the red zone and Buffalo capitalizes with 14 points.


    Buffalo gets the ball at the half, scores AGAIN and Tennesse abandons the run game save for two first down runs from Vince Young. But ultimately, his quarterback skills prove immature and he ooks like an epileptic retard for the better part of the second half.

  3. Alright I believe it is time for predictions on the Titans vs Bills game.  After all, it is a football night.    :doh:

    My prediction is:


    Titans  -  10

    Bills  -  20

    I believe that Vince Young, of course will make some plays... however the constant pass rush from schobel and company will rattle him a bit.  Making him do some rookie mistakes.  2 sacks, 1 INT. Sacks will be from:  Schobel and Kyle Williams.  INT will be from Ko Simpson.  The Titans TD will come from TH.

    Offensive side of the ball:


    JP will throw for about 180 yards and two TDs.  McGahee will only have about 65 yards rushing.  TDs will come from Evans and Royal.

    Anyone else care to join in?  Why not right?  What else do you have to do... work?






    Willis: 133 yds on 28 carries. 1 TD -1 catch 5 yards

    JP: 197 yards. 14/23 2 TD 1 INT

    Evans: 82 yards 6 catches 1 TD (39 yards)

    Price: 31 yards 3 catches 1 TD (7 yards)

    Royal: 26 yards 3 catches

    Reed: 34 yards 2 catches

    Parrish: 9 yards 1 catch -19 yards on a reverse run -Long punt return sets up touchdown to Price


    Interceptions by: Whitner (retured for TD), Fletcher, McGee


    Lindel: 2-2 FGA


    Final Score:


    Buffalo 34

    Tennessee 10


    (Buffalo scores 21 unanswered points)

  4. firstly, Looser is an adjective not a noun. secondly, you cite Toronto as part of the Buffalo market and then go on to deduce that 20,000 empty seats on Christmas Eve is a disgrace because Bills fans (who, thanks to Tornoto are NOT in a comparative short supply) are lazy and cheap.


    Are you suggesting that Bills are a lousy francise because they aren't good enough to convince patrons from a foreign country to cross the boarder, drink alcohol and do drugs all day, watch the Bills, then sit in traffic for a few hours while attempting to make it home in time for the midnight candle lighting service?


    I dont know if you've ever been to a Bills game. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you have but I must believe that you've never tailgated at one. I for one do not remember anything about the last two games I saw (Denver 05, GB 06). While the sun rises and sets on Buffalo Bills football for a large population of men between the ages of 15 and 75, there are wives, mothers, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, and girlfriends who probably wouldn't approve of their respective 'men' returning home on Christmas Eve stinking like a stale combination of beer, bourbon, pot, and urine. Cut them a break.


    Wow, this post is really reaching. When did I ever in any of my posts call the bills fans lazy & cheap. I have been to more bills home games then 90% of this board. Been a season ticket holder for 12 years. We are in lot 5 off of southwestern @ 8:30 every sunday home game. We park in the same lot as the bills army & their white bus parks. Im certainly not suggesting that the bills are a lousy franchise. All Im saying is that paint brush for greatest fans in the league gets spread pretty wide around here & it is just not true. There will probably be 2 or 3 stadiums in the league that dont sellout this weekend. Unfortunately ours will be one of them.



    All Im saying, and I'm not the only one saying it, Christmas, not Buffalo is the reason for the empty seats. But Buffalo sure doesn't help.

  5. I understand and truly appreciate the optimism in this thread, but the reality is the Bills are not likely to be in the playoffs.  They have to win their last 2 games and multiple other teams have to lose, and must lose certain games not just 1 0f the last 2.  That makes us a longshot.


    There are 4 teams at 8-6, if I recall correctly.  The reality is all of those teams have much, much better chance of being in the playoffs.


    I'm not trying to be the wet blanket here, I'm just saying lets ground this thing in reality.  If the Bills win out and several other teams lose certain games we can get in.  And that is a great and hopeful thing.  And I read this thread daily to remind me of who I need to root for this week (I'm still a little confused on whether I'm rooting for Denver or Cinci to win). More importantly, I think we should all congratulate this team for playing tough; thereby, allowing us to have these discussions!



    Thank you for being the voice of reason speaking in a whirlwind of unbounded optimism. But the REALITY is this Bills team does have chance with only two weeks remaining. And if they win this week, which I personally believe they will, they will have a shot again next weeking going into the final game of the season.


