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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. If no deal comes of this, it puts one big monkey on WM's back to perform well next year. At that point HE'S got to convince some team to come up with big bucks to get him. The move to shop him will probably work to our benefit either way. WM was riding his high horse (along with his agent) at the end of the season. The shopping will take him down a notch if it is not successful, and we should get a second round pick (at least) for him.




  2. I can understand why the Bills would entertain a trade for WM. He has underperformed (reaons not entirely clear) and he wants a new contract with significant money. The problem is that he is coming off of a mediocre season, he will be a free agent after the season, and now our interest in possibly trading WM is public. In other words, our bargaining position is not particularly strong and I doubt that the Bills will get good value for WM.


    The bigger problem: another big hole to fill with limited options and significant financial constraints. Moreover, free agency does not seem to be a viable option and it is a weak year for RBs in the draft.


    I like Marv, but I am beginning to feel like the Bills are chasing their tail. I have doubts that a rookie RB will be an improvement over WM. Same with CB (if it is a rookie or Youboty) and middle linebacker (if it is a rookie or Crowell). I know that free agency is always a possibility, but with our self-imposed financial constraints and the lack of quality players available at CB or inside LB, I don't see Bills successfully filling their holes with players that will equal or exceed the play of the players that they will be losing. I am also concerned that Jauron seems genuinely concerned about losing Clements.


    The Bills cannot always be in the position of building for the future. Some poor planning and decisions (not extending Clements a couple of years ago (instead extending McGee), drafting McGahee, letting Pat Williams leave) have resulted in the Bills current state of mediocrity. If the Bills really want to stop this cycle, they need to step up and hold on to their key players. Re-signing Clements would be a start.


    Is it just me or could this whole situation could be an elaborate smoke-in-the-mirrors ploy to determine the pre-2007 worth of a potentially greedy, under-achieving player? Depite this recent charade, it's unlikely they'll get rid of him and aside from a hold out, the WORST scenario would involve an unextended Willis running for his next contract after finding out his current status-quo doesn't carry that high of a price tag.



  3. It appears it is also against the rules to talk about interest in another player when that player is under contract with another team. That is supposedly enforced much more often. Either way, Reese screwed up, showing his inexperience in running a team. But "innocent mistakes" or "not knowing better" won't cut it. I would guess the Bills would have to file a complaint to get any compensation. Maybe Marv can use that threat as leverage. Reese would get eaten up in the NYC media if he lost a pick for being unfamiliar with the tampering rules.



    :worthy: Interesting scenario being cooked up. What's this business about threatening a hold out?

  4. Marv has preached since day one on what he wants to build and establish for a team. Looking to move out MaGahee now accomplishes two things. First, an average RB who could really care that he plays for us is unacceptable. Secondly, retain some kind of compensation before Willis and his super agent tells us to stick it. I wouldn't be surprise that if come draft day we still have Willis and we can obtain a blue chip RB with our first pick, Marv accepts a late 2nd rd (Giants?) or a early 3rd rder. Enough is enough, boot this idiot while we can still get something for him.


    Where in the article did it mention that Buffalo was ACTIVE? It mentioned the Giants' interest but Buffalo's weren't discussed at all.

  5. And next years is even harder IMO.


    not a chance. I think this year Buffalo faced teams who won because of their defenses- Chi, Bal, MIA (defense-not meathead- was the reason for ANY success they had last year), and the Colts (that's right). And those teams are harder to beat IMHO.


    Whenever you face an opponent who is strong defensively, the game becomes a TOP struggle and the team that wears down the opponent's defense first generally wins. This style of play demands discipline and consistency and the fact that our young team in a new system was still competitive in this arena last year makes me very optimistic for next year.


    The way it looks now, we're not going to have as many of those games next year, but you never know what the offseason will bring to us and our opponents.

  6. NO!!!!!!!


    I'm sorry but this is a move that he Bills should not make. I respect London for his heart and steady play making abilities, but you need to go into a new direction at MLB. If the Bills re-sign Fletcher it will just go to show you that they are not capable of making those tough but right decisions.


    Fletcher probably skimmed the market and found out that he's not as valued as he thinks he is. I'd put money on it.


    I'm not sure Buffalo is in the position to be making power plays. Having London is a direct and indirect improvment. He can help as both a player and a mentor.

  7. Fletcher Wants To Stay: London Fletcher was on Sirius NFL radio yesterday and expresses his desire to stay in Buffalo. He said the team is really on the right track with some solid young players and they are heading in the right direction. Fletcher said his agent Drew Rosenhaus and the Bills will have some discussion during the combine and try to get something done before the start of free agency. This contradicts a bit the statements made by Marv Levy who said last week that the team needs more aggressive linebackers, not the kind that makes tackles behind the play. Fletcher said after the season ended that he will make this decision based on his family as it is his last big contract.



    good. Having London certainly can't hurt the Bills.

  8. Would the Bills want him back at the right price??


    yes. He's not the "attacker" Marv spoke of but his leadership is indispensible. Furthermore, a guy like him can expedite the learning curve for the linebacker Buffalo's more than likely going to bring in one way or another during the offseason.

  9. I just wanted to offer the other end of the spectrum regarding Williams. He was a big time player for LSU during their 2003 NCAA title season. So he's got heart. But heart only gets you so far in the NFL.


    Ah yes, but how far is SO far?


    I will agree that heart but little talent will limit an NFL player's INDIVIDUAL accomplishments, but a team full of "hearty" guys has unlimited potential. Right?

  10. I can't help but think of Kyle as a giant fish, flopping around on land with his opponents not quite able to net him. I'm not sure that he can get to an exact spot (say, where the QB is standing) often but he is good at creating chaos by going all-out. I swear his a$$ hits the turf on 90% of plays.... I think even more than strength he needs to work on balance and technique.


