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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. As a die hard Bills fan I refuse to use another team! :D I'll do it for you though and check back in later. Any tips would be appreciated but I was under the impression I was the Madden master!!!! :P:lol:


    I've always found that when running- the worst thing you can do is hit speed burst as soon as you touch the ball because you'll disrupt the timing of the blocks in front of you. I've also found that juking into an open area once you're past the line will open you up for at least another three yards.


    Also, in any two-back set, following your lead blocker is CRUCIAL. If he makes it past the line, it's on you to find the open areas, though.

  2. Link

    All things considered, I'm starting to get nervous about Peters not being in camp - more for the reason of gelling with the line, screwing up Langston who is now playing LT instead of RT, and lastly being out of shape and not in tune with Turk's new offense.


    I obviously have no clue about any communication between the FO and him, but is he really going to pull a T.O. move from Philly a couple years ago? Even Chad Johnson showed up to camp, and he has much more than 1 good season under his belt.


    Is it any coincidence that the last 2 big name holdouts - SJax and Peters are both rep'd by Eugene Parker? Is he trying to make a name for himself to compete with Rosenhaus? These agents should be 'fined' or held responsible too if their name is on a contract with 1,2, 3 or 50 years left on a deal they signed - while they are holding their players back from reporting. F'ing agents have way too much control in sports.



















































  3. Oh yes...Madden...


    I am sure they added all these cool new features on how you can add fans into the game while ignoring realism issues such as players accepting 5 million dollar signing bonuses when IRL they would be closer to 25 million, allowing you to pretty much sign every star player under the cap even after you cut people. Not to mention the old, muffed punt returned for a TD that has not occurred in an NFL game for probably like 15 or more years, if it ever has(not sure if you were ever able to return a muffed punt for a TD).


    Then there is the issue of players running 3.5 40s in game or accelerating from 0-top speed in like 2 strides...


    I gave up on Madden a long time ago because while its flashy eye candy, the overall realism is just not very good...


    All true, but what choice has the exclusivity contract left us?

  4. Feelin' your pain, Dante, as I'm sure we all do. That said, let's hold on to the fact that it is pre-season (I know, we've said this year after year..) and it's a new co-ordinator that doesn't want Seattle thinking anything but Run, Run, Pass..


    Interesting though that JP threw a lot on first down. It also appeared to me the QB's -including Hamdan- checked out/audibled at the line. If true, this is definately a new wrinkle..


    Check back on this topic after the opener. For now, let's try to believe :lol:


    For the first three or four plays on Saturday Washington had EVERY defender within three yards of the line of scrimmage. It wasn't until the 18 yarder to Roscoe that they backed off and went into something that ACTUALLY resembled a defensive formation.

  5. Positives I took from the game:


    No injuries to speak of (the biggest plus of all)

    In spite of almost a week more of practice time than the Bills, and it being their second game, Washington did NOT run away with the game

    Some of the rookies looked good ..... some looked bad ...... some looked really REALLY bad (which is helpful when we need to cut players lol)

    The JP pass to Hardy in the end zone was the best pass I've seen from a Bills QB in quite a while (but I'm still an Edwards fan)

    Coaches got some tape of real game play in a real game against real football players to help teach this team the do's and don'ts of football


    My positives from the game-


    Hardy made that TD look EASY. And it wasn't. He made a great play in holding the corner off (some 4th string scrub perhaps?) and then was smooth as silk reeling it in.


    McKelvin made a mistake he'll never make again (cut left when he should have cut right on the return). He looked right at home with the ball in his hands during returns. I think we'll see him back on every return WEEK 1!


    Poz def has a nose for the ball.


    Youboty looked savy and solid.


    Roscoe made two nice grabs. The 18 yarder from Trent was a great play. ALL DAY LONG, BABY! The other one where had to come back on it is a play we've seen before. See: Hardy using his body to shield, then think the opposite. Roscoe has a way of sliding around defenders to put himself between the defender and the ball, all while in mid-air. He is one slippery fellow.


    Lindel got his one and only miss out of his system!

  6. I spent the weekend in NYC with friends & family. Mixed reviews and many thought the Jets' made the move to help with PR/Marketing of the new stadium and P$L. The Farve return is sooooo overhyped. He is not ready to play and the Jets' are DOOOMED!!! As a Bills fan.....this is good news!!


    Points of Clarification!


    1. I think Brett Farve has a serious mental condition and his "return for revenege" will fail in New Jersey!

    2. Green Bay's decison to move into another direction was genius!

    3. Aaron Rodgers is not the answer

    4. J.P. Losman will be the starting QB is Green Bay next year


    what were mistakes #'s 1-3?

  7. Anytime someone does that it is a DUMB move. You've just gotten a turnover and a great opportunity for your offense, if you can't return the ball yourself and are about to be tackled, don't waste the turnover by potentially giving it right back to the other team. Trying to lateral the football as you are falling down is a boneheaded move. Try to return the ball for a touchdown, but if you get tackled along the way just GO DOWN, and actually make the turnover count.


    Define dumb.


    It was nothing but a crowd of Bills unis behind him, for all we know, Corner called for it, and Youboty, being tackled by the waist, arms and hands free, knew he could get the ball to him without any problems. He was looking right at him, it's not like he just flung it over his shoulder.

