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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. Brett Favre 28/38, 364 yards, 1 TD, 3 INT






    Edwards: 30-38- 281 yrds 1 TD (first drive, fourth quarter) 2 INT (1st- sometime in the second quarter, 2nd- midway through the third quarter, Seattle scores TD on ensuing drive)


    Evans- 11 catches- 88 yds

    Hardy- 4 catches 44 yds 1-TD (8 yds)

    Lynch- 3 catches- 39 yds

    Reed- 4 catches- 38 yds

    Parish- 2 catches- 32 yds

    Royal- 4 catches- 23 yds

    Schouman- 1 catch- 17 yds


    Lynch- 21 ATT 83 yds 1 TD- (first drive, first quarter)

    Parish- 1 ATT 57 yds 1 TD- (first play of the second half)

    Jackson- 8 ATT 47 yds


    Lindel: 5-5 FG


    POZ- 12 tackles, 1 INT 1 TD


    Bills 43- Seattle 10


    (talk of the league, how Seattle blew it so badly)

  2. I agree with l2dg that D&C is a better movie, but not by much. I don't think you can go wrong either way, but the problem here is that we're talking about a 15 year-old kid that didn't live through either era (mid 70s vs early 80s). Will he appreciate the nuances? :rolleyes:


    I give the edge to D&C based solely on "Convenience Store" scenes. The clerk at the store that sells Mitch the sixer while supplying nutrition advice to the expectant mother, barely out-paces "Way to go, Hamilton!"


    Can't the kid just get both or doesn't he have enough 'inspiration' to get through 3 hours?


    Here's a question (don't mean to hijack but...)- how do people feel American Grafitti compares to D and C.


    I realize that George Lucas' popularity has basically bottomed out since it was made but...


    Same concept, different era, no? Music plays a pivotal role in each, though D and C is SIGNIFICANTLY cooler.

  3. I agree with l2dg that D&C is a better movie, but not by much. I don't think you can go wrong either way, but the problem here is that we're talking about a 15 year-old kid that didn't live through either era (mid 70s vs early 80s). Will he appreciate the nuances? :rolleyes:


    I give the edge to D&C based solely on "Convenience Store" scenes. The clerk at the store that sells Mitch the sixer while supplying nutrition advice to the expectant mother, barely out-paces "Way to go, Hamilton!"


    Can't the kid just get both or doesn't he have enough 'inspiration' to get through 3 hours?


    You mean the guy who reminds her to eat something green while selling her smokes?

  4. i'm guessing you told him fast times due to phoebe being topless, but i think d & c is a better movie


    D and C FOR SURE!


    Especially for a 15 year old. When I was 15 I watched D and C like 3 times a week for about two months.


    Fast Times is something an older crowd can appreciate because it's much much more nostalgic and reflective. Nobody who's in high school wants to be reminded how fast a year, then four years can fly by.

  5. How long have you been watching the NFL? Your going to be asking a stupid question like this? Fox airs the games between the AFC vs NFC that the NFC team is the visitor & CBS airs the games where the AFC is the visitor. It has been like that for as long as I could remember.


    Yeah, never gave it any thought. Hasn't ever affected my watching of the games, especially since for the last five years I've been watching on Sunday Ticket. Sorry, jerk.

  6. Absolutely agree. I don't need movies that are wrapped up with a bow and the audience is given an answer sheet. I thought it was a great flick and I loved that it left so many questions. But when I read/heard others' views on it, the vast majority was pounding on it for the same reasons I liked it.


    I liked that they used a no name cast. I like that they stayed true to the concept ("this is probably how YOU really would react if this happened and you had a camera"). And I liked that it kept me wondering when I left the theater. Movies like that are good for a change of pace.


    Agreed on all accounts. The monster was pretty sweet, and concealing its appearance during the early promos made for an exciting release. When the movie began, I thought to myself- "Oh boy, here we go. A cheesy love story and some far-fetched plot I don't/won't give a SH-T about." But then as the movie un-folded, I was surprised at the gravity some of the character relationships held.


    Granted, I watched the movie using the same cheese-filter I used at Indy this summer!


    Nevertheless, it was short (read: didn't drag on), made its point, and stuck to its guns. Quite satisfying indeed.


    I doubt I'll ever see "Quarantined."

  7. Are you f***ing serious!? How ignorant. What is the job of an editor? Yet another slap in the face from ESPN to us Bills fans.


    How bout to sports fans in general?