    I think he had a great rookie year and am excited to have him on the team.


    My intention in starting thread was to incite critcism from the 'nay sayers- the negative nancy's. just to see if my optimism regarding Kyle Williams could be shot down.


    but the only people responding have responded with nothing but positive input.




  11. What about Kyle Williams suggests he won't be the man in the middle next year? I thought he had a great rookie season and the few times the run defense did look good, he was in on a lot of run-stopping tackles. Besides keeping his helmet on, what other problems did KW have in 2006 or what physical characteristics does he lack that eliminate him from being a potentially stout DT? Is it impossible for him to take a the 'ole second year leap and come up BIG next year? Or is it a depth issue? And if it is, how well would Buffalo fare to seek out his equavalent; or even his backup?

  12. Here's my thinking, the bills say they won't break the bank for a free agent, so all that tells me is hey we are going to do the eact same thing we did last yesr find guys who want to play bc they love football and want to win. not everyone is about money, some guys in the nfl really love the game and marv will find them and they will work hard for less and produce more, wow kinda like Fowler and peters and reed and price (on occasion) what about simpson and whitner, great picks both of them, Ellison, coy wire, davis was a great special teamer. All these guys wernt making a ton of money and still played hard bc they want to play for juaron and build a championship team. look for more of that next year

    O and look for JP to be even better next year.... just a thought





    Well done and well said. Guys who want to play football- bingo! It surprised me how many times Jauron described players (JP, Willis, and Dante come to mind) as guys who "loved to play footbal." He said this in press conferences...a lot.


    Furthermore, all these "football" guys seem to understand the importance of playing as a team and I love that Jauron and Levy are their leaders.


    This is why I don't foresee big spending in Free Agency and a few wood-work draft picks. People have longed complained about Buffalo's inability to keep, develop, or even obtain big name talent. I say, let the league have their gazillionaire hollywood heros- I'll take a team any day.

  13. To quote the infamous Senator John Blutarsky: "Did we give up when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?" --When the going gets tough....


    To quote DeLuca's favorite GM in whole wide world: "When its too tough for them, its just right for us."


    I am amazed at the number of people who want to give up before we even see what moves are made in Free Agency and what players are secured in the draft and college free agency. We all scratched our head at the draft last year-and that didn't turn out so bad...


    Not asking for Rose Colored glasses but don't write off the season in February..wow...


    that didn't really answer my question...?

  14. You are dead on...we need to be better at pro and college scouting than anyone; we need to be better at developing talent than anyone; we need to be better at selecting talent that fits the system...I think there are strategies like looking for select RFA's whose teams are up against the CAP and ballooning first year salaries--that we can use this situation to our advantage--but it all comes down to us finding talent where noone else can...




    Where and when was it reported that Bills are going to quick before the game starts? Because Marv said they're not going over the cap? I don't understand where this is coming from.

  15. you need a gas and you go to the first station look at the price and say wow no way I'm going to pay that much, so you go to another and it's the same price, so you try one after another and its pretty much the same everywhere- after awhile you have to chose buy gas or walk cause thats the price of gas- I mean really you have to spend your money wisely as possible but if you're just going to take your ball and go home cause its too rough then you should think about getting out of the business- hear that Ralph!!!


    In this case I think you're being outrageously objective. If buying football players was as simple as buying a petroleum product which has a solitary function (powering your car) then they'd all cost the same. Players, unlike gas, deviate based on factors like position, specialty, experience, size, speed, strength, and cost. My point was rather than paying for a name- pay for what we need- a player who makes the team better by contributing to its coordinated mission.


    I'm confident that if you pay for roles rather than players it can save you money and increase depth as per my prior post.

  16. I can understand some fans being frustrated by the Bills lack of playoff appearances but I for one feel that we have started to turn the corner. The Bills NEED another stud draft like last year but when you think about ALL those rookies from 2006...and the fact that we have found the real JP...and the fact that over the last 8 games the O Line improved and we finally have a stud LT...there are alot of things to get excited about. If JP continues to improve, our O line improves, that will open up the TE's more and Willis will want a big payday so he'll play his arse off.


    On D, we have McCargo and Youboty just itching to get on the field to prove they are the real deal and Simpson and Whitner will only get better. Spikes may never be the same dynamo but he surely will be better in 07...ditto Ellison and a healthy Crowell. Tripplett, McCargo and Kyle Williams need one more body and we should improve the run D...maybe a FA LB to throw into the mix?


    Is anyone else getting excited for FA and the draft...I for one can't wait to see the Bills in 2007...peace, out.


    I'm excited about all of those things. I am also very very confident that the run game improves this year as well. It sounds like Marv is commited to building the OLine and roping in competition at RB which means ball control (especially in a two back system-please Jesus, give me two "starting backs") and it means more efficiency for the speed defense resulting from less time on the field!


    Incredibly, one name missing from your joyous rant: Lee Evans.

  17. Marv answered the question so that he does not lose leverage. Also, if he can't get a decent offer for Willis, he didn't insult him, so we can hopefully get a good year out of him.


    He also threw the fans a bone with the "that's his opinion" comment.


    I don't beleive ,for a second, that was the first Marv heard of Willis' interview.


    ofcourse it wasn't- he is just doing his part to prevent Buffalo from becoming the media circus that players like TO are prone to causing...


    MORE IMPORTANTLY- Marv said - and with great conviction - that they WILL be bringing in a running back. Take it for what it's worth, but he's beginning to light the fire under Willis' arse. Who knows what we'll see out of him next year. By not extending him and by making public remarks about bringing in a replacment, I think Marv is doing a good job of backing him into a corner and the only way out is to put up or shut up.

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