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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. Privacy.



    :bag:0:):D :D :o :o :o:worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy::worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: (just wanted to see what it would look like)

  2. My thoughts:


    1) Willis's off-field activities have nothing to do with his non-production on the field. Comments aside, he can't get it done.


    2) There is nothing wrong with having children out of wedlock IF you are going to be involved in their lives.


    No, Willis is not an axe murderer, but he is perpetuating a problem we have in this society. I personally work with African American mothers and their children in a very poor area of a large east coast city. It is rare for me to have a meeting with BOTH parents. It is always the mother and the children - no father to be found. Whose fault is this - that's another story altogether.


    And when there is no father around, you see these kids get into drugs, violence, and teenage pregnancy - the streets become their fathers. It is very sad and the real losers of this whole Willis story is not the fans, the baby momas, Ralph, Rosenhaus, or Willis, but the kids who are now having to grow up without a fatherly figure - no matter how much money the courts throw their way.


    And Willis is probably no different that at least 50% of the rest of NFL players.


    My thoughts have been with these kids as well. I wonder what it's like growing up knowing that your mother got knocked up by a guy you watch on TV playing football. Are they proud of it? Do they resent their "father?" Do they ever find out who he is? And what sorts of things does Mama have to say about him?


    Between the NFL, NBA, MLB, and NHL one has to wonder how many professional athlete seedlings there are running around America. Heck, at this point, I wonder if current members of said leagues are, in fact, the offspring of wayward sports stars and NEVER KNOW.

  3. don't be such a pc kitty.


    these women are grown up and know about birth control. they also have the right to choose, and chose to have the child. they also knew they were sleeping with

    a pro athlete with a big reputation as a hurricane and massive income potential. they are now getting a paycheck for 18+ years.


    instead of waving around your little good guy badge why don't you take a look at this funny place called reality?


    You're giving Willis way too much credit, man. As a professional athlete it's his job to be responsible and avoid those situations. He's not the only pro-athlete with females clawing at his door...

  4. 3 kids and 3 moms in less than 3 years is bad. The term "low-life," however, is harsh and loaded. It seems to me that the sports writers at the Buffalo News drew straws and Sullivan lost. As a result, it was on him to highlight every negative aspect of Willis' brief tenure in Buffalo, without giving him the benefit of the doubt on any issue.


    So here's my $0.02




    Were the women gold diggers? It's likely, but also unfair for me to speak to their character. But, c'mon Willis. You're an African-American professional athlete and in the eyes of fertile females (13-40 years of age), you've had a bulls-eye on your crotch since you were fifteen.


    Have you been a part of paltry offense running behind dismal OL for most of you NFL career? You have, but to my knowledge Buffalo has yet to enlist a ringer for any of the last 6 Jets games.


    Are you replaceable? Yes and you have no bargaining leverage with this new regime.


    Lastly, your comments about moving the Bills to Toronto were outrageously ignorant. Talk about poking a nerve. Buffalo fans are devoted, well educated, and hard to please. Assuming you're able, I have to believe you've picked up a paper in the last four months which has expressed the community's swelling dissapproval of your performance and your inability to make the right decisions OFF the field. SO WHY EVEN AGREE TO AN INTERVIEW WITH PENTHOUSE MAGAZINE? It's a smutty publication notorious for its exploitation of midgets, firemen, and the female genitalia. Evidently your lip-syncing charade for the NLF Network commercials didn't turn over the publicity you had anticipated.

  5. Im wondering what the so called experts are saying now. I remember last April Buffalo was the laughing stock of the NFL. I think Buffalo has proven big names dont always have to be picked first.


    Another draft like we had last year, this Bills team can get better in a hurry.


    Granted the question mark is still out on Youboty, Merz & Butler, i still feel as if Youboty will be a decent corner, not sure if he will be able to play at the level Nate Clements does. But then again we dont know yet......


    I think my favorite rookie from this year was either Ellison or Kyle Williams. Ellison is one of the more smaller LB's in the game but yet is always making big tackles on the field. Kyle Willams reminds me of a Phil Hansen type player. Just plays balls to the wall every down and makes plays when we need him too. I think with another year under the NFL conditioning program Williams will get better. Finally I think we can say so long to Tim Anderson!


    I cant wait to see this years draft.......I do see Buffalo being laughed at again for the picks they make! Granted im sure i will be left scratching my head, but....I have the faith the staff will make the right moves....and spend a few bucks to upgrade a few spots!


    I have faith as well. For all you Buckeye loyalists-how did Nate's career compare with Ashton's?

