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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. This is just another in a long line of screw ups by Marv. If we can figure out this stuff isn't it likely that other teams can as well? Today (actually it was yesterday but it takes me a while to put 2 & 2 together) we've learned a couple of things that could cost us in the long run.


    1. We aren't picking Willis

    2. We are trading our #1 to SD for The Burner along with another day 1 pick

    3. We will be desperate for a LB with our #2 pick

    4. We will be desperate for a CB with our remaining #3


    Won't this knowledge influence how other teams approach the draft? I have a very bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.


    I highly doubt that team officials, like fans, receive their information from PUBLIC sources like PRESS CONFERENCES. I think this was just a teaser. They didn't actually commit to anything, nor deny anything, nor offer a direct indication of things to come. IMO the press conference was little more than face-time used to re-spark regional interest before the draf. In that respect, it also served as a de-briefing of the 2007 off-season for the not-so-commited fan.

  2. Maybe its because I went to the Holcomb's Arm school of statistics but don't these numbers show that the number of deaths decrease every year while the population has gone up? So does that mean that the laws are working?


    Also, it seems difficult to draw a conclusion about today's gun laws while citing stats from the last decade.


    those were the most recent I could find, pal.


    haven't done any extensive research yet :blink:

  3. I was just watching some highlights and thinking about which combo of uniforms I like best for the Bills. I own a custom away jersey with my name on the back, and so that is my pick.


    I am also a big fan of the blue top with the white pants...i dont really like the all blue that they wear at home a lot.


    I like the style of the throw backs- though not neccesarily the helmets. but i wish instead of sky-blue they had them in deep navy like those used for the current home unis


    i have a feeling we're going to change them some time over the summer...

  4. A very interesting man.




    I had to read Slaughterhouse-Five in college and actually really enjoyed it (unlike most of the other American fiction I read that semester). I read a couple more of his books after that, and they're very good - I especially liked Hocus Pocus, very unique.


    He didn't die in a plane crash at the top of Mount Kilimanjaro, but he didn't commit suicide either, so he got it half right this time. B-)


    What does this mean for S.Soland's avatar??

  5. I was at the Dolphins game when Bryan Cox came out of the tunnel with his 1 finger salute.


    I was at the Season Opener after the Music City Miracle when the Titans came into town.


    I was at the Redskins game the day that Rob Johnson came back to town and was sacked twice in 4 plays.


    I am planning on being at the Ravens game when Willis comes back.


    How loud do you think the Boo's will be the first time he touches the ball or gets announced during pre-game?


    I heard from a guy who's cousin's best-friend was in an elevator with one of the structural engineers for RWS and he said they're planning to re-survey the stadium's stability in hopes that the noise from Willis' welcome reception doesn't shake the stadium from its foundation...

  6. Does anyone remember the old tag line from the movie "Aliens vs Predators"?

    It was along the lines of "No matter who wins...we lose."


    I have to give credit for that to a friend of mine. It's funny in the old days (we have been friends for 23 years now) he was a hard core conservative. I was a die hard liberal. Nowadays we are within 4 out of a hundred points on most scales of measuring ideas. Extremely moderate basically. The independent vote is growing IMO and hopefully we can develop at least a 3 party system. Ross Perot as bat sh-- crazy as he was lost a chance at a legacy by failing to produce a legitimate 3rd party. Hey he was right about NAFTA though.


    I had a ridiculous AP government teacher in high school- one of those walking encyclopedia types. His explantion of the difference was quite apt as he quoted a Japanese linguistic.


    He said, "Pretend you're drowning 100 yards off shore. If there's a Republican standing on the beach, he'll throw you a lifesaver, but one that's attached to a line only 50 yards long. It's then up to you to swim the extra 50 yards and save yourself. "


    "Now, if there's a democrat on shore, he'll throw you a lifesaver too; but his will be attached to a line 300 yards long and you'll die drowning as he reels it back to you."


    -This post is now $0.02 more valuable-

  7. Okay, I think this is being blown WAAAAAAAAY out of proportion.


    He said the words "Nappy Headed Ho's" to compliment the other comments being made about the questionable apperences of the Rutgers players. The comment, however offensive you find it, was intended to be the punctuation (or the rim-shot (pun intended)) to an ongoing "rap" (as Imus reffered to it). THAT'S IT!

  8. willis and whitner would patrol a lot of real estate just past the line of scrimmage. would be very difficult to do much against the bills in that part of the field, methinks. and w/ a healthy crowell on the outside .... wowza.


    please God, let willis be available at 12. please, please, please B-)


    there was another thread which cited a scouting page denigrating Willis for being over-aggressive, saying that he over-pursued and missed a lot of tackles because he couldn't control himself.


    I welcome that fault. Witner had the same problem last year. The defense was effective on just about EVERY down last year except those when someone over-pursued and was caught out of position. Dante did this A LOT during the first part of the season, and Willis, being in the middle, and being a rookie in the middle (needed to make calls AND plays) will be a major liablility for his first few weeks IMO.