    There's been a lot of griping lately about the media not doing its job, blah blah blah. But doesn't this fall into that category? Isn't this a clear sign that it has NOTHING to do with sports reporting, and EVERYTHING to do with selling issues and ad-space?

  8. So, I picked up the new ESPN Fantasy Football mag...and was reminded again (as if I needed it) how friggin irritating ESPN can be...useless magazine.


    In ranking the top fantasy defensive players, they rank London Fletcher as #10. The pithy one line review says (I am parphrasing, but pretty accurately):


    London Fletcher- Washington Redskins- Underappreciated tacking machine. This may not change with the addition of Kawika Mithchell and the return of Paul Posluszny. :rolleyes::D How could they print someting so stupid, and inaccurate?


    "World wide leader in sports" indeed!


    I'll bet the parents of the hottie who wrote that gem were really proud when she got that flashy internship for the summer!

  9. He already explained it. The broadcasts are based on the conference of the visiting team. Always have been. Therefore, the Seattle and San Fran games will be carried by FOX whether they're 1 p.m. or 4 p.m. starts. The only exceptions are the "national" games on ESPN/NBC/NFL networks.


    I...did not know that...And...I learned something today.

  10. Seriously?


    Seriously. Aside from the fact that the camcorder used would have run out of battery/tape about half way through the film.


    Name for me a better American monster-disaster film from the last 10 years.


    Of course it's going to be cheesy at times, and of course the acting is going to be wooden. Getting past those things, I was satisfied. Not blown away. Satisfied.

  11. Take a chance take a chance take a take a chance chance. Take a chance take a chance take a take a chance chance. Take a chance take a chance take a take a chance chance. Take a chance take a chance take a take a chance chance. Take a chance take a chance take a take a chance chance. Take a chance take a chance take a take a chance chance. Take a chance take a chance take a take a chance chance. Take a chance take a chance take a take a chance chance. Take a chance take a chance take a take a chance chance. Take a chance take a chance take a take a chance chance. Take a chance take a chance take a take a chance chance. Take a chance take a chance take a take a chance chance. Take a chance take a chance take a take a chance chance. Take a chance take a chance take a take a chance chance. Take a chance take a chance take a take a chance chance. Take a chance take a chance take a take a chance chance. Take a chance take a chance take a take a chance chance. Take a chance take a chance take a take a chance chance. Take a chance take a chance take a take a chance chance. Take a chance take a chance take a take a chance chance. Take a chance take a chance take a take a chance chance. Take a chance take a chance take a take a chance chance. Take a chance take a chance take a take a chance chance. Take a chance take a chance take a take a chance chance.

  12. Well, you're actually right Big Cat. Temple of Doom should be the one with the credit because it was Spielberg who forced the ratings board to add the new PG-13 rating because he knew that an R rated Indy flick would limit their audience. Red Dawn jumped on Indy's bandwagon, though both got the ratings at roughly the same time, Red Dawn would have been an R if it weren't for Temple of Doom and Spielberg.


    That's when you know you have clout in Hollywood -- when you can get the ratings board to add a whole new rating for your movie, simply because you ask.


    Right, I knew that TOD was the catalyst but Ohio Mike was right to say that Red Dawn was the first PG-13 RELEASE.


    But yes, Spielberg = the film industry.

  13. False. The PG-13 rating was created for Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.


    Red Dawn (according to the New York Public Library's Book of Answers 1988) was the bloodiest film ever made.


    Forgive me. I was understanding that it was IJTD, but Red Dawn also receives credit. It's murky. Your comments were not "false."

  14. What is Red Dawn most famous for?


    Not what you think...it was the first nationwide PG-13 rated release. I remember it was summer of 1984, either July or August, but I can't remember which.


    False. The PG-13 rating was created for Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.


    Red Dawn (according to the New York Public Library's Book of Answers 1988) was the bloodiest film ever made.

  15. I saw it about a year ago here in Chicago (where its initial six week run was extended to 3 years).


    Great production, definitely a talented cast, I'm just not too thrilled about musicals. My girlfriend -who SWEARS she hates musicals- loved it. It was her first "big" show.

  16. Still wearbale (wore it last night)- Allman Brothers 2005 Tour shirt (still new, I know)


    BEST OF ALL TIME (died last year, still resides in closet)- My dad's practice jersey from when he played college basketball at Carnegie Mellon 1968-1971. And when I say this thing died, I mean it really ate it. I always wondered which wash would be its last and sure enough, as it emerged it had finally been reduced to rags <_<

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