  6. well... given the fact that theyve won 3 super bowls in 4 seasons and in this modern league are STILL keeping the team together and STILL going to the playoffs and STILL beating good teams in the playoffs. i can understand why the media is all over their jock. i dont expect much from the media and nothing they do really surprises or affects me.


    what i cant understand is why so many "Bills fans" are now swinging from the same jock?!?!?!


    thats just plain unacceptable.



    agreed. If lynch mobs hadn't become passe, I'd ask for directions to Marsha's and torch the house, garage, shed, and tree house of every Pat supporter on the way.



  7. I'm not impressed by Willis thus far on or off the field but I do believe he has the physical talent to be very good. The heart and the mind I am not too sure about. However, young immature players like Willis often grow up during their NFL careers so maybe the lightbulb can still be illuminated for Willis. If I'm Marv, I'd approach a contract extension as follows.


    Write a new deal that extends him a few years. Instead of front loading the money, put in a big roster bonus each year. That way he's playing for a contract each year. If the guy gets his head on straight and consistently performs, he stays a Bill and gets paid very well. If not he can be cut or traded without salary cap baggage and he becomes an UFA. The player and agent won't like it, but it's fair to both sides.


    I remember when Jerome Bettis was run out of St. Louis. His behavior and effort early in his career was poor. Over time he really became a class act on and off the field. Had a pretty good career in Pittsburgh. Would hate to see Willis run out of town only to right the ship shortly thereafter. I'm not sure he has it in him, but if he's motivated the right way and get's some mentoring he might surprise all of us. If I were him I'd start by getting a new agent. One that coaches his clients better on the "taking the high road".


    What about extending him an incentive heavy contract? A la Ricky Williams?

  8. If willis blows up next year for something like 1500-12, then slap the franchise tag on him. He'll either 1) sign the tag, and play 1 more year, which he'll still be motivated, or 2) we'll deal him for a draft pick.


    Basically what it comes down to is Willis is a streaky but proven commodity. And at this point in time, all the chips are on Buffalo's side of the table. Hard, really, to complain about the RB situation and Buffalo's potential to foster a dominante running game, even with so many other question marks plauging the roster.


    Towards the end of the season I really got down on Willis for his 2006 performance. But I've come around: no other back dealt with the injuries he did and no other run offense faced as many horrific defenses. Barring injuries, the running stats in 2007 can only increase from 2006!

  9. What about resigning A-Train and then picking a rookie. What about Tony Hunt with a second or third roung pick. Lynch is overrated.


    I've been A-Train advocate since the first game of the year when he had that 18 yard TD run against NE. But I don't think he can hold a candle to a motivated McGahee. And I think McGahee knows it which is why he did just about enough to retain the number one spot.


    I don't know a damn thing about College Football and about prospects at any position. But I think that anyone who can push Willis harder than the A-Train would result in more running production.

  10. what do we do with him next year then? if he has a really good season, we probably wont be able to sign him. so do we let him just walk? and not get anything for him?


    im with you on NOT extending him and making him run for his money this year. but i just dont know what we'd do after the season, even if we had a suitable replacement.


    IMO he's replacable by two young backs. I think Buffalo drafts another RB in 2008 and the tandem will make us all forget about Baby Daddy.


    Hypothetical: Willis and 2007 draft pick combine for 1675 yards. 2007 pick and 2008 pick combine for 1950.

  11. This been a highly debated topic for a couple weeks now. I myself have voiced my opinion but have remained receptive to other posters' perspective. Running back, IMO, is not one of the areas the Bills will be concerned with going into the offseason and I think the strategies for free agency and the draft revolve around the return or the departure of Nate Clements. Regardless of what happens at CB, by April 2007, Willis McGahee WILL STILL BE A BUFFALO BILL. He will not, however, be offered an extension this spring or summer.


    If Buffalo re-signs Nate, don't be surprised if they use a second or third round draft pick on a running back. Let Willis play for his money going into his contract year, and make him do it with a young back nipping at his heels. This will be the case even if they can't sign Nate but the rookie RB will come from rounds 3 or 4.


    NFL teams around the league are implementing the bicameral running game and Buffalo would thrive in such a system, especially if the number 2 provides Willis with ample motivation. Both our coah and our GM have hardons for a run heavy offense and Bills fans should expect to see upgrades to the offensive line as well.


    But to get rid of Willis this year is a bit silly. The only motivation for doing so would be to bring in new, moldable blood (this would ONLY happen though if Nate is re-signed)-but as of now, RB is not an immediate need and can EASILY be upgraded in the draft or free agency. So easily, in fact, and so effectively, that whether or not Nate is wearing a Bills jersey in 2007, having McGahee on the roster allows for Buffalo to address more pressing needs while still enhancing the running game.

  12. Yeah, but I think you are totally wrong. First day picks obviously come first. In this draft that you charcaterize as "AWESOME," our earliest and most valueable resources went toward taking a safety who looks pretty good, a DT with a history of injury who is injured once again, and a corner who didn't crack the lineup. Again, I remind you that we entered day 1 with 4 early picks in 3 rounds. This is not awesome. It borders on disaster.

