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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. No surprise here. Schonert said in mini camp that if Peters wasn't at camp they'd try Walker at RT.


    But I do agree, whatever combo they try, it's not going to be as good as having Peters at LT. We nee him back, both sides need to grow up and get it done.



  2. Kirk Chambers must really be horrible because Langston Walker is a very average RT. Just because he signed a multi million dollar contract does not mean he is a good player. We need Peters back asap.


    I wouldn't be surpised if Peters isn't the official starting LT until after the bye- even if he does eventually show up to camp, and even if he's out there for 90% of the snaps.

  3. The bolded part is true -- No. 7, to be precise -- but that may have had something to do with the fact that they were also 28th in run D. Last I knew, Simon still played/coached a little bit of DB in his spare time, so I tend to trust his opinion on the subject ...


    Funny you should mention DB playing and coaching experience when considering the histories of Buffalo's head coach and defensive coordinators. I would say they might even be a better judge of talent than even the moderators of this board! Bias, perhaps. Not a shot at you, Lori, just making the point that I'm sure they know a good DB when they see one. I trust they're being careful and cautious in their dealing with Ko, and that when returned to full health, he'll be a positive asset to the team in 2008.


    Go Bills!

  4. Evans leads the league in TD's for 70 yards or more in the last few years with 5. Three other receivers have more than one. I don't think it's a problem for Evans to beat anyone "right off the Line". He's the best deep threat in the game.


    That's all well and good, and I'm not trying to discredit Evans, but you realize that two of those came in one quarter?


    Not exactly consistently beating guys deep.


    The point was that Evans can burn guys within the first five yards. The Jets TD being one of the few exceptions.

  5. This is one instance where I wish both sides would swallow their pride and come together. Either the Bills need to swallow first and call Peters and reassure him that if he shows up to camp, they will start talks about reworking his deal, OR, Peters just needs to show up to camp and start working. Both sides have backed themselves into a corner and I think both are not willing to be the first one to flinch but something has to give. I can see both sides of the coin on this one and I feel like both parties are right and wrong here. It's all about compromise and I hope something happens sooner then later.


    I'm inclined to think that if the Bills are saying these things to the national media, then they've at least said them to JPeter's voicemail, email, facebook page, et al.

  6. My favorite quote so far (when talking to Brandon about Whit's guarantee) "we know why, you have an in-shape team with an attitude! I love the LB corps"


    Can the season just start already!!


    Not much on Peters huh?


    Except Jauron saying they haven't spoken??

  7. He's struggling to find the "term" on Willis???


    Meanwhile, running back Willis McGahee is sidelined with a lower left leg injury. His leg is wrapped in a black compression sleeve and he was limping around the field.


    McGahee said he doesn’t think this will be a long-term injury. Rookie running back Ray Rice worked with the starters and was extremely impressive again.


    “We are hoping to get him back soon,” Harbaugh said. “I don’t know what the term is on him, but we are hopeful.”




    I think Willis has either "toostupidtolearntheplaybookstrain" or "cantkeepmydickinmypantsitis"


    Scratch Mike Williams from the list, Willis is going down in Bills history as THE WORST draft pick, ever.

  8. The Rams told Jackson they are willing to talk about a new deal but not while Jackson is holding out.


    As already mentioned here, the Bear's Hester held out the first couple of days of Chicago's camp. Hester has the same agent as Peters, too. Hester reported without a new contract after losing more than $30,000 in fines.


    Am I the only one thinking this agent (Eugene Parker) just might be giving his clients bad advice?


    Linky to Chris Brown's report on this...


    Jackson only has one year left on his contract, and Hester is at the stage where Peters was two years ago when he was DRASTICALLY underpaid- I think Hester is making something like 445K a year.


    I'm not sure if these three scenarios are analogous considering the decent money Peters is getting now (3M) and the time remaining on his contract.

  9. Contrary to the Bills recent spin, it is more likely the Bills clearly laid out their position to the Peters camp back in January that they would not re-do his contract with 3 years left.


    Peters actions have been in response to that Bills denial.


    The root of this problem can be traced back to the deal done 2 years ago with Marv. Peters wanted an escalator to reward him if he was moved to LT. The Bills only agreed to a $1 mil addition. Both parties knew this was a bare bones compromise and it would become an issue if Peters was successful at LT. If Marv was still GM, this would not have been an issue - but Brandon is playing junior GM and changed the rules.


    Pretty stupid to try to make an example out of your best player.


    :cry: you the man

  10. Are you insinuating that an NFL franchise worth close to $1 billion would not bother to check up on their best player since Janaury after he underwent surgery from an injury that forced him to miss game time?


    No way!!


    Forgive me, oh wise one. Tell me, for which offense do you flame harder- conjecture or assumptions based on what the organization has made public?

  11. There. Doing your own research in the future is encouraged.


    Thank you for your feedback. Keeping the snark to yourself in the future is also encouraged. You found a Chris Brown article from 6 months ago, I also tried this, but was unsuccesful. Cheers to you, your feedback was appreciated.


    My point in asking in the first place was to suggest that all Peters discussions happening here are basically moot considering the prevelance of things we DON'T KNOW.

  12. I've mentioned this twice already but to no avail:


    Is Peters healthy?


    Do we know what his rehabilitiation was like following his surgery? Shouldn't this have been done under the team doctor's supervision?


    How serious was the injury and the ensuing surgery recovery?


    Has it EVER been confirmed that he was actually working out this off season?

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