    If anyone can honestly say he thought that this would be the inevitable end of the 2006 season he's only lying to himself.

  6. Look, my original point was you cant look at markets in a vacuum & just assume Buffalo is a small market.  From where they draw from, which includes Toronto, they have a bigger market then most.  There are going to be 20,000 empty seats at the game sunday & I think that is a disgrace.  I also think it is a disgrace that we have had the last 4 games blacked out.  Spare me the talk on we have the largest stadium.  We also have the cheapest seats so I think it evens out.  Everybody gives Jacksonville & Oakland a tough time, you know in order for people there to even purchase some season tickets, they need to buy a PSL.  If they tried to do that here, there would be riots in the street. 


    As far as you calling me a looser because I spelled someone's name wrong??  Lets compare paychecks, we will see who the looser is.



    firstly, Looser is an adjective not a noun. secondly, you cite Toronto as part of the Buffalo market and then go on to deduce that 20,000 empty seats on Christmas Eve is a disgrace because Bills fans (who, thanks to Tornoto are NOT in a comparative short supply) are lazy and cheap.


    Are you suggesting that Bills are a lousy francise because they aren't good enough to convince patrons from a foreign country to cross the boarder, drink alcohol and do drugs all day, watch the Bills, then sit in traffic for a few hours while attempting to make it home in time for the midnight candle lighting service?


    I dont know if you've ever been to a Bills game. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you have but I must believe that you've never tailgated at one. I for one do not remember anything about the last two games I saw (Denver 05, GB 06). While the sun rises and sets on Buffalo Bills football for a large population of men between the ages of 15 and 75, there are wives, mothers, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, and girlfriends who probably wouldn't approve of their respective 'men' returning home on Christmas Eve stinking like a stale combination of beer, bourbon, pot, and urine. Cut them a break.

  7. Jay Jay Jay


    Oh yeeee of little faith

    Here ya go:


    Bills win last two....end up 9-7

    jets lose last two  (end up 8-8)

    Denver loses last two (ends up 8-8)

    Cincinnati loses to Pittsburgh (end up 9-7)

    Jags lose last two (end up 8-8)


    Bills and bengals make playoffs...Bills as fifth  seed due to strength of schedule


    Bills beat Colts round 1

    Bengals beat Patriots round 1


    Bills beat Baltimore round 2

    Bengals beat San Diego round 2


    Bills host Bengals in AFC Championship game


    no problem.... :doh:



    Haha...and then the universe collapses under its own perfectly-aligned weight!

  8. It seems like, from ESPN attitude on the sports Bash, Evans should have gone to the pro Bowl.




    I think Lee has gotten some fair press out of all of this but why doesn't any one outside of WNY or NWPA or any other Bills region think London Fletcher is pro bowl worthy?? I have seen no mention of it ANY where!! Are his stats not good enough what's the problem??

  9. I can tell you right now, Fletcher is going to lay the lumber come Sunday!  I have a feeling hes going to be playing with a chip on his shoulder!  Vince Young might leave the game hurt!



    That is one thing London doesn't do a lot of----sack the quarterback. May be they will have them him "spy-but-pounce-if-you-get-a-second" all day. Loosen the reins so to speak. Worked for JP...?


    T-Hen will be playing some inspired ball and I think it may hurt us considering the way our Run-D has been playing.



    I'm tired of hearing this. Just HOW has our run team been playing? In the last four games they have given up big gains between the 30's during the first and second quarters and then locked down, forced punts, and rested back in pass coverage after the offense has applied pressure.


    Outside of the first quarter, the run defense has not been bad enough to hurt Buffalo on the SCOREBOARD!


    If it has, please provide evidence post-bye week and I will shut my mouth. Until then...! :rolleyes:

  11. Didn't you absolutely love Jauron responding to that by saying he's not nearly in marv's class?



    I did. I listened to the press conference on a podcast so I didn't SEE Dick's reactions. But everytime someone from the media pumped him for a little self promotion, he managed to deflect the comment. It almost seemed as though all the attentioin they were giving him was making him uncomfortable but he REFUSED to accept the credit they tried to give him.

  12. Gee the parallels....are...ummm...MARV!!!!  I'm feeling you 1987, I really am.  Look out baby, we're gettin in the playoffs!!  And I want another shot at Brady if at all possible!!



    I have elected to forget most of the second game so I wonder what a third game might seriously look like with the way both teams are playing right now.

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