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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. It's good that you like them, but you probably won't get many positive responses from people that know audio. Bose is very overpriced while providing average products. They are a marketing firm that dabbles in audio. I'm not posting this to rain on your parade, but since you are recommending their product I think people should be warned to do their research before purchasing Bose products.


    Okay, that's fair. That's information I was not privy to. Admittedly, I'm NOT an audio-geek.


    Could you recommend an in-ear headphone with similar quality? I'm not talking about home-theater systems, I'm talking in-ear buds. From what I've seen, these are the best available?

  2. I had a $100 gift-card to blow at Best Buy this past Christmas so I bought the BOSE in-ear headphones. They're totally awesome, not noise canceling, but definitely a great sound, far superior to any buds I've worn before.


    Big problem though: The silicone tips fall off way way way too easily and get lost.


    Solution: BOSE will replace lost tips as often as needed, for no charge.


    So if anyone is like me and has been stewing because they have two sized buds in their ears (one of them way too small), fret no more. Just call BOSE customer service.

  3. Thank you, I just get frustrated when people act like it's crazy to suggest he was drinking.


    Lynch Speaks


    After watching this and reading his body language I have these thoughts-


    1) Marshawn seems to take long pauses-


    Liars have longer pauses, shorter answers and longer times between a question and a response than someone who is merely nervous. It makes sense that liars need time to create the lie; recalling the truth takes less time. If you ask a clerk if they gave you the correct change and there is a long pause before their response, it may be an indication of deceit. However, this is not a cue you should take in isolation. You might also check to see where their eyes go after you ask the question. People tend to look up to the right to visualize or create a new response or down to the right to create the sounds of a new response. We recall information that occurred in the past by looking up to the left or down to the left. Spot a liar by listening for pauses and right eye movement. Be credible by answering spontaneously.


    2) His hands are always in his pockets-


    When people are trying to hide their true feeling or the truth, they may stick their hands in their pockets, clench them together, or hold them behind their backs. To spot a liar, look to see if the hands are open and "above board." Because people do hide their hands when they are nervous, if you see hidden hands ask yourself why that person is nervous.


    3) Swaying his head from side to side, not making eye contact-


    A liar is uncomfortable facing his questioner/accuser and may turn his head or body away.


    A person who is lying to you will avoid making eye contact.



    By the way how fast did his lawyer swoop in once a question was asked, looks like he has no faith in Marshawn to keep on script. By the way how about this witness who claims that Lynch braked after hitting her?


    Ah, yes. I see now that your argument is, and always HAS been about the possibility of him drinking, Eliot.

  4. In his post game statements he never seems as robotic as this. I get the feeling when he was speaking he wasn't trying to recall what happened but instead to recall what he had been coached to say or not say.


    Just stop.

  5. LINK


    BEACHWOOD, Ohio -- A local community has canceled an all-star game for youth baseball players because it doesn't want to exclude anyone.


    People in Beachwood are upset, and it's not just parents and children. The issue is when is a child just learning a game and when are they old enough to compete in it?


    The city of Beachwood and its recreation department drew the line at age 12.


    The phone lines lit up on WTAM on Thursday morning as parents and sports fans called to voice their opinion on the city canceling its all-star game for 9- to 12-year-olds.


    For decades the game has been played on July 4, but in a letter to the coaches, the parks and recreation department said the tradition is over, saying its not their desire to exclude any child from participating in a recreation event.


    I'll bet one of the otherwise snubbed has a parent at the recreation department...

  6. i don't want this thread Hijacked by a PPP stooge so I will just say yes.


    But I REALLY want to see "Walking on Fishes." I don't know if it will be a mass distribution or just at the artsy theatres.


    I imagine theatrical release will be exclusive to -as you put it- "artsy" theaters :thumbsup:.


    Here I thought it was going to be a documentary showcasing the 2007 Miami Dolphins epic collapse.

