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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. the name is yasin, and steely dan blows, i hate listening to them on the radio,


    you might not like steely dan (I know I don't). But they DO NOT blow. in fact, as a band (named for a steam powered dildo in a William Burroughs novel and featured Chevy Chase as the original drummer) they might be the definition of studio meticulousness.

  2. I think we've taken the approach that it is better to have a clearly defined strength than just be good in all aspects. I think our strength will be our offense this year, and our coaches will be scheming around our defensive deficiencies- something they are more than qualified to do.


    A rapidly improving QB, a franchise WR, and a much improved O-line should give us a very efficient offense, and having the best special teams in the league will help greatly. If we have another strong draft, playoffs are a disctict possibility.


    I thought this as well. Doesn't this thinking re-open the potential for drafting a WR AND a RB. And doesn't it also suggest that OL improvments are incomplete?

  3. from a Neil Young song that describes where I grew up in Western NY. EKTIN = Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere. that pretty much sums up Black Creek down there in Allegany county.


    that is the second most played song on my ipod...


    love me some Neil.


    and speaking of music references- mine pays homage to both my heritage and a song written by John Lennon for Timothy (inventor of LSD) Leary's campaign for governor of California..."he got Walrus gum boot."

  4. I just pulled this from another thread, but I would like to send it as a response to the author of that article and to the brain trust at large at ESPN who has been hating on Buffalo's personell decisions this offseason:


    "Everything I know about scouting, I learned from Marv Levy."


    - Bill Polian

  5. Jason can block, and he has played tight end. He's one big M/F, I'll admit, but I wouldn't mind seeing him getting it over the plane in the goal line stand. I think I'd move him to RB over McGee and Reed.


    LEST WE FORGET: Peters caught JP's first TD.

  6. I don't know a thing about the Madden game. So I don't understand these numbers - they look like today's chronic grade inflation...everybody is above average. :thumbdown:


    How would the numbers look for last year's playoff teams, in comparison?


    It's a rating system 1-100 and it seems that our mean is about 84 or 85 which is about right. A championship team would be 88-90.

  7. a few things i dont see whittle starting, and do you think williams will start over a healthy mccargo, and by reading this we still have some work to do.


    I don't know about McCargo. I don't know anything about him. And I don't think Whittle will start either. I think that walker will play RG and that Pennington will retain RT. Butler is also in that mix so it's hard to say. Again, this lineup is based on the depth chart on billsdaily.com

  8. I am of the belief that Buffalo will draft the best player on the board. But, since it may come down to a positional need, I figured the best (and certainly most accurate) way of assesing "need" areas would be to asses current player personell.


    The starting lineup is according to Billdaily.com and rating system is based completely on the Madden rating system and my own opinion. Feel free dispute.

    • QB JP- 87

    • HB A-Train 81

    • FB Ciezlak 80 (on Madden he'd probably be a 76)
    • TE Royal 84
    • WR1 Evans 93
    • WR2 Price 85
    • RT Walker 86

    • RG Whittle 84

    • C Fowler 83
    • LG Dockery 90
    • LT Peters 92

    • DT1 Tripplet 84

    • DT2 Williams 83
    • DE1 Schobel 95
    • DE2 Kelsay 87
    • MLB Crowell 88
    • OLB1 Spikes 91 (healthy) 85 (gimpy)
    • OLB2 Ellison 85

    • CB1 McGee 86

    • CB2 Thomas (says me) 83
    • FS Simpson 88
    • SS Whitner 88
    • K Lindel 91
    • P Man 99

    Nothing new. But according to this, there are only 5 needs and even they aren't THAT pressing. Also, while the LB corps has servicable numbers in my system, it probably could use a boost.

  9. No. I knew I was going to get called on that and I (in clear mind) agree that our system is the best for a reason. that was my quasi-humorous reaction to a hideous tape. Personally having the ladies roll over him with their walkers would be a more fit reward.....after his trial. Along those lines, I'd love to hear the defense his team comes up with based on his actions. "He felt threatened and lashed out at the woman towering over him with the cold steel walker......"


    in your defense, the victim said very affirmatively that she would have "KILLED" her assailant given the chance

  10. Will somebody- ANYBODY- please tell me why EVERY female teacher involved in a sex scandal is not only attractive but HOT. It's getting out of hand! These are like the DREAM teachers, the teachers every adolescent boy prays for.


