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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. He cheered for the *s while they were running up the score on us. He was cheering for them even though *ichek is a cheating, lying, dickless scumbag. He stood up and cheered every time *fork or *ison cheap shotted someone. He got his man-panties in a bunch every time *y was hit and cryed for a penalty. He proudly wore the flying elvi logo around and bragged about the *s winning super bowls.


    And now that the *s lost in the super bowl, and the luster has come off of the steaming pile from * England, he wants to crawl back to us? No I say, he may wear our jersey, he may cheer for the team, but he will NEVER be a true fan of the Buffalo Bills. Being a Bills fan is a life-long commitment, not something you choose to do when convenient.



  2. Background History:


    My friend grew up in Western New York as a Bills fan. His whole family roots for the Bills. Around 1993, he switched to rooting for the Patriots. He says because of Drew Bledsoe. This guy once sat in awe at the same table as Jim Kelly and Andre Reed for a midget football banquet at the Castle Inn in Olean. Now at the age of 26 he wants back into the Bills family. I say no but I want to hear the opinion of fellow Bills fans. Should he be allowed back into Bills fandom or did he sell his soul to the devil?





    It's not like choosing between Coke and Pepsi.

  3. I suspect all point spreads will be tight in week one. But I think the sports world would call a Bills victory a shock. A perennial playoff team playing a team that hasn't ..well, just hasn't to date.


    For the record, I'm calling this one a win for the Red, White and Blue. ..and silver ... and another shade of blue.. and..


    A perennial playoff team out of the NFC West...

  4. I have no idea what you mean by that last asterisked sentence - but as for why the kid needs space to write in the Buff News, because this is America...It's his constitutional right. He didn't say he was speaking for *all* Buffalo Bills fans - just for him and probably some others...I'm not really sure where you got "moral fiber etc. etc." He did say Lynch didn't take the moral high road...I for one agree.


    For a 15 year old, he seems pretty articulate to me. Not a perfectly written article - but hell if our posts here were held to that standard - this would be a very sparse board...




    okay, fair enough. As much as I beef with the article itself, my initial concern was why the Buff news had printed it in the first place, for precedence sake more than anything else.


    Regarding his speaking for everyone- The title of the article is Fans Disappointed with Lynch, that's pretty broad IMO.


    Regarding the asterisk: You chalked up my comments to adult cyncism, and I was just trying to express that even though I'm technically an adult, I certainly don't quailfy as a "grown up," as your comment partially implied.

  5. http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/columns/stor...nicsmove_080702


    As a Buffalo Bills fan, here are a few lessons I'm taking from this situation (none of which I suppose are shockingly new to the hardened cynics among us):


    1. 40+ years of tradition aren't enough to keep a sports team in town.


    2. Don't trust new owners from outside the state (or in our case, the nation).


    3. Don't expect league commissioners or other franchise owners to stand in the way of a better opportunity to make money (in spite of whatever PR BS they spew).


    4. Worst case scenarios can and do happen; prepare accordingly.


    Your thoughts? I'm sure there are a few Buffalo Braves fans lurking around with some heated opinions right now.


    Wow. I was JUST about to post this. I swear to God!


    It was the 41 years that stood out to me. And I wondered if there are Sonics fans as loyal as some of the most devoted Bills fans- how many Grandpas, Dads, and sons there must be who are devastated by this.


    After all, only two things in this world are certain.

  6. Oh yeah, no validity at all for a kid to voice his disappointment about a role model. Nope he is the real idiot not the guy who actually hit someone and hid in his house for 3 weeks.


    Seems to me he has much right to have his article published in a public forum as much as folks who post here - Good Lord, you wonder why kids are disillusioned with adults and some of our hypocrisy.*



    Well, unlike TSW, people pay money to receive hard copies of the Buffalo News. So, yeah, I think the quality of their content should be filtered.


    I'm sorry, but the "I would feel awkward" comment is the icing on the cake. That's not good writing. And it's certainly not insightful-let alone plausible.