    We followed up this horror show with another safety in the fourth; this after signing a UFA corner and safety. You may find this to be awesome, which is great. I think that it is idiocy and to add insult to injury, we will more than likely draft a 1st round corner this year, even if several are drafted before we select.


    The Bills DID improve this season, but it was primarily because of Lee Evans, JP, Jason Peters and the coaching. I liked day 2 of the draft, and hope that Pennington can develop into a good RT. We need this.

    The thing is, Marv needs to put on his thinking cap, and remember that other positions matter more than the secondary, especially when talking of a team that plays outdorors, in the cold.


    Okay, I see your point and I won't disagree with you. But (and I'm resorting to the default cop-out here) one year after the draft is still too early to gauge it's success. To refer to any moves made last year as "idiocy" might be a bit much if and when Donte, Ko, Ashton, and McCargo are all defensive playmakers (in a perfect world).


    Additionally, I understand your DB frustration, but with a corps which received a complete overhaul this season (after flushing Milloy and Vincent) and which is currently learning a new defensive scheme which demands perfection, I have patience with the coaching staff wanting to bring in raw, moldable players to plug in to a system which is undergoing periods of evolution similar to those experienced by the youngins comprising it.


    So, my optimism, and the fact that I elected to use the word "AWESOME" in all caps is based on the fact that so far none of the drafts have proven negative. If McCargo is continually wraught with injury and Youboty never comes around, then yes, words like "disaster" and "idiocy" may become appropriate. Until then I'm riding the SS Optimistic and loving the view!

  13. I think that the draft CAN be seperated into 2 days, given the fact that we gave up a pick.


    If you choose not to answer my question, that's cool too. :flirt:


    To be perfectly frank, I wasn't sure where the seperation occured (a) and I figured by addressing both days I essentially addressed your queries about day 1 at the same time (b).

  14. Day 2 seemed to be a good thing for the Bills. Considering that we entered Day 1 with 4 picks including the #8 and an extra early 3rd, would you mind telling us what you likes so much about the first day of the draft?


    I'll tell you what I like so much about the entire draft:


    Whitner/Simpson- IMO you can't mention one without the other. As for Donte though, I think he really held his own. Sure, he was caught out of position a few times, but I guess that's to be expected from a rookie who started week 2. He needs to get bigger/faster, but his heart and his head are in the right place and he now has the offseason to attend OTA's etc, he won't be set back because of contract holdouts at training camp, and it seems that the sky is the limit. Simpson is the same way, but as a FS not quite as active as Donte when it came to making tackles or making plays. BUT! The only stat one needs to know is this: The Bills gave up only 39 pass plays of 20 or more yards, tied for seventh-fewest in the NFL, and the average distance of those 20-plus pass plays was 26.2 yards, lowest in the league. IMO, that's pretty damn good for a pair of rookies, especially considering Buffalo's schedule.



    McCargo- IMHO, the jury is still out on this guy and when I looked into him after we drafted him, I was a bit dissapointed to hear he was regularly set back with a foot injury in college...we'll have to see, but at this point he hasn't done anything him to warrant him a "bust" of any kind.

    Williams- This guy has the potential to be something very stout and reliable in the center. When he could keep his helmet on that giant melon of his, he was CONSTANTLY in on plays, and I really liked what I saw out of him in the Baltimore game.


    Butler/Merz- I'm not sure anyone can give these guys a fair assesment yet, but how can anyone complain about bringing in depth to the offensive line?


    Ellison- I was very proud of this guy, especially considering that he was asked to step in and START but didn't become a major liability. Great heart, great character, just needs to get bigger. With his speed and wherewithall, he WILL be a Bills starter for years to come.


    Pennington- Once again, how could anyone complain about a 7th round pick that starts 9 weeks at RT? He wasn't a revolving door, and wasn't even the weak spot on the right side. He's no Petersesque anchor, but after this offseason, he could be NASTY.



    Basically, what it comes down to is this: five starters or five rookies who played and contributed to a team that STILL HAD A SHOT AT THE PLAYOFFS IN WEEK 14 has has has has to be considered a successful first year.

  15. If they draft a FB in the first round I will peel off my skin, feed it to my dog, and then sew it back on when he poops it out....and I think I'd be disappointed with most WRs in the first as we have bigger needs elsewhere


    Yeah I don't think we'll take a FB, WR, TE, or RB in the first round. But I think our first round pick centers entirely on Buffalo's ability/inability to re-sign Mr. Clements which means CB is not out of the question. In all likelihood, however, it will probably be a DT, OG, or LB IMO. But the whole point of this thread was to find out how folks would react if Marv and Co. did something outlandish like drafting a defensive end- a position no one is really talking about (like SS last year)...

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