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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. This so plainly absurd, it's not even worth responding to (and yet I respond),


    We basically ran the ball up the middle, did one play-action pass, and completed some pretty basic out-routes, hooks, and swing passes. It's not as if we ran trick plays.


    Contrast that with what the Steelers did:


    (1) They left their offensive starters in an extra series, so that they could look great throwing a bomb on Youboty.


    (2) They let Timmons and Anthony Smith play the entire game, yet both of those players are arguable starters and at worst second stringers. Not only that, both of those guys (and others) were pass AND run blitizing well into the fourth quarter. I'm sure Matt Baker appreciated getting mowed down by Timmons on a delayed blitz. Or Steven Johnson liked getting blown up when Anthony Smith ran a run blitz right at him.


    (3) The Steelers offensive coaching staff actually made adjustments, e.g., calling screens when we were seriously pressuring the QB and running that spread draw for their one TD.


    (4) I wouldn't call what Dennis Dixon was doing exactly "vanilla." They ran him on a naked boot-leg on 4th down!!!!


    If anyone should be complaining about "game planning," it should be us.


    There was nothing vanilla about what The Steelers D did against our starting offense. They were blitzing and shifting to hide their coverages on almost every play.

  2. JD went to Utica Eisenhower, I watched him a few times in high school. He played with his brother Joe who was an exceptional QB and Safety. His brother actually went to Buffalo University for a year before transferring over to Saginaw Valley State to join John.


    I saw them both in the MHSA state championship game. I think JD was a senior and his brother a sophomore or freshman. That team was impressive, both brothers stood out as men amongst boys.


    :worthy: Awesome! Thanks for the insight!

  3. I was having fun reading those and others last night. I think the main difference between our DoomAndGloomers and their's: their's actually know what they are talking about, and/or know how to use stats properly.


    From what I saw, Pittsburgh has a whole lot of problems with the fundamentals, especially on D, and those ARE NOT a "pre-season-only" problem. Unless corrected they will carry over into the regular season, because they are about individual effort/skill not teamwork.


    "Whiffing on tackles..." :worthy:


    I think we get to start this season with a clear mismatch in terms of our RBs and WRs vs. everybody else's LBs and DBs. Evans, Parrish, Lynch, Royal, and especially Fred Jackson put on a "yards after catch" clinic last night. The receiving play he had on the second TD drive was nothing short of outstanding. I think the posters here who give some/most of the credit for that to Edwards' accuracy are dead on as well.


    Personally I love that NO ONE outside The Bills has even heard of Freddy J. You're in for a treat, league!

  4. I was surprised to hear his name called out as being the tackler when the 1st unit was still out there early in the game. Were Poz and him rotating in and out? or was he coming in as an outside backer?


    If you were watching the live online stream, the announcers were f'ing up names left and right. He got called out a bunch of times when he wasn't even on the field.

  5. Lastnight while texting back in forth with a buddy of mine in Pittsburgh he indicated that the Steelers defense is def their weak link this year. Seems that other fans are echoing this claim:


    Like I said before, the Steelers will have get into shootouts with people to win this year. This Soft Defense sucks and is on borderline Cincy horrible and I have no confidence in them. Poor Tackling, again, poor special teams, again, poor Offensive Line play, again.




    Forget the score.


    The Bill's first string offense and defense out played the Steelers first stringers. On top of that the Bills were without their starting LT, Jason Peters. Even the Bill's second string defense was giving the Steelers first string offense all they could handle. Also, the Bill's second string offense was running, at will, against the Steelers first string defense.


    Pre season or not, there's no excuse for the Steelers DB's to completely whiff on tackling. They were especially horrible.




    Ok....but this isn't a preseason problem. This has been going on since the middle of last season. But just keep throwing out the "sky is falling card" and act like the rest of us are crazy, but you are clearly watching a completely different defense than the rest of us who are concerned about what we are watching.


    Our defense is clearly our weak point this season.




    I still remember that the Steelers couldn't generate a pass rush last season when the games counted. Coach LeBeau can be as creative as he wants, but they still have the same players, sans Woodley and they still can't generate a pass rush, even against a vanilla offense.




    i have 2 concerns about this defense and theyre more about scheme and focus-


    TE's in the redzone can find the softest spot in the zone blitz defense. defense seems to underestimate 2nd year or rookie qb's and think they can beat them with intimidation alone.




    Poor tackling is becoming a weekly occurance, as is no pass rush. No excuse for this. Timmons needs to be on the number 1 defense now.