    So, please explain to me why (other than the fact that he HAD AN OPINION-which means he has a pulse) this kid should be given public editorial reign to assert the moral fiber of Buffalo Fans.


    *I'm 23. If you consider me an adult in the sense that you're implying, then you friend would be the first person to do so.

  7. I love the pre-season rankings, as some of you know, and here are the most recent ones from fanball.com.


    Buffalo Bills players:


    QB: Trent Edwards #29 (Ahead of Chad Pennington, John Beck, Josh McCown, and Kellen Clemens

    At times in 2007, it looked like the Bills thought they drafted Chad Pennington. The coaching staff curtailed the playbook and often limited the rookie to short tosses. New offensive coordinator Turk Schonert will presumably give Edwards a longer leash in year two. Maybe they'll, you know, let him throw deep to that Lee Evans guy. The entire offensive line is back and we like the addition of James Hardy, but the Bills won't ask Edwards to fully carry the offense out of the 2007 doldrums. (J.P. Losman, #41)


    Projected Stats: 217/390, 55.6%, 2,470 yards, 16 TD's, 12 INT's


    HB: Marshawn Lynch #9 (Ahead of Clinton Portis, Willis McGahee, Ronnie Brown, Willie Parker, Jamal Lewis... the list goes on and on of ex-elites)

    Guess which rookie runner posted the most outings of at least 75 yards in 2007? We'll give you a hint, it wasn't that guy from Minnesota. He isn't as explosive as Adrian Peterson, but he succeeds where Willis McGahee sucked. Marshawn rushed for at least 60 yards every game and scored six times over nine contests before a sprained ankle cost him three weeks. All five Big Boys on the Bills O-Line are back, the defense looks improved, and the passing attack can't possibly be any worse. The pieces are in place for Lynch to step up. (Fred Jackson #77)


    Projected Stats: 323 rushes, 1,303 yards, 12 TD's, 5 100+ yard games, 1 rec. TD


    WR: Lee Evans #19, James Hardy #61, Josh Reed #83

    Projected Stats (in order)

    71 Receptions, 1,099 yds, 7 TD's

    45 Receptions, 533 yds, 5 TD's

    33 Receptions, 302 yds, 2 TD's


    TE: Robert Royal #28

    Projected Stats: 26 Receptions, 241 yds, 3 TD's


    Kicker: Rian Lindell #20


    Defense: Buffalo Bills #13

    Projected Stats: 1 Safety, 39 sacks, 30 FF's, 16 INT's


    Special Teams: Buffalo Bills #4


    Individual Defensive Positions:

    Linebacker: Paul Poslusny #11

    An injury shortened year could not hide the potential of "Pos" replacing London Fletcher in the middle. In his two injury-free games, Posluszny collected 22 tackles. The injury concern is the only thing keeping Pos out of the top 10.


    Angelo Crowell, #33, Kawika Mitchell #57


    D-Backs: Terrence McGee #12, Donte Whitner #44


    D-Ends: Aaron Schobel #10, Chris Kelsay #33


    Just figured I'd type it up for those who like this stuff too.


    Funny how Hardy, Reed, Evans, and Royal alone will tally more TD rec's than Edwards will throw. :lol:

  8. See, there doesn't have to be an argument for keeping it illegal. It's already illegal.


    You have an uphill road to climb. Not only do you need to convince them it should be legal, but you need to make them see that it's important for them to make it legal.


    That's why you're gonna need better arguments than the ones already out there.


    You mean the ones you've chosen to ignore here on this thread?

  9. So basically you're trying to convince people that marijuana should be legalized by being insulting and calling them insane for having it illegal.




    That's bound to work.


    Is there a specific reason you've chosen to attack the posts which lack substance rather than address those that do?

  10. How about stop voting for the people making the laws you disagree with?


    Start voting for people that think like you? When there are enough people that think like you that vote for a candidate that thinks like you, I'm betting the laws will change.


    Then we can avoid the whole dictatorship dilemma.


    But so far, I've not heard anyone with a very convincing argument that legalizing certain/all drugs would be a good thing.


