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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. I played a sport in college too. Hooray for us. :thumbsup:


    You will never completely eliminate the seedy characters in any area where money is in the billions. But it might actually curb some of the illegal "under the table" handoffs and no-show "jobs" that boosters supply now, if athletes are paid a stipend that is regulated and monitored.


    I'm not trying to give myself props, I'm just saying I'm not coming from the book worms' perspective that athletes are a burden to the educational process, la la la.


    Anyways, something else worth considering- these big schools do in fact pump a TON of money into their academic facilities, especially in the math and science departments. Being able to purchase outlandishly priced equipment for research is another ansilary benefity to athletics, and another way these universities stay "competitive" with one another. I just have to believe these sorts of purchases would be limited by players' compensation too.


    Look, I agree that collegiate sports are a full time job (especially aquatic ones like the one I played, Alaska Darin)- but IMO that's a sacrifice atheletes bring upon themselves, that's what makes college athletics so pure, a true love for the game. Furthermore, it makes them more attractive candidates in the job world because employers know this. Perhaps THAT's their compensation?

  2. First of all, is big time college sports NOT an arms race today?


    It wouldn't be up to the school how much they are allowed to pay. It would be a firmly regulated ceiling. Anything above that would subject to sanctions.


    Do you have any clue how much money football and basketball bring in? Do some research.


    Yeah buddy I get it, I played a sport in college, I understand.


    But honestly, with the CRAP big time colleges get away with now, -buying cars, homes, etc- do you really think this is something that could POSSIBLY be "firmly regulated?"

  3. This is not the same team I watched last week! Edwards looked fantastic and the entire first-team offense looked, as Tasker said, "crisp". How refreshing was it to see TOUCHDOWNS instead of FG's? Lookin' forward to opening game...


    Please, it's a marketing scheme to get Toronto excited about the Bills. I mean, seriously? The Bills offense finally gets it rolling against Pittsburgh? The Steel Curtain?

  4. Last year I was pretty impressed with how well the D held up after all the injuries. Please don't throw stats and rankings at me in response to that statement, I know what they were. But they didn't allow that many points, and for the most part they kept the sputtering offense in games. They also played HARD!


    At the center of it all was John Freakin' DiGorgio, an unlikely candidate for signal caller, no doubt. But the defense didn't splash out like you would expect looking at them on paper.


    Well this past Saturday I left the Bills bar rocking my Bills jersey en route to a BBQ. At one point in the night this big dude rolls up to me and goes, "Yo, John Digorgio!" Now I don't live in Bills country, it's the friggin' midwest and I was at a party hosted by Clevelanders- who are PROFOUNDLY incestuous, and EVERYtime these particular chicks throw a party, it's just frothing over with Ohians (most of whom suck, by the way).


    So when this meatstick calls out DiGorgio -of all players- at the sight of my jersey, I was a bit caught off guard. Turns out this guy is from Michigan, and played high school ball against him.


    Allegedly, his squad and JDG's school were two of the best in the state, and it was JDG's team which upset this guy's run in the playoffs. He said that of all the players he played against that went on to do bigger and better things, nobody was as smart as JDG- the guy knew EVERY play they were running, and the crazier the call, the faster JDG was in there breaking it up.


    He said JDG wasn't the most athletic, or biggest, or strongest guy he'd ever played against (although he did say he was still pretty beastly), but that his smarts made him an INCREDIBLE football player. JDG WAS EVERYWHERE!


    It was great to hear that and I love that we have POZ coming up, competing with, and learning from this guy! Def not TOO big a drop off when JDG gets in there either! Go Bills!

  5. Picture this, you're Ben Rothelisburegaerea, your fastest receiver is lined up wide- you know he's just running for the endzone, ball is hiked, the saftey vacates the deep area, you're just chuckin it, and your boy is sprinting.


    The deck was stacked against Youboty- Ben made a nice throw- Wilson can't even let the QB consider that play.

  6. Whitner and Simpson both look very good out there.


    I'm very impressed with the D-line, although they've missed a few sacks they have forced Rothlisberger out of the pocket numerous times


    If you have the chance to watch the replay of the INT, tell me if you think Ko intentionally batted it to Whitner. I thought I saw him make eye contact, get both hands underneath it and bump i to DW. I might be crazy, and I might just want to assume that my team can make any wacky play they want but...

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