    I'll try to take the middle ground. Yes, it was only a preseason game, and we all know you can't really take too much from a preseason performance, but the complete lack of resistance by the first team D in the Bills first two drives has to be a concern, especially considering the defenses inability to play a 60 minute game during the second half of last season. I think it all starts with the D-line.

  6. To me, comparing Edwards and Beck to Peyton Manning and Ryan Leaf's scenario is a joke. #1 and #2 overall, with a ton of debate on both sides prior to the draft is a far cry from Beck at the top of the 2nd round and Edwards in the 3rd. Ridiculous comparison and article in general IMO.


    The whole premise of the article is ridiculous! Aaah two consecutively selected quarterbacks spanning the entire history of the draft have gone boom/bust! Must be a pattern there! I'll apply it to two non-first round quarterbacks and call it news!

  7. If you take science as a whole yes. I know, for example, Indiana University received over $400,000,000 for their biosciences just this past year. Even after taking out expenses I don't think athletic dept revenues can compete...Now this is just my opinion so if someone has all the facts I'd be interested in reading them.


    Well, I think IU stands as a good example for this debate- as it was the Big 10-like schools which initially came into my mind as athletic powerhouses with substantial academic pursuits.


    Now, not to take away from IU's position in the scientific community, but would one assume that schools like Cal-Tech or MIT (schools that tip the athletic to academic ratio in the "smarts" direction) get even more money than the $400 m you mentioned.

  8. LMAO...RIGHT...If you're a chem student getting a full ride you are probably taking MUCH harder classes than most ball players and would have to keep a GPA above the 2.0(?) that an athlete has to have to stay eligible. As for 5+ hours of practice that time would be spent working on research projects in the lab. Also most colleges that have really good science programs will bring in much more net income to the university than athletics if you look at the grant money they get.


    I was hoping someone with knowledge in this area would weigh in on this. In my mind, the cost to maintain/upgrade state of the art engineering/physics/chem labs exceeds the sports cost/revenue of a University.


    Is this accurate?

  9. Both Ko and Dante.....both guys people have been bitching about....made a play on the SAME play......:thumbsup:

    Starting defense showed its stuff against a Pitt offense that was not missing any players......Big Ben had to wait for the back up unit before he could score


    For the record, those two are SICK together. GWilson ALMOST made a great play catching up to that bomb, but he should never have been out of position enough for it to go up in the first place. You would NEVER see that happen with DWDuck and KoKollege back there!


    Woo! Whatta tandem!

  10. You're talking about 1% of the athletes who play a sport that you can make a living in, and are good enough to play professionally.


    I think Big Cat was talking more about field hockey, swimming, and other "minor" sports that don't garner much national interest or have clear paths to professional leagues.


    I was. But just because you play college hoops and college football doesn't neccesarily mean you're thinking pro contract. There are plenty of D-1 players who know they're done after senior year, and then twice as many D-2 and D-3 players to boot. But these guys work just as hard, believe me! :thumbsup:


    My alma mater won the Espy for best upset (knocking off Kansas in the first round of the 2005 tourney) and I knew a lot of those guys pretty well. They got national attention, but every one of them knew that "pro" ball meant going over seas IF they were lucky. But man did those guys play/work hard!

  11. - James Hardy showed what he can do for this team even when he isn't scoring the points himselves.....he is a BIG reason as to why Robert Royal (who played very well) was able to score....this is one of the things he brings to this team......he just gives us so many options....he can catch the basketball lob.....he draws coverage away from other receivers....AND I quite sure that we will use that same package to run Lynch underneath the coverage in the end zone at some point. Hardy is a GAME CHANGER


    On the play before the first TD, I would have LOVED to have seen him and TE on the same page and him standing, untouched with the ball in the back of the endzone like he could have been. Whatever the fock ever, we scored anyways. A Hardy TD would have gotten me PUMPED though!

  12. A positive to take from lastnight:


    I think the way the offense/o-line played well enough last night (preseason, granted...didn't play perfectly, granted) that they put some pressure on JPetes to get back with the team.


    I don't want to go so far as to say they proved they don't need him, but they certainly showed they can function without him. Marshawn and the other running backs did better at picking up the blitz last night than I've ever seen before, and for the most part Trent had the time/lanes he needed.


    At this point, knowing now that the Bills aren't up to their necks without him (like most of us assumed), I HAVE to believe it's in his interest to STFU and except the money he DOES have coming.

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