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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. I agree Bears fans are the true monsters of the midway, but no one holds a candle to the old Vet fans.


    My father told me a long time ago to never, ever go to any sports teams event in Philly without wearing their colors.


    He went to the Philly game wearing his old O.J. jersey and had bottles and cans thrown at him, threats against his life, and his friend was even punched. Any place that actually has a jail in it is pretty vicious country.


    I told him earlier this week that I was thinking of making the trip to Philly for the Bills game, wearing my TKO jersey and possibly bustin' out the "Break his leg Crowell" sign.


    He simply responded with "what kind of firearm are you bringing" (Which, I found interesting since someone said the exact words to me here).


    Vicious, vicious people, I go to IUP and most of them are Eagles fans. They've started fights, and they didn't end peacefully.


    soldier field has a processing cell as well. But i think the linc actually has a court so people can be prosecuted on the spot.

  2. My friend played a round of golf with him in Niagara Falls last year, and has a pic to prove it. It was really cool, he worked on the course and was there after work golfing by himself, and Dick was golfing by himself too so Dick asked if he wanted to join him. By buddy was like, your the coach of the Bills. He said he was a real nice guy, but didn't try to get any insider info out of him. He said he was a great golfer too.


    I can picture him as a good golfer. Very balanced, controlled, and untempermental- plus he's probably in pretty good shape still.

  3. there really wont ever be a better logo than the standing red buffalo.


    theres no reason we shouldnt go back to it. there are plenty of teams that have old-school type uniforms and not that stupid scoopy futuristic design that everyone has.


    the steelers, colts, browns, bears, jets and giants all pop into mind. i like the classic look better than trying to look like a team from 2050.


    I'm curious as to your age, doctor because I think the standing Buffalo is a generational thing. I-being only 22 ripe years of age- prefer an image which is at least slightly foreboding.

  4. Have to log in?


    Couldn't open link because of login...


    My alma mater (Bucknell University Bison) used to have an agreement with the Bills to use the charging buffalo as their logo (except the streak was orange as per team colors)


    My freshmen year (much to my chagrin) they dropped the Bills logo and went with this:


    Two Variations- full body and bison head with a "B" you'll see them both on the front page


    Personally, I don't like these modern looking, busy and detailed logo concepts. If Buffalo were to alter their logo, I'd hope it would be to something very very simple (like even a stylized "B" of some sort could be cool (ala the bears "c")).

  5. i started this thread and im sorry to see it degenerate into a pissing contest. but when u break it down it all comes down to one thing: either you believe pats can do no wrong (i.e. you've totally bought into "mystique") or if you believe as i do that they have their fair share of flaws and stumbles and like anyone facing a very difficult need to fill several high profile positions they will stumble some.


    to all the mystique lovers i'd put forth the following:


    - if pats are so perfect they don't lose branch and are probably playing in miami in 2 weeks. i consider that a huge blunder;


    - they made a good move getting seau to press the now useless bruschi (not their fault seau got hurt) but they did nothing to address the high likelihood harrison wouldn't be the same player after total knee reconstruction at 33. another blunder that could have cost them a trip to south florida;


    - this is the 2nd year in a row theyve failed to make the super bowl. last year they didnt even advance past the wild card round. their only win came against san diego who i think were ripe for the taking by anyone in post season due to their immaturity and loser of a post-season coach marty. they were in the playoffs mostly due to playing in a division with 3 other teams mired in rebuilding. all of this tells me theyre a "dynasty" clearly in decline. symbolically, losing the conference final to a team they "owned" like the colts is a very powerful confirmation of this. bills and jets promise to be better next season so pats wont have a cakewalk to the division title again.


    conclusion: pats will have a tough job filling all their needs and won't be as good next season, continuing their "wrong side" of dynasty trend. again think noll, landry, shula, how invicible they looked at the top and how they went out.


    :( But I still think Tom Brady's a pillow biter.

  6. Did he actually state that he is not sold on Tom Brady as a Qb?


    Maybe "VikingGumBoot" is another term for "He knows not what he says"


    Sorry 'GumBoot but you just earned yourself a spot in my signature next to Ko Simpson.


    P.S. What was your Wonderlic score?


    Oh for crying out loud- here I thought we were Buffalo Bills fans born into this world with an irrational hatred and skeptisism towards every other AFC East quarterback!


    I know what I said- I hate Tom Brady: I think he's spoiled: spoiled by his coach, his OL, and (up until this year) his kicker; and combined with his dimples and lantern jaw (which may or may not have resulted from steroid use) his success has resulted in an ongoing slobbery fellatio from the national media- which I find intolerable. I thought his performance as host of SNL was an insult to sketch comedy, he acts like a petulant kid on the sideline when things don't go his way, and what do you know? When he has to get closer than 30 yards from the endzone HE DOESN'T win the playoff game! Instead, he throws an interception. Superman indeed.


    As for my Wonderlic score? Did great on the verbal, but failed miserably at the peer-reviewed esoteric QB evaluations-which, I'm told, don't count for sh--.

  7. :worthy:






    That's right, you quoted me three times, and I'm glad that each time you found my opinion more and more entertaining. I don't think he's a Peyton Manning, or a Joe Montanna, or Dan Marino, or any other "great Quarterback."


