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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. It appears that the majority of posters feel that we need to draft Lynch from Cal in the 1st round to fill the hole created by the trade of Willis. This would be a huge mistake. The area of weakness is at LB and our pick in the 1st round should be Patrick Willis of Mississippi. This would allow the Bills to add a great young player, leader and character player to their roster. He looks very much like a young Takeo Spikes. With Spikes here providing a great role model for him.


    In the 2nd round I would move to fill the hole at RB with the selection of Tony Hunt of Penn State. Hunt has a great mix of size and speed and if possible, I would do whatever I could to then manuver to take Brian Leonard from Rutgers. A backfield of Hunt/Leonard would provide the split backfield threat that would work very well with the other weapons the Bills have.


    As always, am interested in your thoughts on how this scenario would position the Bills in the future.


    is the LB/RB pool so shallow that we have to regurgitate the same names over and over and over and over and over and over again?

  2. I wanted to take some time to process the McGahee deal, before posting anything.


    My first reaction was mixed..........we now have a large hole in the backfield, but at the same time we rid ourselves of a potential malcontent who may have been more trouble then he would have been worth for 2007. Not to mention, he was going to walk after 2007 anyway, IMO, so getting some value for him is smart.


    Then, somewhere between my first and second cup of coffee, I began thinking about another team that doesn't mind making changes at RB............Denver.


    If you look at the Broncos, they have had quite a few different RB's over the years and each one has been successful. The key in Denver, obviously, is an excellent offensive line (the biggest key for any offense, finally realized by our administration) :lol:


    Which brings me to my point...............we now have the pieces in place for a much improved, dare I say good, offensive line.


    If the line comes together (fingers crossed), I don't think we will miss Willis..................Mike


    Agreed. Additionally, there was a post here which cited an article saying that of all positions in football, RB requires the least amount of technical maturity- in other words, player x is a professional running back, he's been juking, jiving, etc since he was 11 and now that he's 23, he just has bigger tacklers chasing him. All he needs is the ball and a hole to run through...

  3. Think about this: when did Marv and Jauron start "shopping" Willis McGahee?


    At the combine.


    When did they aptly place Spikes "on the trading block"?


    At the combine.

    What does this have to do with anything? They obviously saw something in a few players at the combine to target at this years upcoming draft that could be suitable replacements for these players' production. Do you really think that Marv would think that an aging vet with little left in the tank (Dillon), an overpriced, almost SB MVP, who never lived up to his potential after his rookie year (Rhodes), or an oft injured upright style runner that played second fiddle to OUR one time #1 RB (Brown), would be able to replace WM's production?


    Absolutely not.


    Marv brought those guys in there to try and corner the market as quickly as possible in order to get rid of McGahee so that they could plan accordingly for the remainder of FA as well as the draft. I don't think either one of them will get signed and I think that you're going to see A-Train get a contract before one of those guys.


    So, that brings me to the draft and the reason why I think that Marv traded WM and has openly placed Spikes on the trading block. I think Marv is going to keep Crowell on the strong side and Ellison is going to supplant SPikes as the weakside LB. With the 12th pick, we are going to select either Patrick Willis, or trade down, accumulate another pick, and draft Paul Poz out of Line Backer U to replace LFB. Remember: Marv indicated in his now infamous "cash to cap" presser that we "needed to have more attacking LBs". This, along with bettering the OLine, were his two primary focuses to offseason improvement.


    With our 2nd round pick, I think this is where Marv and Jauron will get their player that replaces not only Willis' production, but also his heart and drive. I think they will select Brian Leonard with this pick. He is a PERFECT blue collar player with tons of character and I think he would bring a unique form of youthful leadership to this football town. He has trimmed down to 226lbs, he ran a 4.49/4.52 40yd. dash, he did 28 reps of 225lbs, and he is a SMART football player.


    Here are his career stats: Brian Leonard stats

    Notice the amount of balls he caught out of the backfield. People say "Marv wants his Thurman Thomas". What did Thurman do? He was a threat running, recieving, and in pass protection. Leonard accomplished this while he was a FB at 240lbs. He has slimmed down, ran a faster 40 yd dash than Marshawn Lynch, and (for those who think Marshawn catches the ball a lot out of the backfield) he caught nearly as many balls out of the backfield in 1 YEAR than Marshawn caught in all of his 3 YEAR CAREER.