    But, and I can't emphasize this enough, Jauron and co. seem to have knack for teaching players to play intelligently and thereby EFFECTIVELY. Emprical evidence of this being the reduction in pre-snap penalties from 2005 to 2006. Now that more players on the field will be comfortable in the T2, the mental mistakes will decrease significantly and players will be more accustom to their snap by snap obligations.


    Our rookies last year did not take long to find themlves and Willis would have the comfort of YOUNG players helping him out (Ellison, Ko, Dante, KW, McCargo, and may be Youboty). I think all these factors sharpen his learning curve and allows him to use his gorilla-like instincts in the RIGHT places at the RIGHT times.


    That is ofcourse, if Marv picks him. But if he doesn't, then Patrick Willis can go fack himself.

  9. i ran into derrick dockery. really nice guy. he had nothing but nice things to say about the team and seemed really excited about next year.


    sorry...there's not much to report here but i just had to post this given all the 'at the airport i ran into _____ and he said ____".

    except this story actually happened.


    was he larger than life?

  10. The media is going to be playing up the Willis Angle no matter what we do before that game. And the simple fact of the matter is that every Bills fans would let Willis run all over us if it meant we would win the game. But it is also a fact that the vast majority of fans would like to see him get shut the !@#$ down and would enjoy it immensely.


    playing the part of the juvenile red tailed hawk: Buffalo


    and featuring Willis McGahee as the California Vole



  11. Asked this elsewhere, but what is it that Imus said that's any worse than what hundreds of hip-hop artists haven't already said or worse?


    I alluded to this in the post that started this thread but according to RunTheDamnBall, the comparison is baseless in that we dont' know for sure that hip-hop is what the Rutgers team most predominantly listens to...?

  12. Well first off I'd like to thank Chef Jim for his insight on my london broil marinade with was superb...thanks hoss. Another quick thanks to The Dean for his pick in a Petitie Sirah suggestions as a wine. Both were great, thanks you guys.


    Monday night i cooked a Chanko-Nabe, which is a Japanese stew mainly eaten by sumo wrestlers which I thought was very good, though it did leave my kitchen smelling like a seafood stand for the next 24 hours. Tonight I cooked a London Broil for myself, my G/f, and my buddy and wife. I'm glad that came out well, it was my first attempt at a London Broil and it was extremely tender and flavorful, but I owe a lot of that to the aforementioned. It's too bad I don't have the time or assets to open a restaurant, because I feel that is a business I could do very well that. Anyways, thanks again for the suggestions and help yall.


    sounds good...what is LAMP?

  13. And VikingGumBoot: you don't know these girls so I doubt you have a leg to stand on with your suppositions on what kind of music these girls listen to.



    come on. seriously?


    Regardless, there's a real difference between listening to a song that names people in the abstract, and being identified by someone else directly as inferior (not the 'nappy headed' comment so much as the 'hos' one).


    okay I'll give you that. But this also assumes that these girls who don't seem to have a high regard for beauty (in fact, some female athletes pride themselves on their blatant dismissal of conventional beauty) were in fact offended when he made remarks indicating that they wern't as pretty as the girls from Tennesee.

  14. Okay, I think this is being blown WAAAAAAAAY out of proportion.


    I think you MUST MUST MUST evaluate his comments in the context from which they came. He said the words "Nappy Headed Ho's" to compliment the other comments being made about the questionable apperences of the Rutgers players. The comment, however offensive you find it, was intended to be the punctuation (or the rim-shot (pun intended)) to an ongoing "rap" (as Imus reffered to it). THAT'S IT!


    Al Sharpton calls the word "nappy" a "racist phrase." But if that's the case, then the only way it could have seaped its way into a white man's vocabulary it through the over use of the term by non-whites. They numbed it up, whitey adopted it(see the growing prevelance of the n-word for further examples).


    Additionally, today the Rutgers coach said the comments were "racist and sexist remarks that are deplorable, despicable and unconscionable." If this clueless yahoo is so thrown off by the comments of an aging shock jock, then what in God's name does he think of the music we can assume most of his players listen to!?


    I, for one, am getting tired of the race boundaries around certain terminologies, and since this (unlike the Michael Richards escapade) was said in jest and with a comedic tone, it is counter productive to assume there are places public white people simply can't go. If anything, his comments were made to imitate what an African American man may have said and PROBABLY ALREADY HAS SAID on the radio. I think everyone is being waaay to quick to crucify an old white radio host who has all the parts in place to be hastily labeled "bigot."

  15. not that it would happen, but a place like Buffalo (or Greenbay) could be the spot that Ricky could thrive in. They are not huge markets that get alot of Media attention (since Ricky has his fears of the media) and they are not party cities where he could get in trouble partying and have easy access to drugs. NO is a huge party city (Marty Gras) and so is Miami (something Willis told us)


    The guys still got some play left in him and low mileage, but the problem (and it would keep Marv from pulling the trigger on the deal) is his past actions of leaving the team and the failed drug tests. If they knew he was focused on football again and the drugs wouldn't be a factor, I'm sure they would be looking at him as an option


    I think a lot of folks on this board may argue that drugs are in fact, readily available in Buffalo!

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