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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. I would have to think the Owner and General Manager of a football team would have different knowledge of the "off work" activities of their employees than mine would.


    I agree, Clark is trying to embarass the team and therefore "encouraging" Lynch and the others into testifying. By not cooperating, Lynch and the team have put themselves in this position. They may have valid knowledge of what happened from conversations with Marshawn and the others involved.


    Clark has every RIGHT to do this whether we consider it slimy or not. He is trying to get results.


    He's trying to get national attention. And succeeding.

  2. He CSI man, you need to stop being a FOOTBALL fan long enough to realize these people live in the real world and are subject to the same rules we live by. IF my employer had a security department that knew what I was doing out of work I indeed would expect the police to talk to them.


    Are you implying that The Buffalo Bills Police is after Marshawn?


    And just where did I suggest that because he's the running back of my favorite football team he's above the law?

  3. A woman was hit by a car and the perp cowardly drove off with his victim in the street. THe people who know what happened refuse to talk....


    It sounds to me like the DA is trying to do his job and hold the people who broke the law responsible. He has said numerous times that if they come in and talk, the thing can be pleaded down and it will go away, but if they continue to refuse to cooperate he will pursue the matter to the full extend to the law.


    It seems like Marshawn and the Bills have chosen this path.


    Okay, first a girl was ALLEGEDLY hit by a car. I still maintain she bull-rushed and kicked the car and they sped off. I'm sorry, but any impact with a human hip far is too blunt to detach a piece of a Porche SVU, unless of course this B got totally blasted, in which case she'd have more than a bruised hip!


    And second, if you were implicated in a similar scenario, would you expect the authorities to SUBPOENA YOUR BOSS!?

  4. James Hardy

    Steve Johnson

    Christian Gaddis


    Ralph and Russ Brandon also being called to testify as well as the team's head of security, as the TEAM refused to talk to the police.




    Why did Hardy need to be there? :devil:


    Wow, either this DA/Police official is a total bigot or he's got a serious axe to grind. What is his problem!?


    For you old timers...

  5. Yeah, the monopoly killed it. Competition was good for the genre. They have no reason/motivation to put out a top notch product anymore. I personally loved the 2K games WAY better. The 2K games were poised to take over as the number one NFL game, then BAM, EA does that deal. I was so mad..... still am.


    Yeah, loved when 2k undercut Madden with the $19.99 price tag. I was skeptical at first but the 2k game (I think the last one to come out was 2k5) was just simply MORE FUN.

  6. When they played well, it was a pretty good football team, but it was few and far between.

    I could see them being in the bottom 25% of the league this year.


    Agreed. They're the definition of "aging." And IMO, that's not a formula for consistent success. Granted, some of their older players were super-stars in their hay-day, which I suppose explains their bursts of greatness last year.


    Not to mention they have that stud McGahee.

  7. Didn't Baltimore lose to the stinkin' fish last season? As a matter of a fact, aren't the Ravens the only team that lost to the stinkin' fish last year? How exactly did they get so much better that they can go from losing to the worse of the worst to making the post-season? Because their schedule is easier than the Browns and Steelers? I don't think that is enough.


    Yeah the Ravens are weak sauce. But lest we forget they were an ill-managed Billick TO from handing the Patriots their first loss as well.

  8. That is right, what else would I fear? I do not have a personal stake in this, I do not know lynch personally, it seems like the girl is going to be alright, what else are you scared of.


    Tom, I know you think your smarter then anybody else on this board, but what else would you possibly fear?


    If you didn't have any "personal stake" you wouldn't stalk/troll Bills message boards.

  9. Honestly?


    I think it was late, the music in the car was LOUD, and this dumb drunk B bull rushed Marshawn's Porche because she saw rich sexy black men inside, he sped away, grazed her as he took the corner (note, she was throwing herself AT the car), and no one even heard the impact because it was so minor.


    It's likely she even kicked the car causing this so-called "piece" to fall off somewhere in the process. In fact, this is the part that puzzles me. To hit a human so hard as to detach a piece of your Porche SUV is a serious collision. We're talking air time and trajectory for the "victim." But we know the impact wasn't that bad because she wasn't that hurt...

  10. Perhaps you are correct, but it seems like the physical evidence alone would be enough to question him.


    Evidently not. IMO, the Buffalo police look like a bunch of buffoons calling all these press conferences to whine about Marshawn not turning himself in. I agree with, SchobelFumble- if they had ANY evidence whatsoever, they'd end this PR charade, march down to the Bills' practice center and put Lynch in handcuffs. It's not like the Bills spend their days in a hidden dome deep beneath Lake Erie, everyone knows where the man can be found!


    Define "bruised hip" and tell me you don't have countless places on your own skin where you might have gotten seven stitches but instead used band aids and salve for three days until your scrape scabbed up.




    (at least this is what I hope!)

  11. You are awesome.



    Your right asswipe, usually I am an ****, but not this time. You expect people to post according to your idea of who's important? I gave you a civil answer, I think. I could have said that your pathetic thread was a hopeless retread and nothing of significance but instead I attempted to help you out.




    unnerstand bagofdouche?

  12. No, the thread isn't about Poz. You asked "(who is )The most important player to Bills success in 08?" and you don't expect folks to answer? Is he important? Yes, every starter is but I can name several (Lynch, Stroud, Evans, Peters, Schobel, pick a corner any corner) who to me are more important.


    If you want a thread about Poz then title it "Pos is the most important player to Bills success in 08!"


    You're not wrong, Walter you're just an ass hole.

  13. Note the responses to this thread (one initially created about Poz) have yet to reference our sophomore MLB!


    I'm not criticizing you guys for hijacking the topic and skirting the conversation towards Stroud, Lynch, Edwards, JP ( :lol:), but now I am curious as to why Poz's name is absent from soooooo many talking points?


    Are we as fans taking his imminent domination for granted?


    Is the team still in such disarray that any concern about MLB's is not even on the horizon?


    Or will the rest of you be shocked when we're a top 5 defense? and it will all be because of Poz, and I'll be the one to say: I told you so!

  14. How bout Paul Posluszny?


    His skill is virtually unknown to fans and opponents and has the potential to shift last year's bend-and-try-not-to-break defense to one which actually imposes its will.


    Even here, with the endless Edwards/Losman dribble, all the paranoia surrounding the Lynch/Hardy incident(s), and speculation about contracts for Peters and Evans, there seems to be a continuous lack of Poz talk.


    Here's to the Poz staying healthy!

    "Poz is a guy that works extremely hard," said fellow linebacker Kawika Mitchell. "The more he gets comfortable the better he'll get. He'll be a big time player. It's just a matter of time." -BB.com

  15. http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/billsnfl/story/357734.html


    Has always seemed like an intelligent guy, had a great season last year, hope for the best from him this year.


    “It’s just something I always wanted to do,” Walker said. “I went with my dad. We immersed ourselves in the culture, everything from going to the bathroom in basically a hole in the ground to eating some interesting food to trying to learn Mandarin. . . . It was amazing seeing another culture that’s so vastly different but yet is the same. The people in Shanghai are extremely friendly. They want to talk to you and see what you’re doing there.”


    I would hate to be that hole in the ground, with his size it'd probably be like fitting a dump trucks worth of soil into a bucket.


    That man's a sore thumb when he walks down the streets of Buffalo! I can only imagine how ridiculous he looked lumbering through a crowded Chinese market. No wonder they were so friendly, they probably thought he was a monster!

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