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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. I doubt he will be available at 11 but he certainly isn't a consensus top pick, who knows... I hope he falls to the Bills.



    His Video Speaks for itself:


    very funny, A-clown.


    Evidently, because of internet aggregates like Fark, The New York Mets were scheduled to be Rick Rollled during every eighth inning of every home game for the entire 2008 season. Fark and other sites encouraged international web surfers to vote for the song at an online poll through the Mets website.

  2. I don't care about the draft. I admit it. I think mock drafts are stupid. They don't know crap about who has talent and who doesn't. the only way to get that knowledge is to spend your life watching film, and understand what you are looking at on that film. Most people don't. Basically all mock drafts are based on people who repeat what they've heard others say about a player, listen to rumors about what team will take what where, and actually pretend that they understand a team's needs.


    Same goes for fans. Fans don't know jack about evaluating college players, including myself. The only good judge of a draft or a player is how it translates 3 years down the road once the NFL filters out the phonies.


    Wake me when minicamp starts.


    Yeah? So what's your point, man?

  3. As most of the old timers here know, I'm a worker at an establishment where wagers can be made on various games. It's here in Niagara Falls where I work. You know the place? Anyways, who walks up to the poops table that I'm working at? None other than Marshawn Lynch. I looked up and he's standing there with two other gentlemen who obviously weren't players. Uncontrollably, the moment I see him, I scream "BEAST MODE!". Him and his two buddies were the only ones on the table who knew what I was talkiing about and they all cracked big smiles. Marshawn didn't have his fronts on, I was disappointed.


    Anyways, just thought I'd share my story.



    The Real




    You made eye contact with Marshawn Lynch? You the man.


    I'm not being sarcastic. Had it been me, I definitely would've peed a little.

  4. Really?


    I'm guessing just about everyone has known the 2008 schedule for, well, just about forever.


    In fact, I'd be shocked if any regular posters haven't known for months, if not years, but once more...


    Bills' 2008 opponents:


    Home: Chargers, Dolphins, 49ers, Jets, Patriots, Raiders, Seahawks, Cleveland

    Away: Broncos, Cardinals, Chiefs, Dolphins, Jets, Patriots, Rams, Jacksonville


    Patriettes* 2008 opponents:


    Home: Bills, DolPhags, Jests, Donkeys, Chiefs, Carsinals, Rams Pittsburg

    Away: Bills, DolPhags, Jests, Radiers, Charger, 49ers, Seahawks, Colts


    Jests' 2008 opponents:


    Home: Bills, DolPhags, Patriettes*, Donkeys, Chiefs, Cardinals, Rams, Cincinnati

    Away: Bills, Dolphags, Patriettes*, Radiers, Chargers, 49ers, Seahawks, Tennessee


    DolPhags 2008 opponents:


    Home: Bills, Patriettes*, Jests, Raiders, Chargers, Ravens, 49ers, Seahawks

    Away: Bills, Patriettes*, Jests, Donkeys, Chiefs, Houston, Cardinals, Rams

    Once again...


    BuffTown Bills - 16-0

    NE Patriettes* - 9-7

    New Jersey Jests - 8-8

    Miami DolPhags - 5-11


    This is our year....


    19 and 0 baby!!! :P


    GO BILLSSS!!!!

    Posluszny!!!!! :doh:


    Next time don't make it so clear. So clear that you didn't read past my first sentence, that is.

  5. Saw the title of this thread and knew it was from last year and burst out laughing!

    Ummmm, Westbrook is one of the best RB's in the league and Spikes was already cut by Philly. The Bills got something for what they were gonna get nothing for. :devil:


    Definitely didn't check the date on the original post. You can imagine my confusion. Firstly, why THIS of all things was being re-hashed, and secondly, how retarded he sounded.

  6. you probably let your 2nd best offensive weapon go in Stallworth.

    Um, grab the dunce cap and stand in the corner man.




    EVER HEAR OF HIM>???????????????


    Westbrook = the running back version of Michael Vick. Sure, he'll make some great plays, he'll get ya lots of yards and score ya lots of points, but in the end he's a band aid for a team that -on the whole- is below average. Brian Westbrook will win you insignificant games, and disappear when it counts. I also watch Eagles games.


