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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. Ah, so it's could be penis envy + stupidity. That actually explains it even better than stupidity + lying.


    I didn't have to speak to him, thumbdick.


    "The view from three-time gold medalist Pablo Morales, now the head coach at Nebraska: "He sort of defies description because, in my opinion, there is no historical precedent for what he has accomplished, how he is accomplishing it, his body of work thus far. You have at once a supremely gifted athlete with a willingness to endure unmatched levels of preparation. On top of this, he is a fantastic competitor, very mentally tough, and he appears thus far to get even better in the face of a tough challenge.""




    See, we have this thing called the internet and it allows people who actually have experience at the highest level of the sport to give a truly educated take. You know, one that trumps the one of the frustrated "athlete" who wants to denigrate someone else's amazing accomplishment to make themselves feel better.




    Geesh. I don't think he was saying Philips' accomplishments aren't amazing. Rather, he felt that swimmers get more 'kicks at the can' by the nature of their sport than other participants. In other words, comparing medal counts between sports is apples 'n oranges.



  2. Really? Pablo Moralez, another USA Gold Medal Olympic Champion and the head coach of an NCAA Division I Swimming Program says you're full of sh--. Guess which one of you I give credibility to?


    Dude, STFU. You're flat out wrong. And I'd venture it's an even bet on whether you swam a single lap "competitively".




    * <--- you.


    You're right, I swam one competitive lap in my entire life than boasted about it on a Buffalo Bills message board. Didn't play Division I water polo either. Just out of curiosity, when did you and Pablo last speak?


    Alaska Darin: Hey, Pablo how's it going?


    Pablo: Good, long time no talk.


    Alaska Darin: Tell me about it! Real quick, is it true swimmers compete in more Olympic events than most other Olympians?


    Pablo: Absolutely not, who ever told you that is full of sh-!


    Alaska Darin: Thanks, that's all I needed, tell the wife and kids I say hello!



  3. Chinese probably would have won anyways. Unfortunately, "pulling a Norwood" is still more common in the lexicon.


    Our mental toughness is OK considering our gymnasts don't compete for their next meal. Those Chinese gymnasts get caned when they lose.


    On the related note about the Chinese gymnasts being underage, I liked the Chinese coach's retort (paraphrased), "You talk about our gymnasts being underaged. How would you like me to talk about the US gymnasts being on muscle enhancing drugs. Look at the body differences." Touche from the Chinese.


    yeah, turns out the average human who works out 6 hrs a day sprouts muscles after the age of ten.

  4. If you really swam for 8 years you would know how difficult it is to train for say the 400IM, the 200fly oh and btw break the American record in the 100 free. TOTALLY different training for all those events.


    IMO it would be like a track guy do the 100M the 400M and the 400 hurdles AND break world records in all of them.


    BTW swam for 17 years.


    Mmmm, well if you want to get technical, I'll disagree with you, but you're right. To be disversified on the world stage is quite a feat. I still think that in swimming it's more common than in other sports.


    Especially if your events are fly, IM, and free. The large bulk of a swimmer's training is done in freestyle, and there's a crossover in muscle sets between fly and free. Breast is sort of the rogue sport in that its specialist rarely make appearances elsewhere, save the medley relay.


    I will give you the 400 IM as requiring a radically different training regiment than the other aforementioned. So, yeah, he's a freak. There's no questioning that.

  5. She's got quite a little body on her, no? Breasticles and everything. Too bad all of the gymnasts can't actually look like women. Of course, she is 20, but still.


    She was DEFINITELY my fav. See the bolded section above. I would say it's her gigantic traps which bring her stock down slightly- but enough for this guy to take a pass!

  6. No question...And in golf you're competing against others using the same technology, so the playing field is level. Just like in these Olympics, Phelps is beating his opponents in the same pool, all wearing the same "super" suit.


    My only statement had to do with breaking world records...These guys are shattering world records set in 2005 by three seconds. That's not really fair to the previous world record holder, who likely swam in a shallow pool without a fusion swimsuit. When the 5th place finisher is breaking the world record, it tells you something about the other variables.