    On looks alone, these women could have any man of any age and any tax bracket and they know it. Whenever you see the courtroom footage etc, they strut around knowing that every guy who sees them and is aware of their plight is jealous because it wasn't him. Did I miss something somewhere? Why can't these crazy broads be ugly- wouldn't that at least make sense.


    **FOR THE RECORD** while it is fun to kid about how the boys on the receiving end of these scandals are "heroes" (and in some cases the so-called trauma might be nonexistent) on the basis of gender equality they are still victims of sexual assault. If it were a male teacher and a female student he'd be crucified and she'd be marred for life- no questions asked.

  11. Yeah, they really showed Willis. He got traded to a 13-3 team to be with his buddies in a bigger city with a new 40 mil contract. Lesson from Marv, screw with me and I'll give you everything you want.


    you got it. That's why Marv's looking for players who WANT the same things he does.

  12. As much as i dislike when one of my favorite ex Bills trashes the Bills, his words ring the bell of truth. At the end of the year even Jauron and Levy were quoted as saying O line needs major improvement. They had to keep Royal in to block, and keep in mind they switched the entire starting O-line halfway through the season. We just spent BIG money on the O-line in the 1st days of free agency. I wonder why?



    But by that logic, WM should be eagar to stay and give the new horses a shot...

  13. I would not have believed that he said that had you not included that link. That absolutely proves that ML and DJ did the right thing. What an incredibly immature statement to make. Trashing your team instead of facing your own inability. Like they say "adversity does not develop character, it reveals it". I was not initially thrilled about the short term effects of the trade but I am now. Thanks for the info.


    It absolutely is immature but it's also horrifically unprofessional and unthankful. He's referring to the team that paid him a year's salary while he glued his knee together...Not that he OWES Buffalo anything, but in a way, I guess he does- not neccesarily loyalty, but at the very least gratitude and RESPECT!



  14. A friend of mine told me about this draft site. It seems pretty good. In any event, here is their rankings of the RBs. Which RB do you think that we would target and which round?

    RB rankings per NFLdraftCountdown.com


    Here is Mel's RB rankings:


    Running Backs

    1. Adrian Peterson,* Oklahoma

    2. Marshawn Lynch,* California

    3. Antonio Pittman,* Ohio State

    4. Kenny Irons, Auburn

    5. Brandon Jackson,* Nebraska

    5a. Michael Bush,* Louisville

    5b. Tony Hunt, Penn State

    5c. Darius Walker,* Notre Dame

    5d. Chris Henry,* Arizona

    5e. Dwayne Wright,* Fresno State

    5f. Lorenzo Booker, Florida State


    YES! VARIETY! The question then becomes- who's at the top of ML/DJs' list?


    Here's an outrageous thought- is there a player coming into the draft as a DB or some other position who could be converted to HB???

  15. they asked him how bad he wanted out of buffalo and he pretty much just laughed. said he had alot more help from his team in college. insinuated that there was no winning mentality in buffalo. playing there was a learning process. said shocked about his deal in baltimore(7 years $40 million i believe). said he will train in baltimore(like he didnt do when he was in buffalo). not that its relavent but he also wants to take a trip to africa

    sorry if this is posted already, i was typing as i was listening to it.


    I hear African chicks put out.

  16. Does this add anything of value to the conversation? There are players that are recognized and that there is a level of 'comfort' with. When you're talking about top lbs or rbs, there usually are a consensus few that are talked about 'over and over'. If it bothers you, maybe you should join a discussion about 3rd or 4th round lb or rb picks


    Does my question ADD value? No. Was the conversation valuable to begin with? Not to be a dick- but no. I think this same thread has been started four times a day every day for the past two weeks.


    We get it, Patrick Willis is a popular name to hope for in the draft, so is Tony Hunt, etc. In fact, those names are as popular as Ngata and Bunkley were last year.


    My valueless, sarcastic remark was meant to prod someone who has actually done some research, or actually knows what the crop of RB/LB truly looks like. If such a person doesn't exist, I don't undestand the value of rehashing the same fantastical scenarios.


    Who on this board mentioned Daunte Whitner before the draft? Probably the same person who was talking about McCargo and Ko Simpson...


    Cranky and Impatient,


    The Boot.

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