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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. Don’t you hate that? I promise I didn’t read your stuff, but I obviously agree. It just doesn't make much sense otherwise.


    Haha, I don't accuse you of plagarism...But seriously, the Bills would probably only give up WM for a first or second round pick. NO team in the league right now is willing to part with that high of a pick for Willis. Buffalo could have replaced him with one of those picks, but instead will have a proven (that's right, proven) player running his A$$ off for his payday in 2008. Meanwhile, they take a moldable back in the 3rd or 4th round this year and take a big name in a RB heavy draft in 2008. It's been win win at the RB position since the start and we're seeing the effects now...bringing in enormous trench guys indicates a commitment to the run and Buffalo will be a popular place for the RB we'll be looking for at this time next year.

  2. It's not as if Buffalo is silently shopping him to a few teams, they announced he was on the block. It was an unusual path to take, but I feel they took it for a reason. From the Bills perspective they would pull the trigger for a high second or first, but I doubt they felt they would get that. The point of being so public might have been to tell Willis you’re only worth a 3rd rounder in the market, so lets be reasonable about this contract. That message isn’t as effective if you silently shop him to a couple teams. It also lays out the Bills are displeased in time for the off-season training program. If Willis is a guy we want he will not back down from this challenge.


    The posturing angle was my biggest concern about the new regime, and if this was posturing it was a hell of a job.



    I've been saying this for the past week. Willis now knows his worth, and after some of the outrageous payments around the league this weekend, he'll be more motivated to blow-up in 2007, thus accelerating this value during the FA period in 2008...

  3. Your own takes are not accepted by certain posters here. Such posters are best known as "parrots" because they "bawk" "coach knows best" or "FO knows best" every time something is done. I appreciate your observations, but you will get flack, feathers, and droppings from the parrots because they do not understand football and resent anyone here who does.


    ah ha, but even the chosen ones in Oakland who "know" football agreed he would be a more servicable guard. What's wrong with him next to Pennington?

  4. and youth too!


    Jason Peters - 6'4" 328lbs 1/22/82

    Derrick Dockery - 6'6" 335lbs 9/7/80

    Melvin Fowler - not too much size at 6'3" 295lbs, but JP has to be able to see over SOMEONE. and he is the oldest at 3/31/79 (just about to turn 28)

    Langston Walker - 6'8" 345lbs 9/3/79

    Terrance Pennington - 6'7" 319lbs 9/25/83


    all locked up and ready to play...


    nice work marv


    haha I actually JUST posted this inside the ours-is-the-best-left-side thread. But I didn't include their ages, and I think it's safe to assume that Peters will be playing at 335 this year and Pennington will too (at least).

  5. When you listen to player interviews anymore they all say the same thing about Buffalo, "I like where this organization is headed, I like the coach, I was fortunate to meet with Mr. Levy, etc." It's almost as if the "regime" has them brainwashed to repeat the same positive remarks in public and I think that's great.


    But one thing that Dockery kept saying was "the fans are crazy here." Now, I don't presently reside in Buffalo, so I have to ask, Was there a pep ralley or something? To my knowledge, he has little first hand experience with the fans of Buffalo. I mean, I'm sure any team can put together some promotional film about their organization, city, etc- and in each case they would compile stock footage of CRAZY fans doing CRAZY things yadda yadda yadda.


    Now-either there was a pep rally that I was unaware of, or Chris Brown made one HELL of a promotional video, or the Bills Organization was able to produce ACTUAL EVIDENCE that Buffalo Bills fans are fcking crazy. My guess is they logged on to this, or any other message board, and showed him the attention given ALL FCKING NIGHT to a nine year journey man, brought on to add versatility and depth...

  6. As the first player to roll in under Free Agency, I suppose this is a little like finding a set of floor mats under your Christmas Tree. OK, that's nice and all, but kinda was thinking of something with a bit more sizzle....


    BTW, ever SEE Mike Rockwood up close. Freaky. You wonder what the coach in High School said when he laid eyes on him...


    Very good analogy! No one wants floor mats for Christmas- but you take them, and you use them, and they didn't cost too much, and for the giver they didn't require THAT much thought aside from, "Oh, my husband's floor mats are dirty, I should get him some new ones to get him through the dirty season so his shoes don't get stained."


    But in the end, the new floor mats spruce up the interior, and while they won't garner a promotion or even respect around the neighborhood, may be someday someone riding shot gun will say, "Wow, those are really nice floor mats." To which you might respond, "Thanks I got them real cheap and will probably replace them this summer when I can drive with the windows open."

  7. Not sure how much tread is left on that tire. He was a great back but a little worn down at this stage of his career.




    What if Buffalo was to establish running back by committee, Green, Williams, Thomas, and a draft-to-be-named. Have a specialty back for each situation...

