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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. But by no means will they do whatever it takes to get this team to the next level = playoffs. Not to say that the Bills don't want to win the Bowl, but in reality given the team they have right now and the obstacles (small market revenue etc) that they face, I think the Bills know deep down inside that it will be a huge uphill battle that will be tough to conquer.


    Bottom Line - The Bills had better hit the jackpot in the Draft, or face the reality that the team will take a step back in 2007.


    Seeking several over priced individuals who are just as susceptible to injury, can't play every down, don't play both sides of the ball and occupy the cap space of ten other potential players :blink:


    Finding team-oriented talent which can provide depth and come at a low cost :blink:


    I'm willing to give it a shot.

  2. 2006 was an average year for the Bills. They proved they could be competitive, yet clearly not a dominating team, or a team capable of making a trip to the Super Bowl. If the front office is not interested in retaining key free-agents, or adding players to make the team better, can we draw a conclusion that the Super Bowl will not happen in the next year, or two, or even more?


    Every season starts with the goal and aspiration to be Super Bowl champs. If you know your team cannot make it, do you get as excited and pumped up as when you believe the team has a chance? That being said, is it any wonder that they had a hard time selling out games in 2006? Why would someone, who is not a die-hard Bills fan, attend a Bills game? Early on in 2006, when it looked like the Bills were mathematically eliminated, I think some people decided not to buy tickets to the games because the team had no post-season hopes. (I have season tickets so do not criticize me. But you have to admit that it is human nature to support a winning team.)


    What are they giving the fans to look forward to? In 2006, at least we could watch a young quarterback develop in front of us. But, 2006 was the year to see if Losman was our quarterback. Fans will not tolerate nothing more than a science experiment in 2007-- this team needs to start winning! Losman definitely needs some upgrades around him if that is to happen. And the defense is taking a couple of hits this year with the apparant departure of three free agents.


    I think their cash-to-cap approach is too cheap for this league and will not result in a competitive team that can take down the dominant teams. Translation, even if they make the playoffs, it's a first round out. I think next year's ticket sales will again be disappointing, resulting in more involvement by Schumer and revenue-sharing criticism by Ralph. And at some point, some media yahoo is going to question the desire of the fans to keep a team in Buffalo. I will say now, don't blame the fans or the fan base. It lies with the conscious decision and announcement by management not to take this team to the next level.


    I'm looking forward to the RB that Marv assured us is arriving on draft day.

  3. I wonder why everyone believes that Ian Scott or Amobi Okoye are the answer for our run D? Neither is very big, with Scott at 302 and Okoye at 287 (per the senior bowl). Neither appears strong enough to hold the point of attack against two OL, a la Pat Williams.


    Also, we have the "3 technique guy" covered in our Tampa 2 scheme. Those guys are Triplett and McCargo. We do not have a run stuffing nose tackle. Kyle Williams is a decent rotation player but certainly will not take on two blockers.


    The best solution I see out there is DT Terdell Sands. 6'7", 335 lbs. Thats a run-stuffer. Playing him next to a guy like Triplett or McCargo will only make them more effective.


    A rotation of Sands, Triplett, McCargo and Williams would be very effective and make our MLB (whoever it is) that much more effective.


    Am I missing something?


    just who is this 6'7'' 335 "human"

  4. Why in the world is he put at risk???!!! He's one of our best weapons. I can't stand that criminal Taylor, him and all those other parolees from the U. I would love to see someone kick his a$$.


    Didn't see it...


    Did I hear that it was on a FAKE punt? Why put the punter (of all players) in danger? IT'S THAT DIRT BAG BELLECHICK!

  5. Yeah and the league is full of all-purpose backs. Sure if one fell into our laps I'm all over it but come on, it would be a stretch to say there are even 5 great all-purpose backs in the entire league.


    That is a good point, and in fact (IMO) each of the top five running backs ARE all purpose backs. To me, finding an AP back requires good recruiting and I have faith in Marv/Fairchild/DJ to find the right rookie if that becomes the case. How poetic that the second coming of Thurman Thomas may come in the afterglow of TT's HOF.


    it wreaks like optimism in here :sick:

  6. Broncos | Carlisle likely to test market

    Wed, 7 Feb 2007 08:14:37 -0800


    Lee Rasizer, of the Rocky Mountain News, reports the Denver Broncos will likely allow pending free agent OG Cooper Carlisle to test the market.



    With the Ticket I watch alot of games and Denver is usually one of the better 4pm games. Bottom line is they know how to get things done in terms of blocking and assignments. Not sure how much he is looking to bank on this deal but if affordable the why not get that proven starter.



    was he a starter or a Tutan Reyes (marginal reserve on a solid OL)?

  7. Good news. It seems that the mark of any (successful) Jauron team is going to be discipline. That is, stay in your gaps, don't do anything stupid, no personal fouls, minimize mistakes, and you give yourself the best chance to win the game.


    That discipline with an infusion of more talent strikes me as a winning formula for next year. Playoffs, let's do it!




  8. He's definately one of the best and I saw all three when they were actually doing the running. The one video I would also like to see is the one where during the draft they would pan in on him at his mom's house every time a pick was made in the first round. You could see his disgust when he wasn't picked. As they got through the first round he started snoozing and they would show him with his eyes closed ( don't think he was actually asleep) but when the second round came and he got the call from the Bills you could see his frustration turn to determination to make everyone who passed on him pay big time.


    Great career TT, you made them pay and you now have acknowledgement!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!


    The fact that Marv and Co. plucked him out of the second round then gives me hope for the non-first round running back(s) Buffalo will draft in 2007 and/or 2008!

  9. Take this for what i'ts worth, cause I'm afraid I dont have a picture, but I do have a Bills Super Bowl XXV Champions t-shirt I found at a Valu-City here in Illinois for $5.00.


    As a Bills fan living in Chicago, I find the New York Times' decision to print the image of the XLI Championship shirt celebrating the Bears victory to be a blatant disregard for sports kharma; and because it was a New York publication, it's unfortunate to believe, as I do, that this act was compelled by east coast bias and petulant resentment. :ph34r:

  10. True, but I don't think JP was close to Pro Bowl material. He definitely improved over the course of the season and we all became more comfortable with him, but McNair & Pennington would be more worthy.


    you don't think he was better than Romolo?

  11. Thanks! The topic was meant to place our footbal heroes in a proper athletic perspective. When the American athlete goes against the world, he is shown to be mediocre. No one has refuted that premise in the replies so far. There has been bluster, chest-thumping, conjecture, and (most of all) excuses--but no refutation.


    I'm also here for fun--and I'm enjoying it as you twits bring forward one weak, pathetic reply after another!


    Mediocre? On principal alone no world class athlete is MEDIOCRE! Furthermore, you're talking out both sides of your mouth. You cite all these sports: basketball, baseball, football, soccer, the olympics, etc- and the facts with which people have responded DO indicate that the United States (with the exception of soccer) not only wins at these sports, she has been winning at them for a long time and in some cases has out right dominated them. For those few sports in which the US is NOT a perennial champion, she is- at the very least- a perennial contender.


    NOW, Blue. Please, as Kelly requested, name for me another country that continually dominates EVERY sport...That's right, there isn't one. Now, Blue. Please name for ME, another country which is a perennial contender in EVERY sport...That's right, only the United States is.


    Now if you want to open the debate to include the narrowing gap between the United States and "the world," by all means. I think said narrowing is hard to ignore, it's a black cloud on our domination horizon, but it was inevitable. The debate, however, is a debate which transcends sports thanks largely to a six-year productivtiy drought on Capitol Hill-but that's a different story all together!

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