  7. Yeah, it is Lee Evans, but my description is correct. He was in Something About Marry.


    Yes, yes, let me restate- when I saw another actor (probably on a Law and Order) I thought, "wow, that's the guy from Something about Mary."


    That's when I found out his name.


    I was saying "no, no" as in a few people have already correctly identified him, no need to not look on IMDB.

  8. IIRC, he was in Something about Mary and is a British comic. I could look it up on IMDB, but that would be cheating.


    No no, it's Lee Evans. There was an actor in some TV show/movie that I thought was him and in doing some IMDB research last year I stumbled across it. I immediately sent an email to all my closest Bills friends.


    Then I noticed the avatar today and wondered if the joke would be lost to everyone but me.


    Guess not!


    Props Bills Nation!

  9. I would go with CZ until your 5 year anniversary. Then if it looks like things will last, swap it out at a jewelry store for a real diamond. If she has it appraised or calls you on it, just get mad and say that the guy you bought it from must have ripped you off for the $5k that you paid for it. :blink:



    Love your name. Read it once, thought about it. Read it again, and then said, "aaaaaaaah!"


    Props to a fellow Wire fan!!

  10. For the past 2 years the bills are 1-5 in their first 3 games of the season. They haven't looked to me like a team ready to compete early on. Might be the country club camp and pre-season doesn't get the players to the needed intensity level soon enough. Any thoughts about the playoffs for the Bills will depend a lot on the first few games this year IMO. They aren't good enough to climb out of a deep hole. Coaching staff needs to have this team ready to play their best from the opening week.




  11. well that's what my thoughts are, saying the right things now and doing different things are fine now..... but I want to see if it translates to real changes for this team....

    thats all



    I wonder how many people here know the actor's name in your avatar.

  12. Well, they're really isn't a phrase for this.


    This is major problem #2 in langauage translation: a phrase (ex. "to play along") which has no meaning in other languages. [known as "idiomatic"]

    BTW, major problem #1 is words that do not exist in other languages (ex. "Western New Yorker").


    I could translate it for you, but you need to provide an entire sentence in which you are using it. You are trying to translate "word for word", which is what the babelfish and google translators do (erroneously).


    Well, I gave the three different examples knowing there would be a chance that each could have its own translation. The last example is most relevant. So if you could think of a phrase meaning to "play along" or "play the game-" where the "game" is more of a joke or ruse.


    Again, I wouldn't use a automated translator for something like this because I don't want a word for word translation for "play the joke."


    Isn't translation fun!? :wallbash:

  13. i have no idea about that "jeau à la jeaux"!! That does not mean a thing!!


    But anyway what do you mean by "to play along in the humor me sense"?


    Like when Grandma is having a "bad" day and she thinks her seven year old grand daughter (Stacy) is her sister, then Stacy's parents might tell her to "humor" grandma, or "play along."


    Mom tells you to take a rain jacket even though there's no clouds in sight. You sigh. Dad says, "humor your mother."


    Two janitors mopping the floor, one says to the other, "I think I'm going to take off early today because my Lamborghini is in the shop." The other, deciding to play along and humor her associate replies, "Yeah, I just picked up my Bentley yesterday, cost me $5000 to replace the transmission, but whatever. Chump change, right?"


    I hope that helps.

  14. You're welcome. :wallbash:





    Maybe Oliver in France will respond to your post. Good luck.



    Oh now, don't be sore. After I sent my response, I wondered if it bordered on harsh, but your assistance was greatly appreciated. I've just had some really bad experiences with babelfish before and in this case, it seems their programming can't distinguish between going along and being along- (i.e. going along for a ride or grass growing along a riverside).

  15. I'm looking for the proper spelling of a French phrase meaning "to play along" in the "humor me" sense.


    I think the phrase is jeau a la jeaux, but again, I know nothing about French, accept where it pertains to Spanish, so if anyone could help me out with the proper phrase, spelling, pronunciation, etc, that would be great!


    (I'm currently going through the naming phase right now with a comedy ensemble at the Improv Olympic Theater in Chicago.)

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