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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. What I do know is that Dockery played on a line that ranked second and seventh in rushing the last two years and he gave up only 13 1/2 sacks in four seasons. Gandy gives up 13 1/2 sacks per season (a little exaggerated..more like 11 1/2 sacks) and played on the 28th or 29th rushing offense that couldn't get a third and one more than 10% of the time.


    I'll take Dockery even at the price we paid...thank you very much. I'm not going through another season of watching our running back run into a pile of bodies.


    if this reflects your method for evaluating OL then you must have been astonished when we signed Walker.

  2. Ummm....for every priest or willie parker, there are 50 darick holmes and jonathan lintons. You act like we can just draft johnny runningback and have him lead us to the promised land. goodluck with that line of thinking. we need a stud


    I've posted this before and it is the source of my faith:


    a quote from Bill Polian, "Everything I learned about scouting, I learned from Marv Levy." So yes, I think Marv finds johnny runninback turned Priest Holmes. And if you want my honest opinion, the Kool-Aid tastes nothing like grape.

  3. Fans must realize that they wear colored glasses when it comes to their favorite team. They dont see everything that a person who may not be a fan of the team, sees. I think his point was that we could have paid Gandy WAY less than Dockery, and he probably see's something in Gandy that we did not. We watch on TV and at the stadium. These guys are watching gametape and analyzing things all the time. Thats part of their job.


    It just drives me crazy how many fans on this board call ESPN, CBS, sports writers ... etc all crazy and wrong, when they (the fans on this board) probably know less about the individual player (or football in general) than the reporters do.


    do you honestly think Trey Wingo, Stuart Scott, and Kenny Mayne watch game footage to study guys like Gandy?


    and for that matter do you think even John Clayton does??

  4. Best to keep a unified front against adversaries.


    The old, and correct, wisdom - politics stop at the borders - as well as ex-Presidents (and Vice-Presidents) keeping their mouths shut in deference to later executives - has been ripped to shreds by the likes of leftists like Carter, Gore, and Clinton. What self-serving men they are...


    and wait what?


    What do ex-presidents have to do with this argument?


    In regards to 'unified fronts'- is this to say that the president's voice/face is the voice/face of the American government...sounds a bit like a dictator. Checks and balances? Signing statements?

  5. John (Arlington, VA): What is it this year with the national media's bias to large market teams. I realized it's existed for a while, but it seems even more prevelent this year. The national meida keeps shredding the Bills for their offseason moves, yet a closer analysis would reveal that EVERY move they've made has made sense for one reason or another. They just see that Nate Clements, London Fletcher, Takeo Spikes, and Willis McGahee (i.e. named players) and immediatly call the Bills crazy. Mcgahee was a malicant who didn't gain 1000 yards last season and hated Buffalo, Fletcher is an undersized linebacker who is on the wrong side of 30 and the Bills weren't willing to pay $5 million/year for, Takeo has played in 15 games in the last two seasons, and its ludicrise to make Nate Clements the highest payed defensive palyer in NFL history, especially when you play a cover-2 defense where CBs aren't as important. Where did the good reporting go?


    Chris Neubauer: (4:21 PM ET ) I'm not anti-Bills. In fact, I like the moves where they have gotten rid of Fletcher-Baker, Spikes and McGahee. I wish they would have re-signed Mike Gandy. Didn't like their signing of Derrick Dockery. Now that J.P. Losman has figured himself out and appears to be the QB of the future, I think the Bills are in good shape to get back to the playoffs in the next two years. They just need to find a starting running back. If they can land Adrian Peterson, that would be awesome.




    I just wish it was one of the ESPN guys that talks smack agisnt the Bills instead of Christ Neubauer, who seems to know what's he's talking about more or less... oh well! at least i got on there!


    your name's John?

  6. Best to keep a unified front against adversaries.


    The old, and correct, wisdom - politics stop at the borders - as well as ex-Presidents (and Vice-Presidents) keeping their mouths shut in deference to later executives - has been ripped to shreds by the likes of leftists like Carter, Gore, and Clinton. What self-serving men they are...


    aaaargh :rolleyes:


    I can't help but notice you didn't include Bush Senior to that list...


    Do you consider Bush Jr. "self serving?"

  7. A few thoughts:


    1. she's going as part of a bipartisan delegation, acting on behalf of the bipartisan Iraq study group's recommendations for enhanced diplomacy with Iraq's neighbors.


