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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. I used to be able to enjoy his schtick because there was some decent analysis sprinkled in. Now he's just schtick.


    "Well, if Strahan won't come back from Fox all we gotta do is slide over one space to Howie Long!!!" entire set cracks up Berman "I'm just sayin"


    yeah, your just sayin...


    Chris Berman WHOOP is one of those WHOOP types of guys whose WHOOP catch phrase WHOOP just lingers in the stupidest WHOOP of fraternity house WHOOP living rooms.




    Thanks for the karma, Beerball. Ya jerk. :angry:

  2. And what, realized that being on a bike suddenly granted you right of way over all other vehicles in all situations?


    I've ridden bikes on the road too and it would never occur to me to presume that a car at an intersection ahead of me should wait to see whether or not I choose to ignore the stop sign and cut in front of him.


    Everyone on the road doesn't need to make special accommodation to you just because it's too hard to peddle from a stopped position.


    Is it everyone on the road? Or is this the one or two guys I'll actually pass in a similar situation in the process of riding 30 blocks?


    Now if I was making 30 different drives stop and wait for me, then yeah, I'd be a dicque.

  3. Now you see, we have a difference of opinion. I see someone who doesn't follow 'the rules of the road' as a jerk. I have to stop at red lights, cross walks, stop signs. No reason someone who chooses to ride on two wheels shouldn't too.


    Ah well...agree to disagree.


    Then I didn't articulate my "peeve" well enough because I am totally aware of the difference of opinion. The problem being, knowing that when I drove through the city I felt the same way about bikers as all of you, and that now I'm a biker my perception has done a total 180- it worries me to no end that drivers often take their safety advantage HUGELY for granted.


    My point is, if you're already stopped at a four way intersection, is it really too much to ask to wait an extra second for the biker to continue through? It surely doesn't affect YOUR life that much, and in the process makes the bikers' commute 100 times easier/faster/safer.

  4. i need to see it again...


    It would have been nice if one of those guys actually got the better of his opponent. They both sort of hit and fell backwards. The Colts player celebrated like he just scored the Super Bowl winning TD, and Barnes got in his face about it.

  5. This is an even worse attitude. So even though the car has the legal right of way, he's supposed to slam on his brakes because a biker thinks it's too inconvenient to follow the same traffic laws? Since when is everyone on the road required to wait for any and all bicycles to do whatever the hell they want? :angry:


    Bikers who do this are creating an unsafe environment for everyone around them. It's the height of selfishness. After reading this thread I have even less sympathy for bikes than I used to.


    And this reads exactly how I would have perceived the situation before I myself began sharing the road with cars, busses, and trucks.

  6. Buzz off.


    That very utterance by a server - they are there to make money by the simple act of writing down a customer's requests, shuttling it to another, then hauling plates back to a table - not exactly back-breaking, hazardous duty - that in response to a simple word by a customer (the ones that ultimately pay them)- like a "thank you" - when they make that fantastic accomplishment of dropping a plate on a table...is pithy.


    The better waiters never utter such self-referential pap.




    I know by reading this that neither you nor anyone you've ever been close with EVER worked in the service industry. It's funny you mention "back-breaking" because as luck would have it, being on your feet and hustling 8hrs a day actually does take its toll on a server's back!

  7. So, laws don't apply to you because your on a two wheeler? Sorry Cat, I'm blowing through that intersection if I have the right of way.


    That's fine, you and about 25% of all motorists here in Chicago!


    If you want to be a jerk about it, that's fine with me. Usually when someone is cussing me out (even though I can't hear them), I simply respond by giving them the biggest, stupidest grin I can muster. It still PEEVES me though!


    If you want to talk about the legality involved and how bike laws SHOULD be in a biker's favor, that's fine too! :angry:

  8. Not in their best interest? That's laughable.


    Let me modify your words...


    I'm well aware that cars are supposed to "follow the rules." But reality check- they don't expect some fool on a bike to fly through an intersection. And they don't because they're shielded by 2 tons of steel, whereas a biker better watch out for himself or he will become a road stain in the blink of an eye.




    And at a 4 way stop sign, it would take a car BLOWING through the stop sign to actually cause any damage. A guy accelerating and slamming his breaks on 15 feet later isn't that much of a threat.


    The problem is, cars do precisely that, trying to beat bikes through an interesection. They see you coming then try and gun it back through even though by the time they've made this decision you've got your front tire on the cross walk and you're CLEARLY not showing any signs of stopping.


    Then the biker nearly crashes trying to slam on his breaks, and the guy is leaning out his window yelling at the biker.


    The point is this: you saw me coming, you knew I wasn't going to stop, so rather than wait a second and a half, you now caused a clusterphuck in the process of trying to make your point.

  9. It's one thing to roll slowly through so you don't lose your balance, but you don't get much sympathy from me if you blow through the stop sign/light at full speed.