    As I said earlier, arguing that this is a major fiscal liability is a joke. There is so many more large government programs that waste money, that in the big picture, this is a tiny drop in the bucket.


    Here are the common arguments I've heard for legalizing it:


    1) Saves/makes money for the government if we tax it.

    2) It's not as bad as other stuff that's legal

    3) I like it, and it doesn't hurt anyone.


    IMO, those are 3 pretty losing arguments. Is there an argument that I've forgotten?


    So senseless encarceration which leads to overcrowded prisons and financial hemorraging isn't a good argument?


    Wasting law enforcement resources when they could be focussed elsewhere (murder, rape, ANTI-TERRORISM) isn't a good argument?


    Preventing giving an otherwise good/upstanding guy a criminal record because he was stoned and playing Halo isn't a good argument?

  11. It's not an argument of that crime is worse, so it has no bearing on this crime.


    The point is, that no law enforcement prevents actions. Law enforcement only works after the crime.


    It's a bogus argument to say the law fails when that's not what it's supposed to do. Laws don't make you do the right things. They let you know what the wrong things to do are.


    The laws in this country set standards of behavior for the society. Law enforcement punishes those who fail to live up to those standards. What part of that equation makes people live up to those standards?


    The question is, that if we don't want people using those drugs as a standard in our society then what do we do to stop it?


    How about instead of lowering our standards (making drugs legal), we work on getting people to live up to those standards?


    You're too broad here, IMO. I'd be curious to see where being drunk falls under your standards for behavior and why permitting people to be stoned would be lowering them.

  12. Well crap. We haven't been able to stop murders or thefts since they were made illegal, so why keep trying?


    Dang, if we just got rid of all law enforcement, since that doesn't keep people from breaking laws, think of how much money we'd save.


    How the hell can you possibly know whether the majority of Americans want pot to be legal or illegal? You also realize you don't live in a democracy right?


    Well, murders and theft are two crimes which have victims. And according to the statistics, far fewer people are busted and encarcerated for committing them. That means we're essentially spending more money, VAST ammounts of money, to prevent people from causing harm to themselves.


    Now, in response to Cincy's "running me into the guard-rail comment," I'm going to chalk it up to non-smoker ignorance. That's not the kind of driving behavior caused by smoking. Do the research, read the studies, mary jane does NOT impair driving.


    But alcohol does. Yet I don't see you fighting a crusade for all the VICTIMS of drunk driving accidents.


    In response to whomever suggested that legalization would only fuel the black market by encouraging buyers to find "stronger" doses: no. That would not happen. To my knowledge we still live in a capitalist society where competition breeds quality improvments.


    Now, if you want to make the argument that legal drugs would be more dangerous, that's something I'd entertain. Look how many chemicals are pumped into cigarettes. Personally, I would rather pot be kept illegal for this purpose alone. But, when you look at the ridiculous spending, and the uphill battle that policing it has become, it simply doesn't make sense.


    Regarding the harder drugs: street heroine/crack/cocaine/and meth have the "street" pre-fix for a reason. These drugs are more harmful to those who use them than the drugs would be if they were produced and sold in a regulated market.


    The bottomline: drugs will be kept illegal because in spite of the ludicrous spending our government shells out to make it look like they're fighting to eradicate them, it pales in comparison to the money they're receiving on the backside through illegal activity.

  13. And while you noticed the tagline at the bottom, you didn't stop to look at the section title above the piece? You know, the one that says "Life," not "Sports"?


    After I clicked on the piece from the front page of TBD this morning, I decided it didn't belong there ... PRECISELY because I knew a thread like this would pop up.


    If this was directed to me, then yes I suppose I did notice LIFE, but again I'm not that familiar with the paper, and I suppose a heading like that doesn't register as succinctly online as it would in hard copy.

  14. So you read the section of the paper written for high schoolers by high schoolers and then comment on how much they suck.


    This link is for you.


    In fact, I don't read your newspaper because I don't live in your region. I read what is posted on TBD. All I saw was Fansssssssssssssss Disspointed with Lynch as a headline, then read an article which certainly doesn't share THIS fan's opinion, I thought it was some cocky sports writer. I thought it was ashame that the Lynch lynch had already begun. Then I read the last sentence about being dissapointed by a post-season touch down, and then I read that it was by a high schooler.