    However, I see what you're saying...The previous record holder of score under par at Augusta didn't have Tiger's Nike driver or golf ball or DriFit shirt, and that's the way it goes.


    Whoa whoa, point of clarification- the only record being broken by an margin of 3 seconds was last nights 4x200 RELAY. a.) that's a longer event so breakage could be more substantial, and b.) that's compounded by the fact that it's a relay.


    Individuals (esp in short races) aren't OBLITERATING records.

  7. I see what you are saying, but the same thing would apply in his golf reference. Club and ball technology improves constantly.


    Yeah, and so do scores and driving distances?


    The difference being pools evolve to the swimmers' benefit just as suits and goggles and nutrional plans do too. Whereas in golf, while clubs are easier to swing, balls are easier to manipulate, and distances become easier to gauge (laser sight tecnology), courses become longer, roughs become rougher, and greens slope more drastically.

  8. You have to devote years to being just an Olympic athlete. When I worked at Stanford, we had an undergrad in the lab that was a member of teh women's rowing team. They were ranked #10 in the nation. For that, she got up at 4 AM every day, rowed in the AM, went to class, did research in the lab , went to the weight room and studied. We asked her why doesn't she try out for the Olympic team. She said she would have to drop out and spend every waking moment for the next year to get a chance for trying out for the team.


    Phelps is a rare talent. The guy got 6 golds and two bronze last Olympics, for pete's sake.


    You're right. Michael Phelps IS a world class athlete. My roommate went to high school with him (I'm completely, 100% not f'ing kidding)--the guy had no friends, and was socially awkward.


    Small price to pay to be the greatest in your field, if you ask me. Hefty price to pay if you're not.

  9. NPR had a story yesterday (or maybe Monday?) about why all the records are being broken. Basically, the gist of it is that records are made to be broken, so they always will...but there are some good reasons why it is happening now.


    The new swimsuits supposedly can shave 2% off a swimmer's time, which is over a second for every minute they swim. Also, the pool in Beijing is 3m deep, where as olympic standards are 2m. So, there is much more water to absorb the turbulence created by a pool full of swimmers, so the water is much calmer than in past olympic pools. They didn't quantify the difference this makes, but they seemed to imply that this made an even bigger difference than the swimsuits, hence we are seeing records broken by 4-5 seconds.


    Now, Phelps is swimming in the same pool in the same suit as the other guys _right now_, and beating them, so yes, he is the best swimmer there is right now. But breaking world records with the above factors is probably somewhat expected during these olympics.


    You're right. Swimming is a wierd sport like that because there CAN be technilogical advancements from year to year which steadily shave off times.


    Also worth noting: I've watched at least five races this year where the gold, the silver, and sometimes even the bronze ALL beat world records.


    To President Adams: the first time I wrote Olympiads I was wrong. The second time I was sarcastic.

  10. And for all of you who accuse ME of a smear compaigin- never did I say he wasn't the greastest swimmer, he clearly is. Never did I say his accomplishments aren't that big of a deal, in fact I believe I specifically addressed this.


    ALL I'M SAYING: is that the media going goo goo gah gah over his MEDAL COUNT is unfair to other athletes who compete in ONE EVENT PER OLYMPICS!---> said athletes being the majority of OlympiaDS.


    Sheesh. :wallbash:


    And just out of curiosity-is there another swimmer (besides me) who has contributed to this thread?

  11. Anyone who puts swimming in "another category" has proven one thing: They've never swam competitively. If you're a basketball fan, and you say that swimming is not a difficult sport, go play some hoops at 100% energy level for an hour. You'll be beat, and you'll be saying that you got a great workout. Now come back the next day and swim a 200 fly at competition speed. You'll be crying to your momma when it's over. Swimming is as difficult as any sport out there. I still think that the decathalon winner is the greatest athelete, but michael phelps must be said in the same breath as muhammed ali, tiger woods, michael jordan, wayne gretzky, jim thorpe, etc. Like any "greatest ever" argument, it's nearly impossible to convince everyone that he is the greatest, but its less likely to convince them that he's not part of that group.


    I swam competitively for 8 years.