    I'd say 2/3 of the bikers I see on the roads have zero understanding or regard for traffic rules (or they just don't understand that those rules apply to bikes as well). Of course, I work in NYC so I may be jaded about bikers that routinely cut off or hit pedestrians.




    I'm well aware that bikes are supposed to "follow the rules." But reality check- they don't. And they don't because it's simply not in their best interest.


    I bike in and out of the loop in Chicago everyday, so I deal with a ton of motorist and see a ton of bikes. From what I gather my habits are on the conservative side of things.


    I ALWAYs blow through stop signs, but always make it a point to make eye contact with converging drivers.


    I also go through red lights, provided nobody's coming.

  10. When I hold the door and don't get a "thank you" I get really steamed. I won't do the "YOUR WELCOME" because I find it abrasive and in some ways as rude as the contrary.


    Same principle applies to people who don't give me the wave when I let them in and out of tight spots on the road. I have been known to honk at those a-holes, though.




    For the last four months I've biked to and from work, and let me tell you, car drivers HATE BIKERS. I know because I used to be on the other side and now freely admit that my anger with cyclists was born from plain old ignorance.


    Nevertheless, it peeves me greatly when drivers become visibly and sometimes even audibly upset with a biker because said biker rolls a stop sign. So to all you non-bikers out there listen up:


    A bike does not start and stop as easily as a car. For bikers' saftey, it's in our best interest to keep peddling in order to keep pace with traffic. Also, it's sometimes difficult to ride in a straight line when starting from a dead stop- also a safety hazard.


    So motorists please note: a biker is like a wild animal, they are 1000 times more scared of you than you are of them. They ride with their own safety in mind and rarely go against a car, truck, or bus to get somewhere faster. If you approach a four-way stop at the same time as a bicyclist, let the cyclist go. The worst thing in the world you can do is start, stop, start again, then sit in the middle of the intersection, forcing the cyclist to ALSO stop and go around you to try and get home. And if this worst case scenario DOES happen, don't get all hot and bothered. Don't yell at me through your windshield because I guarntee you- for the sake of my own life- I was well aware of the scenario without your help.

  11. Has this guy locked it down opposite McGee? I feel like I haven't even seen the guy play, let alone hear his name called during a preseason game.


    I know he's look great in camp (could be a practice hero, who knows?) so I'm assuming they're trying to get a better eye on Youboty, James and Corner, for those last spots. But I'm fairly certain he doesn't even have a stat yet.

  12. Would Lee take it? It'll be less than 1% of the contract he's going to get soon, and it'll be him sticking his finger in the eye of a teammate.


    You do it in secret. Pull him aside, explain to him you appreciate his devotion to the team, put the 450 large in cash in an envelope in your palm and you shake the man's hand.

  13. I have to say you could have done better with the running backs


    Yes. I could have.


    Willie Parker = a yard machine doesn't score a lot of TD's. Word on the street is that PITT will have to win in shootouts, so that was my logic.


    Also, Chester Taylor WILL start at least 3 games this year.


    In an 8-man league, every team is godlike


    and Yes.

  14. Had our live draft last night- 8 man league, let know what you guys think:




    Tom Brady

    Philp Rivers




    Willie Parker

    Edgerrin James

    Chestor Taylor

    Rashard Mendenhall




    Reggie Wayne

    Lee Evans

    Calvin Johnson

    Dwayne Bowe

    Santana Moss

    James Hardy




    Kellen Winslow

    Todd Heap








    Rian Lindel

  15. Schulte was a true victim of a west coast bias. Boy shoulda been on the national team back in my day, but cause he was from the east coast, the west coasters wouldn't let him on the team. Played agaisn't Scott and the crew from NYAC often. What are they doing now as I heard NYAC shut down?


    Shame what happened to Rock polo once Hunk left. Can't blame it on Dirt(Jim Yeamons), but something happened to that prgram about 10 years ago, now its a shame they shut down both swimming and Polo.Man, we used to have some good games with Bucknell back then. Easterns always came down to the Rock, Bucknell, Navy and Brown. Now, you tell me who doesn't belong in that group LOL!!!


    I wil say this though, the crew from Bucknell was the only crew that could hang with us when it came to partying, especially in the spring trnys. Dam, their breath was as bad as ours some games, get drunk just playing agisnt em.


    Schulte's career stats at Bucknell are downright GAUDY.


    I hadn't heard about NYAC being shut down OR about Rock losing its aquatic programs. These must have happened very recently?


    I've heard stories about back in the day when folks in the stands used to bring kegs into the natatorium for games, and the breath factor was PRECISELY what I was referring to when talking about the dudes from NYAC.


    I must say, the makeup of the Easterns tournament has changed significantly. Navy and Princeton are always in the mix plus St. Francis and Queens College- both of which are a collection of 30 something eastern Euros that would just as soon break your face.

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