    Suddenly it made sense why it read like a facebook "note" and I found it curious that The Buffalo News would endorse such broad-stroked musings from a kid.


    And folks, let's be clear: I think throughout this thread we've ALL been pretty liberal about the "credit" this "kid" deserves. I know 15 sounds infantile to the old-balls who frequent this site, but from a writing standpoint, he's pretty much on par with (and no greater than) other aspiring writers his age.


    So yeah, critiquing a four-year olds art is comparable to critiquing a published article by someone who's more than likely already begun researching colleges.

  15. I started to post a similar thought, but then I realized that this is a pre-Oneontant who has a very short sighted view of the world. Why the news decided to print his piece I cannot comment on.


    I suppose that's what makes me mad. I think it's a great that a (fairly) large newspaper would print material written by a SOON TO BE 10th grader. But when that material brazenly condemns a second year rising star and reads more like a diary entry, I have to wonder which editor's desk Mrs. Wagner has been known to frequent.

  16. I was just wondering who gave this 15 year-old the keys and a lisence to speak for all the Buffalo fans:




    And then there's the last sentence:


    "Otherwise, if he scores a touchdown in the postseason, it’ll feel pretty awkward." Really? REALLY!? Pretty...AWKWARD!? Yeah, me too. Lynch scoring a touchdown IN THE POSTSEASON, will be just like someone farting in church.

  17. What's exciting and daunting, at the same time, is the additions and players we get back from injury. This is a whole new team. Similar to last year, and that means we really have no idea what to expect. At this point, saying we will do well or saying we will do poorly is more about the personality of the speaker than it is about the reality of this team. Negative people will find the bad, Positive people will find the good. And what do you know? As I was writing this, this guy comes along and proves my point:


    ....thank you, keepthefaith. Moving on.... :thumbdown:<_<


    The trouble is: most of the arguments I am hearing here and around town, are based on INDIVIDUAL players vs. other individual players. I.E., Poz is better than Digiorgio, has had a year to learn, and is gonna come in and dominate. I would say that's got about a 75% chance of being true.


    However, what that doesn't take into account is: how much will the MLB position in general benefit from guys like Stroud, Mitchell, Johnson, and if McCargo continues, etc.? It's really impossible to say at this point, and until we see everybody on the field it's kinda pointless to speculate.


    It seems obvious that the main reason that we had such conservative, and therefore a lot of times bad, game management and play calling, is that DJ, and especially Fairchild, didn't trust these young players to get it done on pure effort alone. He wanted to take the path of least resistance and hope that the other team screwed up and beat themselves, rather than taking any risk and trying to have our guys beat them. The best example of this is the Dallas game. It only got worse as the season went on, and more were injured, and once the QB thing was settled.


    What we don't know is: do the additions and returning injured players really mean we can take more chances? and, even if that's true, will DJ recognize it and take more chances/trust his team more? Chandler's is the best question: Is this about DJ, or about not having the players/bad play calls from Fairchild, thereby forcing DJ's hand?


    I would say a better example would be the 2006 game against Indy, in Indy. They went on to win the Super Bowl and only eeked out by one point (IIRC). That was also the game Willis was down and we had to start the A-Train.


    Now I know the path of least resistance gives everyone here stomach ulcers, but IMO, it was a strategy that wielded relative success, amd a strategy (oh how this pains me to say), that if utilized with this year's personel, could actually spur a 10-6 season.


    I suppose the question is whether the gloves will come off with the added personel (and Dear God, I hope they do), but even if they don't, might start seeing some ACTUAL success. I'm talking winng games 13-10 with games lasting (with commercials) an hour forty five!

  18. The one thing I do agree with the original poster on here is going with earbuds. I don't know where most of you work, or if you listen to music at work, but for me, I think my employees and co-workers would give me some strange looks if I was wearing those big headphones at work :)


    For me it's more for working out and public transportation...

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