  12. Phelps just had to swim two finals an hour apart; it takes a special, and incredibly well-conditioned, athlete to hold up over Phelps' workload. That's why you don't hear about a Spitz or Biondi or Phelps every four years. Comparing him to a shot putter, or any other athlete who can concentrate on a single event? I don't think it's applicable.


    Now, if you'd like to argue in favor of decathletes -- the decathalon record-holder has long been known as the "World's Greatest Athlete" -- I wouldn't disagree.


    I don't think it's applicable either, that's the whole point. And swimmers swim multiple events, it's just a fact of the sport. When you tally how many Olympic events Michael Phelps has participated in, I think it's unfair to call him the "greatest Olympiad" given the small number of shots other athletes have had.


    Personally I don't think the "he won two in one night" argument holds any water (pun intended) since that's what happens in swimming. Swimmers swim several times during one meet at every level.

  13. Well, I find your argument fundementally flawed as your shot putter would also have to be great in disc, hammer, and javelin to be compared to Phelps. Just because swimming is swimming doesn't mean there isn't specialization within it. Phelps is just a once in a generation type athlete though.


    As a track guy, I would not be insulted by any comparisons to Carl Lewis or Jackie Joyner Kersee as Phelps is that type of dominant athlete


    Okay, smart guy, well then substitute for shot put rifling, or boxing, or judo, or fencing, or sailing, or weight lifting.


    And furthermore, no. If you're an Olympic swimmer- AND A GOOD ONE AT THAT- you're competing in AT LEAST two events. AT LEAST. If you're the best in your stroke, you're in one of the medley relays, on top of your own event, and possibly even the IM.


    And my argument CAN'T be flawed, because if you're watching the Olympics they're calling him the greatest, and most decorated Olympic athlete ever. Olympic athlete. Not swimmer, runner, thrower, rower, tumbler, or shooter, but all the aforementioned.

  14. Should swimmers be held to a separate Olympic standard because of how many events they compete in?


    By my calculations it would take the greatest shot putter in the history of the universe over 60 years just get as many attempts at a gold as Phelps has had in four.


    I don't mean to take away from the guy, his accomplishments deserve recognition. But to call him the greatest OLYMPIAD ever? Doesn't seem fair.

  15. Aaron Rodgers - project, 1st year starting QB, has proven nothing in the NFL. What do the Pack do last night - they throw, throw, then throw some more to get his confidence up, the WR's confidence up in him, and the Pack Fans confidence in Aaron takin over the reigns. I couldnt help but watch in awe of how refreshing an offense they run, so unpredictable - throw on 1st down, go deep on 1st down, quick outs, quick hits, rollouts/bootlegs, RB draws on 2nd etc etc.


    I hope the Turk and DJ were taking notes, and backs up his talk the next few games about 'opening up the offense'. Give our starters a taste of his action in the preseason - and who gives a sh-t about showing your 'all mighty special plays' and new offense. If they dont work in the regular season, what good are they anyways?


    No way in heaven or on earth that this factored in to their scheming.

  16. If you are from Buffalo - you have 15 minutes to Canada, 15 minutes to the Falls, you have 1 1/2 hours to Toronto and 3 hours to both cleveland and Pittsburgh. You have the Bills. you have the Sabres, You have 4 seasons. Bars are open until 4 am. You can be 19 and still drink in canada. You have amazing food. You have the 2nd best drinking city in america. You don't have a big big city like miami due to us being the 2nd poorest for population 250,000 and more...but you have alot to do in the city. You have a waterfront. you have a city with good neighbors. you have a city you can walk through without being shot. You have the #1 rated convenient city in America. You have great music and bands. You have one of the most known hardcore music scenes in America. We have something to cheer for.


    This is why I love Buffalo.




    I thought you were from Oneota anyways?

  17. Its alright IMO but does not hold a candle to Raffertys. The sax in the original is classic. I am a big Foo Fighters fan too. Rafferty was a street performer in London that got recorded and became a one hit wonder. Then he recorded another song with a guy he used to busk with, and that song became "Stuck in the Middle With You"


    Gerry Rafferty is one of those dudes who only seems to pop up when really cool stuff is going on.


    A song by his that the Chicago classic rock station LOVES to play is Right Down the Line.

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