    As for your circular logic concerning D. Walker: Congratulations, Eagles fans! Your wiz-bang GM traded an aging player who wasn't worth his contract for....(drum roll)...an aging player who wasn't worth his contract!


    If Spikes starts more than 12 games in 2008, I'll be shocked.

  7. I think that it was mentioned elsewhere, but since my Sammavaca account was less than a year old, I tried to re-register it. Th eproblem is that the security code does not appear, so I could not complete the registration process. It did not work in Firefox or IE. No big deal for me, but it would prevent any new members from joining.


    My old display name is back, even though it says I've had it since I changed it to MoorManThanYou. Also, my post count has been like cut in half. Not a big deal, just seems like the last 7 months have been erased may be?

  8. Or distrust in mcgee viking. I wouldn't be comfortable with the thought of mcgee as #1 corner. I hope the bills dont go this route though. If you're gonna play a tampa 2 I wouldn't put that big an onus on corner.


    I agree, and I think the likes of McGee AND Greer need some time to learn the new system etc. Grabbing a CB in the first round IMO indicates a lack of paitience and/or faith.

  9. Patrick Willis (or APetersen if he dropped) would make me happy, but if the brain trust at OBD had a plan something like this, I wouldn't mind having that top CB to replace Nate, seeing as we know nothing about Youboty. If it worked out this way, I'd be encouraged:


    Rd 1: Leon Hall CB

    Rd 2: David Harris ILB

    Rd 3a: Tony Hunt RB

    Rd 3b: Scott Chandler TE


    In other words, if we miss out on Willis or Petersen, there ARE other ways to get four good players who will immediately help.


    Just hope they don't settle on Lynch in Rd 1.


    I would hate it because it points to a bust in Youboty.

  10. Really? So once we legalize it, people on drugs will stop killing other people because they don't control their own actions?


    This sentence doesn't make sense to me.


    The majority of firearm deaths in this country are SUICIDES. Does that fit your definition of what people do to themselves?



  11. I also would not have a big problem drafting an O lineman or even better a D lineman, however

    I kind of doubt this is going to happen.




    financial reasons? seems that if Chicago would agree to it (which I don't know why they would turn down moving up 19 spots in the 1st round and pick up another 3rd) and the Bills could afford it, it's a win win.


    Tell you what, VGB. I've seen many mocks on this board, some good some bad. I like this one. Briggs, Grubbs or Kalil and best WR on deck. Real nice. :wallbash:


    Thank you.

  12. How's the drug war going?


    Nearly 45,000 motorcyclists and pedestrians are killed in America every year. Oh the humanity.


    People die. Sometimes for reasons that suck. No amount of government is EVER going to change that.


    the drug war is going miserably which is why we should stop fighting it. but the drug war, unlike the gun war, pertains to what people do to THEMSELVES.


    as for driving fatalities, i also think cars suck. they're noisy, they pollute and they kill. i think more efficient and accesible public transportation would IMMENSELY diminish fatalities resulting from cars, especially ones involving DRUGS, most notably alcohol.

  13. Until now, I have shunned and avoided any sort of outlandish prediction so here goes:


    On draft day Buffalo trades the third it got for Willis and swaps rd1 picks with the Chicago Bears to obtain Lance Briggs.


    They then use the 31st pick on the best player on the board, which as "value" goes (the very complicated, sometimes incalculable value that Marv alluded to) a RG or C may be the highest on their list. And with their next pick only 12 picks away, they have a WR on tap. They find their came-from-nowhere RB in the 3rd, and then have all the freedom in the world as they filled a LB need, amassed a mammoth OL which will make our rookie RB's job a cake walk, and found Lee's compliment..


    now I don't want to sound over optimistic here, but I'm preeeetty sure 19-0 would be on the horizon if this transpires next Saturday...

  14. Gotta love the onion...


    for all you podcast geeks out there (I include myself in said group)- if you haven't already checked out the Onion radio news, do so. it's daily, it's brief, and it's funny most of the time. just recently, they've been doing a video podcast (which may be the same as the videos on the website) and they too are exactly as they should be.


    just thought I'd throw that out there for anyone's benefit.

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