    To show you what Brian Leonard is capable of doing, watch this little video:

    One thing you'll notice is his leaping capability. He hurdles would-be-tacklers like nothing.

    Think about it folks. We were quick to trade away WMs mediocre production/heart because Marv and Jauron saw something in a few players at the combine this past month. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been so quick to get rid of what some people think to be, a better player on our roster.


    Sensible. And I agree about them not just letting WM flutter away without a backup plan. To the cynic in me, Brian Leonard seems like a stretch simply becaue I've heard of him. Seems to me Spikes and one of the picks we just acquired from Baltimore might smell nice to the Bears and Briggs? In a perfect world...

  4. Lynch is a completely different style back who pounded defenders. I think he would be outstanding. I think we shouldn't forget there is more than one round in the draft. If Lynch is their top player at #12... take him. Every player of the defense still needs an upgrade and it seems there is no depth whatsoever at linebacker and cornerback. But that doesn't necessitate that in the first round you don't go for your highest rated player. Hell, the Bills may have Lynch rated #1 on their list or #31... who's to say. The draft should be very interesting this year.


    agreed, punter, kicker aside, ALL positions are up for grabs. One thing the coaches/Marv keep saying is that they'll take their favorite player on the board-implying it's not about the position it's about the man.

  5. Wow, that is one annoying avatar. Congrats!


    I see you are fairly new here, so let me say this:




    If you are already annoyed by some of the senseless/clueless suggestions and opinions here, perhaps you should take a few drinks before visiting. It helps calm the nerves. (Booze is the answer. What was the question?)


    The truth is, IMO, 90-95% of MOST EVERYTHING is crap. It's a little different here as the % is probably only 87%. It's the other 10-13% that make is all worthwhile.


    I think you'll find there are fewer nutjobs here than at other Bills' forums and that that you get better info here than ANYWHERE else on the web. Fearless Leader (that would be SDS) and his gang of no-goodnik moderators do a terrific job here.


    Some other suggestions for surviving the moron-o-thon are:


    Spend some quality time Off the Wall, it's good for the soul.


    Experiment with the "Ignore" feature. Feel free to start with me!


    I take bitter offense to any disparing remarks aimed at Artie.


    I appreciate the advice, and from someone who is evidently far more venerated than me, it is encouraging to know that my contentions regarding this board AND Off the Wall are quite the same!

  6. To Bills Fantasy Central


    I can't help but notice that fans on this board (God Bless them) use this public forum as a chance to a.) waste time at work by doing senseless statistical analyses which help bolster the opinions of those who b.) pretend that they are in charge of the Buffalo Bills and thereby live in an alternate realm in which they are the lone judge of fairness (conflicting opinions welcomed but be-damned).


    Sorry, just venting. I knew on Jan 1 (when speculation began running rampant) that by mid-March I would be a bit annoyed with the efforts of my fellow posters to craft their own Bills universe. And alas, after hearing the same recycled tripe about Okoye, Lynch, Peterson, both Willis', Spikes, Clements, and Fletcher I am bursting with anticipation for what REALITY has in store for the 2007 Buffalo Bills!


    Go Bills!

  7. Pats and Dopes get well in a hurry, Jets get better with tough back.....We lose Clements,Fletcher probably Spikes and Mcgaee and in return we get three overpaid fat guys! NIIIIICE! :devil: Flameaway!!!


    I wouldn't start banging my head until we ACTUALLY lose Willis and Takeo. Since I am of the belief that both 21 and 51 will shroud the same bodies as last year, and since I belive Crowell can play in the middle, and since I am hopeful that something might be worked out for Briggs (though it may involve WM/TKO or a combination of the two), I say let's not go jumping the gun just yet, the draft is still almost two months away (46 days). That is an opportunity to add 8-12 players to the roster-until then, the sky is where it was this morning and where it will be tonight!

  8. Hes a decent addition to an aging defense. But they are going to have a problem letting him roam around. There is no Casey hampton in Miami to take up two blockers so Porter can run wild. He will be a decent player but thats about it. Not really scared here. One more reason for me to booo louder at the game in Miami.


    very good point. I think he would have looked great in a Bills uni, but let the Dolphins have another band-aid to repair their fraying francise.

  9. Time to try a new med.Your too negative


    Not to toot my own horn here, but in my short lived TBD existence, I have consistently been one of the more positive people on this board. Remember last year? Remember last Friday? The TBD agenda and the OBD agenda have not coincided since the change in regime.

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