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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. so after all his off-season ridiculousness, Chad has been a model citizen during camp. Returning from ankle surgery this week, he did not even bother to speak to the media.


    which makes me wonder... Do you think Chad and Commissioner Goodell sit around and laugh about his off-season shenanagins? I bet the league actually loves it when he pulls that stuff during the Feb-May dead time.


    It keeps the NFL in the headlines and on ESPN.


    I gotta hand it to him, its a good shtick and the media eats it up. And i cant fault him much, at least HE is in camp and working hard.


    Yeah? You think that's what's going on, huh? Okay.

  2. So Hardy's hamstring was tight so they sat him out that one night and they said he would be back the next day but now its been 3 days and he sat out all of practice today...is this injury anything serious or are they being precautionary?



    Now with Will James he pulled his groin and ik those can be nagging injuries but does anyone know the severity of it and if he will miss a long period of time? This would suck because Will James has been very impressive and he looks like he was an awesome pick up and he could be a very solid Nickel Cornerback for us so..............




    any answers would be greatly appreciated guys




    GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I think the Hardy thing is strictly precautionary. Who knows? Perhaps he's far enough ahead of the learning curve that they feel comfortable resting him. Then again, there's a lot of camp yet to go, so I imagine at this point it's not worth the potential risk.


    As far as Will James goes, to my knowledge he's an injury prone player. That's all hearsay, I could be completely wrong, but either way, it may be the same as the Hardy situation. With as injury wrought as this team was last year, and having already lost a rookie to a season-ending injury, why even take the risk?

  3. Jets are better than Bills :unsure:


    In response to Marshall Faulk's prediction (and what I've seen the last year or so), I will make my own prediction

    After the next big name player retires and tries to break into broadcasting with NFL Network, Faulk will be relegated to "Special Reports". Then to "Contributor" status, then he opens a restaurant


    I mean, aside from the fact that it's an outlandish prediction, I'm really curious as to SPECIFICALLY which offseason moves the Jets made to catch and then SURPASS a team who ALSO made ripples in Free Agency/Draft.

  4. Maybe it's who they hired and not when they were fired or quit. I'm talking about Williams, Malarkey and now the "lovable" loser Dick Jauron. If we had kept Williams and Malarkey for the long haul do you honestly believe that this team would have reaped the benefits with playoff appearances and a shot at the big dance? I know that many here think that Jauron will turn this thing around eventually if given an extended stay here. I don't believe this because I go on the theory that if you've been a head coach for longer than six or seven years that you are what your record says you are. In my book, he's a failure as a head coach and that isn't going to change with a eighth, ninth or tenth season at the helm. Williams and Malarkey were colossal failures and them sticking around would not have changed the Bills fortunes. Jauron obviously has at least one more season to show he has what it takes. If the Bills have yet another long vapid losing season the Bills would be fools to keep the eight time loser as a head coach for yet another go round.


    And yet people like you ignore the fact that Bellicheat and Jauron have virtually the same record after their first five years of head coaching.

  5. "Hey everyone? Look at John Kerry hanging out with teeny boppers drinking from a dildo-shaped straw! Holy crap! Isn't that something?!?!?"


    "Oh yea, will Bush is the worst president in the history of the US."


    "Ummm...okay. Nice, uhh, retort, I guess."


    !@#$ing liberals. Poster children for shunning personal accountability.




    It was in response to someone saying, "Bush sucks, but I'd pick him over that Ma$$hole anyday."

  6. I thought that was just a Mini-me version of Seth Rogan? :rolleyes: You know like how gremlins spawn other gremlins if they get wet? I figured the same principle was at work here.


    At least Rogan doesn't come across as TOTALLY slovenly, pig headed, and abnoxious...er...I mean...

  7. are you a Presidential historian? What about President Buchanon? President Pierce? Or is this just an attempt at hyperbole? BTW I do not like Bush either


    You know I thought of guys like these when making the "worst ever" claim- and not to discredit the importance of their respective presidencies- but aren't the stakes just a wee bit higher these days?

  8. I haven't really enjoyed too much of his stuff after "Freaks and Geeks" to be honest. Seems like he's kind rehashing the same schtick in each film now.




    I know what you mean, Mr. Rogan is dangerously close to becoming a Jack Black-type "actor" where he's esentially playing himself everytime with different costume changes. "Hi I'm Seth Rogan, playing myself in a movie about a 20-something slacker. (insert sarcastic, smarmy line here to re-enforce the Rogan-esqueness of my 'acting')"


    Yep bitter old man @ 37... that's me.


    Exactly how I feel about the fat kid from SuperBad. Totally unimpressed. In fact, I've grown to loooooathe his style.

  9. okay. It's all good here man. As long as ieatcrayonz doesn't start posting that Trent Edwards should join the peace 'corps' because of his penchant for wearing white gloves, everything should be just fine.


    Agreed, and on topic, our linebacking corps will definitely be an asset (NOT a liability) to the Bills in 08!


    I live right on the Pride Parade Route in Chicago. And let me say this:


    Evidently LGBT (Lesbian Gay BiSexual Transgender) has been upgraded to LGBTQA (Questioning and Ally)


    I am 100% an ally.


    However, for any LGBTQA activist group to call this commercial "homophobic" insinuating its "offensiveness," has no business sponsoring a parade which PREDOMINATELY features men in tiny pink thongs shaking their a$$es on the backs of floats which cruise through MANY a residential area.


    Perhaps we should re-explore what it means to be offensive.

  11. lol, not at all. I just thought it was funny that you would call someone else out in a post for using a word correctly. It made me laugh because it seems like you were just lurking around waiting to pounce on someone for misusing or misspelling a word.


    It's a common misspell which I believe has had no less than an entire thread devoted to correcting the mistake.

  12. Usually the word corps is used to describe a defensive or offensive unit in football. However, in this case, 'core' is used correctly and can be used interchangeably with corps. One of the definitions of core, as defined by Webster, is as follows: "the central, innermost, or most essential part of anything." In this case, the linebackers are the central part of the Defense, existing between the linemen and the secondary.

    So, corps is most commonly used but core also works. Just for those who might be interested.

    Go Bills!


    Do you feel better about yourself now? :rolleyes:

  13. Not sure about the rest of the Buffalo fans but I'm pretty excited about the linebacker core we have this year! The addition of Kawika Mitchell will be awesome along side Posluszny and Crowell. I think DiGorgio didn't do too bad a job last year as well! From what I've witnessed at camp the past few days....................I'm looking for Poz to have a few "de-cleater's" this year!


    It's corps.

  14. Forgive me, kota, for speaking on your behalf, but I believe what you are saying is that people assume Langston Walker sucks because he was part of a sucky Raiders OL, and that is their gospel in terms of whether Walker is, in fact, any good. If they would watch Walker instead of the ball, they might see things differently.


    Sure sure, I knew that's what he meant. I guess I was looking for insight as to just how well LW as been. HAS he been really good?

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