  8. Comparing ages to other players at the same position is just foolish. There have been a ton of WRs at 35 playing #2 that have been extremely valuable and productive.


    Obviously it's not a finite method of determining a player's worth! Afterall, Harrison was apart of that draft class too. But Horn, like Moulds had a very productive, though un-fulfilling career. Never played on a team which was WINNING, has little playoff experience, etc. THE POINT in mentioning his age is to suggest that at this point he's damaged goods, not invaluable!

  9. I doubt we would make a play for him but he is one old guy that could produce and have a positive impact on a lot of players. I am usually against the git 'er done mentality, and doubt Horn would want to sign with the Bills but you never know. He could be a James Lofton kind of signing, and really help the receivers and QB.




    He's the same age as Moulds- part of that ridiculous draft class, but at this point, :worthy:

  10. Well, which one?


    I hope you're kidding...


    I liked Matt Bowen- at the very least his blog on bb.com was entertaining, seemed like a fun-going locker room guy with a solid head on his shoulders. As for his playing ability and worth to the Bills...who knows. It just seems like he would have been a fun team mate. I think one of his blogs even detailed how he tried to start a book club during training camp...

  11. Then you better wake up pal because it's all over the combine. As far as the Baltimore scenario, it's all purely speculation on my part. Make no mistake about it, Buffalo wants to trade MaGahee, Buffalo will trade MaGahee and MaGahee will play for another team and more than likely this year. You can label it star alignment, perfect world or dumpsters but I call it observations and opinions.


    I'm skeptical of this "all over the combine." Sarcasm and challenging tone aside, do you have first hand account of Buffalo very actively shopping McGahee? I know it came up when the whole Giants thing burst onto the scene, but have there been other instances aside from that one which suggest that the Bills initiated talks at the combine with potential suitors? To my knowledge the Giants scenario was the only one made public and even IT didn't seem to suggest they are trying to shed him to the nearest potential candidate...wishful thinking?

  12. I`m saying I don`t want the Coke Train anyway at all ...free agent ..whatever


    I think it sounds too good to be true. It looks great on paper, and if all the stars were to align in a perfect world, Buffalo will have found its dumpster for McGahee- a dumpster, mind you, that a growing sect of Bills fans seem eagar to find.


    I don't get the impression, however, that Marv and Co. are looking for a way to deal him ASAP...

  13. I think we will be a worse off team if we take a 3rd or lower pick for Willis, and I have my doubts of us being able to improve by taking a 2nd rounder for him (depends where in the round I guess). 2007 Willis is worth a lot in my mind because he will have a better year looking for the career contract, running behind a better line and on a better O. That's going to be a lot of production to replace. Clearly when with Willis gone in 2008 and even a 7th rounder still on the roster, we are better in 2008 if we trade Willis.


    But I just have a tough time seeing us not get worse off by trading Willis unless some team is willing to overspend for him. I don't like the idea of doing something that makes us worse in 2007. It is important that this team takes a step forward in 2007 and makes a playoff push. So I really really hope we don't trade him just to unload him, and I would laugh and say no to the first pick in the third round without thinking twice. Accept a first rounder most likely, think about a second rounder, and turn down anything else.


  14. I say just light a fire under his a$$. Lets see the McGahee we saw in year 1 and in every Jets game run the same way for the other 14 games. We'll make the playoffs.


    Then we let him go. He won't run that hard again once he gets the big bucks. Let somone else pay him. Then, in next years's running back deep draft, we replace him with a 1st rounder.


    End of story.




    Oooo-da-Lolly! :thumbsup:

  15. Trade Rumors



    For the first time in a long time, trades might make bigger headlines than free-agent signings.


    Check out all the players on the trading block (or who could potentially land there): Denver's quarterback Jake Plummer, Buffalo's running back Willis McGahee, Bears running back Thomas Jones, Lions cornerback Dre' Bly, Chiefs defensive end Jared Allen, and possibly restricted free agents Michael Turner in San Diego and Matt Schaub in Atlanta.


    No trades can be made until March 2, but once that day arrives, so will the trade talk that could overshadow some of the free-agent moves."


    Bly played for the Rams before joining the Lions.

    Those are two teams that have history with our coaching staff.


    With Nate gone and Willis' skid being greased as we speak, would it make sense for Marv to trade with Detroit for the aforementioned Mr. Bly?


    Willis would be right at home in Detroit...

  16. Now that Kelsay is re-signed, I can really see Hargrove Moving to DT. He was a very talented rotational guy, and I thought he was going to be Kelsay's replacement. But now that Kelsay cashed in, what will Hargrove be doing? He is listed at 272, I could see him putting on about 15 ilbs, and making an impact as a DT.



    :worthy: eeeeeeeh

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