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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. What I see in other RB's I dont see in McGahee..........


    With other RB's in the NFL, they are always up for the game they are always pumped ready to play the game, Willis on the other hand is like ok I am here, what do I do now. McGahee dont seem to be in games other then when he plays the Jets due to him and Vilma having war of words every year.


    Man when I look at LT and when he was in Buffalo telling the crowd to get louder when his offense was on the field, i loved to see that. That told me LT said bring it, come try and stop me, that the mentality Willis needs to get.


    Willis just seems content making money and not about winning......I hope I am wrong. I do like McGahee, I think he can be better then he is now.


    Just seems like someone always has to light a fire under his rearend to get him to perfom. He knows noone behind him can start when hes healthy, so he almost half asses it out on the field.....


    I dont know........


    I agree with everything here and believe it's going to reflect in the draft. Taking a good RB will be a win win for the Bills. I want to believe that with competition (the so-called fire under his rearend) McGahee really is that good. But, come on, he's a professional athlete, he should posses at least SOME intrinsic motivation. And if he isn't that good even with a rookie nipping at his heels, then I guess what we're left with is his ample replacment. I just can't imagine that the Bills match up SO MUCH better against the Jets than any other team. I think it's a load of crap, frankly, and was actually disappointed when he blew up against them in the second game this year.


    I've been saying it all year, I know he's tough, playing through the injuries he's suffered and even coming back after the knee surgery was ballsy. But it seems like the heart ends there, that he's content with just being on the field. Once the game starts that heart and drive seem to all but disappear and the only word that comes to mind is LAZY.


    God I wish he would prove me wrong but let's call a spade a spade and his numbers this year are below league average. DO NOT BLAME THE OFFENSIVE LINE. THE ONLY GOOD RUN WILLIS HAD THIS YEAR (long touchdown against NYJ) WAS ALL HIM. It was a broken play and made something from nothing. At some point the running back (THE MAN WITH THE BALL, MIND YOU) has to take some honus and just go go go go. I haven't seen this from Willis since Travis was still in town and I think that reflects poorly on his professionalism, work ethic, and character.


    I am not a Willis basher. I only state the facts as they exist. :censored:

  2. Well, he doesn't play every game like he des against the Jets. And,even so, his performances agaisnt the Jets do not remind me in any way of LT,LJ, or Frank Gore. The Bills DO NOT need a young RB to "push" him. The jury is out on WM... they need a young RB to "REPLACE" him.


    I too think that the Jet's performances are suspect...and WANT A YOUNG RB

  3. I think the following players should get playing time, to see if they will be part of the bills in the future.

    1. Craig Nall

    2. Anthony Thomas

    3. Andre Davis

    4. Sam Aiken

    5. Brad Butler

    6. Aaron Merz

    7. Duke Preston


    8. Matt Bowen

    9. Coy wire

    10. Jon DiGiorgio

    11. Mario haggan

    12. Ashton Yobouty

    13. Jim Leonard

    14. Eric Powell


    7 on offense, 7 on defense...


    Losman is one game away from being one of three Buffalo Bills QB's (Kelly/Kemp) to take all snaps in all 16 games...I think it's a responsibility he wants bad and I think they'll stick with him. I agree with just about all the others though...

  4. Last year with the personell overhaul and induction of a new regime, the number one priority of Jauron and staff was to integrate young players into their new system. It was clear at the season's beginning that this team was "lacking in talent" and could only hope to over achieve. They did and now the discussion seems to center around what certain players will have to do to elevate their weekly contribution (i.e. Fowler, Pennington, Preston working on strength/technique, Royal not being a dumbchit, etc.) Even JP has some things to work on in the offseason as does Lee, and the majority of our defense.


    But all of the improvments that need to be made, no matter who needs to make them most, are fine tuning aspects (speed, agility, awareness, strength, quickness, confidence, etc) that will only enhance the efficacy of the new system. I think more pieces are in place than folks are willing to give credit for and coupling stability (which we didn't have last year) and commitment during the offseason (commitment being part of the sought after character comprising the current squad) improvments on an individual basis are inevitable.


    I think we're going to see a lot more "talent" next year and said talent was the difference that resulted in the 10 points that ultimately seperated us from 5 more wins.


    Who's with me!?


    Go Bills!!

  5. He has hard hands. If he had "pretty good hands", he would have done what Jason Peters or Mike Vrabel or anyone else with better hands than our tight end would have done, which is REACH UP with his HANDS and catch the football with those HANDS. Instead, he cradled an easy pass into his body because he doesn't trust his hands, and that's why he ended up coasting out of bounds on the play. Stop, reach up and catch the football. I know people are excited because he's made some plays in the open field, but when nobody is near you in the middle of the field, it doesn't matter if you have to body catch the ball. Different story near the sidelines and in traffic.


    For all you Locals: Where does Royal live? JP strikes me as the kind of guy who will play catch with his receivers during the offseason just for chits and giggles---and it seems the two have already developed striking raport. Clearly JP and the passing offense need him or any other tight end to have success. Who knows what will happen in the offseason.

  6. If Clements leaves, a lot of people see Ashton Youboty as his predecessor. That would leave basically a rookie corner at the position. Your way suggests basically another rookie corner (Whitner as he hasnt played the position for a while and certainly not at the NFL level) and a newcomer at the SS position. That's 2 people out of place from 1 person leaving, and also a waste of a 3rd round pick in Youboty sitting on the bench. I'd rather keep the very promising Whitner at his normal position of SS and either try Youboty at corner or bring in a veteran.