  8. Great show .. I just wished it was a little more objective... "It's hard to break into the NFL, but it's even harder to make it onto the Cowboys". LOL, right, I bet.


    KC, then The Ravens. I really respect HBO's programming, but when I heard Dallas was to be featured this year, I was disappointed. Personally, I don't think America needs anymore national coverage of the mother f*cking Cowboys.

  9. It's also a possibility that his injury is a very serious one he'll never come back from.


    This is most likely the case. The guy didn't have strength and size going for him. He had speed and tenacity, then he blew his knee to shreads...

  10. One of the saddest things I've ever read. The mother, while worthy of all our hate and venom, must be borderline retarded to let something like that happen.


    Yeah- something's not right there. Sure, she's a hateful woman, but anyone who allows their home to become infested with insects, who stacks dirty diapers four feet high, who doesn't clean smeared feces off the walls and floors, and says she's "doing her best" has some real f'ing issues. I mean that goes beyond even SELF loathing. Surely her neglect wasn't out of spite or basic irresponsibility- the mother definitely has her own host of problems.


    My concern is how she managed to maintain custody of a child for as long as she did. She's certainly not absolved of any blame, but someone should be pointing a big fat finger at social workers throughout Tampa.

  11. I understand that, but odds are all built around a majority rules system of sorts. 7/8 win teams also aren't playoff teams.


    So what's your opinion for the disagreement between what many if not most of the writers say and the VOs? We can IF ourselves into the next millenium. IF Edwards flops we'll be lucky to win five games too.


    False: Edwards or no Edwards- here a realistic look at how next year will shape up.


    09/07 SEATTLE SEAHAWKS Up for Grabs

    09/14 @ Jacksonville Jaguars Probably a Loss


    09/28 @ St. Louis Rams Win

    10/05 @ Arizona Cardinals Win

    10/12 BYE

    10/19 SAN DIEGO CHARGERS Probably a loss

    10/26 @ Miami Dolphins Win

    11/02 NEW YORK JETS Win

    11/09 @ New England Patriots Probably a loss

    11/17 CLEVELAND BROWNS Up for grabs

    11/23 @ Kansas City Chiefs Win

    11/30 SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS Win

    12/07 MIAMI DOLPHINS (Toronto) Win

    12/14 @ New York Jets Up for grabs

    12/21 @ Denver Broncos Up for grabs

    12/28 NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS Probably a loss


    The wins I counted are teams we are just plain better than. And since the Jauron era began, never has a Bills team lowered itself to the level of its opponent. In fact, they've done the opposite. So, history would dictate that if Buffalo faces a team they're better than, they will win.


    That's how I counted the games we'll win (no matter who plays QB, LT, RB, WR, etc.).


    I give us 8 wins. I think that's fair. Which mean, realistically, Buffalo needs 2 more wins to crack the playoffs. I counted 4 "up for grabs" games. 2 are at home 2 are on the road. If they get the two home wins (Seattle, Monday against Cle), then they're in a great position for the playoffs. If the road games -NYJ (wk 15) and Denver (wk 16)- mean something (like weeks 15-17 have the last two years), then Buffalo is in the drivers seat. Having been in the situation before, I have faith that maturity will have set in and they come away with one of those wins, giving them 11.

  12. Wow, I actually laughed out loud at a few parts in this article:



    During a three-series span while Parcells and Marino chatted, the Dolphins' three quarterbacks - Beck, Josh McCown and Chad Henne - completed 2-of-22 throws.


    Both were screen passes.



    The two times Sparano openly complimented his quarterbacks, McCown threw a ball out of the back of the end zone in lieu of a sack and Henne fell on top of the ball after center Samson Satele snapped the ball over this head.


    Not exactly plays to build on.

  13. Ok relax. First off, look at the competition you mentioned. Do you think Miami and New York will be nearly as bad as last year?


    No, and neither are the Bills. With all the steps forward Buffalo took in the offseason, losing Peters won't even negate that progress, let alone put said progress in the red. Sure, it's a step back from where they could be, but it's not a leap, therefore, Buffalo sweeps NYJ and MIA, again.


    The 49ers are mediocre, not awful as are the cardinals. The Raiders should be quite a bit better this year- they did well to keep Russell off the field last year and they have a lot of talent in the backfield. The Chiefs are downright awful.


    And there's three wins right there. And when you say "did well to keep Russell off the field," do you mean, "did well to not have a contract ready for him until week 3?" The Raiders are miserable and certainly have not done anything to surpass the Bills from last year. The Niners game is at home in November. That's a Bills win, my friend.


    On the line, Peters handled himself well, so we were able to slide our protection to the right to protect walker, and put a tight end to his open side. Now that Walker is our left tackle, we will have to either slide protection to his side, or to the side of a guy who couldn't crack the starting lineup last season. Fowler is terrible- and I don't want to hear about his injury,


    Okay that's all I'll give you concerning Peters relevance to the offense. Everything else you wrote is tangental, at best.

  14. They will be lucky to win 3 games w/out Peters.


    Really? REALLY? Do you REALLY believe that?


    We've got two games against Miami, two games against the Jets, and games against the Raiders, Forty Niners, Rams, Chiefs, and Cardinals.


    You HONESTLY think we'd be LUCKY to win 3 out of THOSE 9 games without Jason Peters?


    Why don't you change your display name to Eugene Parker.

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