    2. the White House, for whatever reason, did not see fit to publicly criticize a group of Republican lawmakers (Reps. Frank Wolf (R-VA), Joseph R. Pitts (R-PA) and Robert Aderholt (R-AL)) that visited Syria and Assad two days before Pelosi. http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/nationwor...world-headlines


    3. the Isreali President has come out and defended Pelosi's trip. http://www.reuters.com/article/topNews/idU...mp;pageNumber=2


    if this is "political assassination," or an attempt to "undermine" the President, then Pelosi alone is not guilty.


    good points. Do you think she actually seeks to accomplish anything, or even thinks she has a chance to? Or, is she there because she can be?


    I'm inclined to think it's a combination of the two.

  8. I don't quite understand why Dubya is making a big deal about her meeting with President Assad. He seems as opposed to the trip as she seems for it.


    I understand Bush's hard line "we don't talk to them" stance and I think Pelosi is deliberately undermining that, but political assassination aside, what bad could come from her meeting with an un-friendly head-of-state?

  9. well skore so many points that we won't even need a run defense. Teams will be pass happy. Good thing we have two solid corners.


    no, but we do have two safeties, who in their rookie seasons were one of the best statistical duos in the league.

  10. The rookie prospects other then peterson and lynch (maybe pittman)....yes, I have written them off. We don't have time to take chances on HOPING we get a steal. We need to make sure we get a quality RB. Iron, Bush, Hunt, etc.....Watch the tapes of them. You can see star quality in AP, ML and MT...the others, just dont have it. not even close.


    okay so not only are you our resident expert on "star" power.


    learn to read imo.


    you also specialize in retrograde snaps.

  11. Because the other options available just arent good enough. Period.

    Julius Jones/Pittman may fit the bill as well. But we need a stud RB in order to keep the pressure off JP and opposing defenses from focusing on Lee Evans and the deep threat that our offense brings to the table.


    what about rookie prospects, have you completely written them off as well?

  12. Adrian Peterson, Marshawn Lynch or Michael Turner as our starting RB next season.


    While we do have holes on our defense, our biggest goal should still be setting JP up with the ingredients to allow him to flourish.


    Our defense needs help, but we can get help with our other picks. We dont need any help on the DL. We need 1-2 LB and a CB. we have enough picks to fill those holes.


    We can trade up for peterson and still add a LB and CB


    We can take Lynch and get quality LB/CB in the 2nd and 3rd.


    We can trade a 2nd or 3rd (and something in next years draft) for Turner, then draft willis or hall. If they arent there, trade down and add picks then draft Poz, Beason, Timmons, Revis, Ross.


    We are sitting in a good spot. But in order to have a successful draft, we MUST add one of those 3 RB's. JP and our offense NEEDS them. Disagree if you like, but the only other RB in this draft that I can see as a potential star is Antonio Pittman (and his size scares me). We are the Buffalo Bills, we have 2 of the top 10 running backs in NFL history in our past. JP needs a 3rd in order to reach his potential.


    I agree we need to find a RB too but why does it HAVE to be one of those three?

  13. I know that we desperately need a RB1, but I am really skeptical that Turner "The Burner" would end up being any different than the already mentioned Lamont Jordan when he moved into a starting role with the Raiders. Is it possible that this is fool's gold and we are reaching at straws in hopes that he can be a full time RB? All this within the context of his being in a very effective running offense in SD, and spelling LT (hence the bloated stats).


    Does anyone have a line on a game that he started and played 4 quarters? This has the scent of RJ at the RB position to me.


    I've always shared this skepticism...(never publically so don't bother looking it up)


    He was at a huge advantage behind LT. Defenses get tired chasing the 2006 MVP, Turner takes the field, the defense is keeping one eye on the pass, and then San Diego executes a play in a rush system which shattered NFL records this year.


    Now (for optimism's sake) some folks (myself included) like to consider running back the NFL's no-brainer position; and all the evidence would indicate that being a RB for San Diego is a BIG no-brainer.

  14. if you havent heard of or seen robert randolph, you are going to be in for an extra special treat...course the rest of the line-up is not too shabby either


    Robert Randolph is the shet. He came to my school in 2004 and a buddy of mine who was in Ohio at the time INSISTED that I go. I was blown away. :thumbsup:

  15. The song "peaches" by the PoTUS sounds like they wrote the lyrics in five minutes on the back of a napkin.


    Peaches come in a can,

    they were put there by a man,

    in a factory downtown...

    To quote the schoolmaster in The Wall, "ABSOLUTE RUBBISH LADDIE"...


    I think that the "peach" is meant to be a snatch.


    Take a little naps where the roots all twist

    Squished a rotten peach in my fist

    And dreamed about you, woman,


    I poked my finger down inside

    Make a little room for it to hide

    Natures candy in my hand or can or a pie

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