    Very good points, but didn't this same Bills team see success with a young backfield this year? Heck, our D Coordinator is a former DB coach and our head coach is a former pro-bowl DB...

  7. How about being creative and rolling out or JP running. Hell Chad Pennington had a few 15 yard runs on monday night.... Only 37 rushes all year, and very few recently outside 6 vs. SD.


    that's what I'm saying...On third and 4-7, JP should be able to drop back, and if everyone is covered, he's got the smarts and speed to pick up only a couple of yards...I finally saw the 3 and 5 play from Sunday and he could have EASILY scrambled for those yards...possibly more.


    I understand keeping him under reigns during the first part of the year and I think he benefitted tremendously from it, but this offseason he needs to re-learn to run IMHO. He's had enough experience now and his wise enough now that he should be able to handle it. Hell, if it means not throwing to a guy 12 yards down field (where there's a possibility of a drive-ending incomplete pass) and rushing for four yards and scampering out of bounds past the marker I'M ALL FOR IT!

  8. What makes you think that Ashton Youboty wouldn't be a better CB than Donte Whitner? Give the kid a chance, from all I've read on the guy he seems like the perfect choice to replace Clements.


    But may be Whitner/Youboty is the best non-Nate combination?? McGee didn't have a great year, may be he's be better at the strong safety position?? He was one of our leading tacklers, he's got speed, vision, and the smarts of a starting CB...

  9. That was a stupid way to title this, but please spare me the "yes it does"


    Assuming we can't re-sign Nate Clements, what about the option of moving Donte Whitner to CB, he as the speed, and is good in coverage, and if I recall during the draft there was even call about it. The two top CB will command major coins, however Safeties make less, Ken Hamlin who came back from injury and Michael Lewis who I believe has been to the pro bowl are both free agents and would be much cheaper than Clements. Just a thought. :doh:


    :P I was thinking the same thing. And while we're at it why not move McGee to a safety position as well...??


    What, if any, are the reasons why this wouldn't work?

  10. You guys need to figure a couple of things out with this team...

    They dont know how to win big games..


    They dont know how to go for the kill...


    Piss poor coaching will continue...


    And for the real topper...  RALPH WILSON WILL NOT SPEND 30-40 MILLION THAT WE HAVE IN CAP ROOM!!!!!



    could you please find another place to be an a-hole? :doh:


    Merry Christmas :D

  11. LOL........So for all of you that voted for our pro-bowl defensive end, I hope he rewarded y'all with big time plays in the biggest game of the year, yesterday :lol:  :lol:


    Please, Schobel is a joke and a fraud.  When the chips were down, he was invisible.  In fact the only time he was even noticed was when he was committing a face mask penalty on 3rd down, which would have forced the Titans to punt into the wind from inside their own 10 yard line.


    Like I said, the man is highly overrated :D



    overrated? :doh: Inflated, boosted garbage stats? :doh:

  12. JP has struggled behind this line and been sacked often, and it took a big reshuffling stressing pass protection to get him back on track.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Pennington, and I hope Fowler holds down that position until someone else is ready to step in, but our line is one good, one average, and three below average players.  Watch a game (or Tivo, etc), and try watching just Pennington and Preston.  We don't run right, and there is a reason for it.  Preston is the weakest link right now, and will be replaced as starter this offseason.  Pennington and Gandy will rock/scissors/paper to see who is #2 in line to be replaced, with Pennington having the youth and size advantage going for him.  Congratulations to the line for picking up the pieces after our three game losing streak, but please realize that it is not a good line.


    Willis was much better than A-Train behind this line, but I am pleased with A-Train's performance and am happy to have him as a #2 back.  Corey Dillon had a much better line than this, and Barry Sanders practically played independently from his line, and is the single greatest talent any team has ever had in terms of creative agility to gain yards when there are no big holes to run through.


    WM might not be here in 2008.  But showed a ton of guts this year, is a good back, and is our guy in 2007.  We have no more RB controversy than we have QB controversy.  He will do better next year with better health likely, with a better line stabilized, and a more mature passing attack.  I think after next year if he goes somewhere else we will have "must sign WM" threads and we will be sad when if he leaves.



    I guess my belief is that if Willis was a top 15 back he would have ability to make something out of nothing. If on 10 runs the line gives him ample support 3 times, then during those other 7 runs, it's on him to make something out of nothing. On a good day, Willis will make something from nothing 2 out of 7 times, and I gotta believe that an "elite" back, or at the very least the back we all expect and hope Willis to be, makes plays twice as many times (4/7 garbage plays). These numbers mean nothing aside from a way to numerically present my opinion, but at the end of the day Willis, line or no line, makes plays 4/10 runs and that DOES NOT make him irreplaceable in the draft and certainly doesn't free up RB as a lockdown position during the offseason.

  13. Before you judge Willis, Id like to see him run behind a good line....


    I think Willis is a very good RB.  Our O line is crap....



    Oh my sweet Jesus I am sick of hearing this!!!


    How has JP done behind this line? How much better was Willis than A-Train behind this line? How was Corey Dillon behind his line in Cincy? How was Barry Sanders? The list goes on and on.



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