    I think he's an accurate passer (something EVERY starting NFL QB should be) who plays behind an impenetrable offense line. He has good receivers coming out of the backfield, a very good receiving option in his tight end, and serviceable wide receivers- funny how a monster offensive line can make receivers look great.


    Tom Brady is just a decent NFL quarterback with GREAT coaching and a very EFFECTIVE supporting cast.

  8. If thats the case then why were the Pats 5-11 in 2000 under Bledsoe & Belichick?


    Check the Pats record pre & post Brady. He's a first ballot Hall of Famer who upon entering Canton will drop trou and proceed to take a crap on Jim Kelly's bust.


    Tom Brady is definitely a hall of famer, he's accomplished too much, but I think any 'professional' quarterback (e.g. someone who has the skills to earn money for throwing a football) would have great success in this current NE system. The OL is unbelievable! And when it breaks down, Brady sucks. Sadly, this is a rare occurence. In addition to the OL (which is the anchor to any successful team), the have servicable receivers and backs. Had Crack-Eyes not had those drops lastnight, the Patriots are headed to the Super Bowl. They have a great receiving tight end (lots of folks would love to see him in Orchard Park) and the result of all of these consistently sufficient parts is perpetual execution which leads to wins.

  9. Until Brady retires, the Pats will always be in the hunt.


    I have to fervently disagree here. I am not sold on Tom Brady as a quarterback. I am sold on the New England system. Bellechick seeks players he can plug in to his gameplan to perform one task well and he/they/everyone succeeds. It's so complicated it's simple. Christ, even Bledsoe found success in New England and he's a disastard.

  10. MLB: Teddy Bruschi is all but retired and if he doesn't Bill & Kraft won't waste any time retiring him. No more "Invisble Man" impersonations from this guy;


    RB: Dillon is about a year away from being put out to pasture too. And as I've said before Maroney has not proven he's #1 material;


    WR: their decisions not to keep top WRs have finally come back to haunt them. Does anyone really think Branch wouldn't have been the difference maker last night after seeing Caldwell "Deer in Headlight" eyes drop pass after pass?


    SS: Harrison is old and often injured and he was a huge key to Pats 2nd and 3rd Super Bowl wins. He's their Bob Sanders who makes the whole defense click.


    Those are 4 high profile hard to fill positions. I don't care how much under the cap or how many 1st rounders a team has, getting the "right guy" for all those slots in the same year is extremely challenging. And that also assumes they resign super high priced Asante Samuel in the secondary ... a huge "if" for a team that doesn't like to overpay free agents. Looking like Pats take another notch down next year.


    Nothing like a hot cup of wishful thinking on Monday morning! I'm not discrediting your post- you make good points, but they'll still be at the top of our division next year. And by top I mean second to Buffalo.

  11. Now that JP is on the right track, I think he'll be a household name by the end of 2007. I hope he stays with the Bills his entire career.


    If I were going to buy a jersey, I'd consider getting his. He seems like a total class act on his show on the radio.


    Plus, he's a northern guy and doesn't mind the snow. It's nice to have a guy like that and not your typical FLA wimp.


    not to mention, he's a big 10 track champion so even when it comes to athleticism he's got the FLA wimps beat.

  12. The Patriots won't tie-up the money it will take to franchise, or even transition tag Samuel. So he'll be gone. He even mentioned how he and his agent approached the Pats for an extension and what they offered was an insult.


    Hopefully as has been suggested, HE'LL be the #1 target of everyone.


    A win today and a Super Bowl win (which Un-f'ing-fortunately is possible) will only solidifty said #1 spot!

  13. Too much forecasting and negativity going on these days for my sanity so I decided to mention Lee for a change. Afterall folks, he's great.


    Great Attitude.


    Great Production.


    Great Role Model.


    Great Athete.


    Great Stats.


    Great Responsibility.


    Great Future.



  14. Just posting what I saw! Interesting how much press it's getting lately.


    For the record, I think Buffalo can upgrade from Willis, but I don't think they should trade him...yet.


    As far as the "press" it's getting- can it be safe to say that said "press" is just internet journalists who scan TBD? Afterall, YOU were Time's man of the year-basically for that reason.



    NEW YORK -- Pittsburg State University senior tailback Germaine Race was named to the first-team Associated Press Little All-America Team Thursday (Dec. 14).

    The Warrensburg, Mo., native becomes a three-time All-America selection for the Gorillas. Race rushed 310 times for 1,944 yards and 31 touchdowns during his senior season, helping Pitt State to a 10-2 record including a 35-27 win over Bemidji State University in the Mineral Water Bowl.

    In his final collegiate game, Race broke the NCAA Division II all-time rushing record. At midseason, he became the most prolific scorer in the history of college football. He finished with 52-game career with 6,985 rushing yards and 658 points.

    Race, one of three finalists invited to Florence, Ala., for the presentation of the 2006 Harlon Hill Trophy honoring the National Player of the Year, is joined in the first-team Little All-America backfield by his Hill Trophy finalist mates quarterback Cullen Finnerty of Grand Valley State University and running back Danny Woodhead of Chadron State College.


    Interesting...hard to tell with these superstars from non-premier schools...

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