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The Big Cat

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Posts posted by The Big Cat

  1. The AFC East preview today at 4pm on ESPN. I am not looking forward to this considering after yesterday's preview, Bonny Bernstein said,"Tomorrow will be the AFC East preview which will include Tom Brady and the Patriots, along with two teams starting two new QB's in the division with Brett Favre and Chad Pennington", they didn't even mention one thing about the Bills. Biased bastards! :ph34r:


    To the rest of the league will be 2008's silent killer. And I like it like that. :thumbsup:

  2. where have all the real patriots gone?


    Honestly, taken in the context in which this video offers- some broad getting BLOWN UP by a big burly pig -it's pretty horrific. Do we know what she was encroaching on, the cause of the protest, the reason cops had to come in the first place?


    Protests happen ALL THE TIME without the cops having to touch anyone. Sure, they often show up, just to make sure things don't get out of hand, but when things do go awry, the cops swoop in and try to difuse the situation to preserve order. I'm okay with that. Some idiots confuse the term 'protest' with terms like 'riot' or 'opportunity to loot.'


    I would have liked to seen the minutes leading up to this video.

  3. TRANSLATION: You were good friends until you tried to bang her.


    You must have missed the part about her having IBS.


    There was simply no time for such shenanigans between her 15+ trips to the toilet from when she got home from work (6:00) and when she went to bed (9:00).


    That 15+ is not an exaggeration.


    Also, she's not even remotely attractive.

  4. I was confused at first too. I was expecting the subletter to be an actual letter, not the person now leasing the room in her place. I get it now. Is he as creepy in person as he appears on Youtube? Is it a tounge in cheek act or the real deal?


    No no, he does not have the social/comedic/intellectual moxie to understand the concept of "tongue in cheek." That, my friend, is the real-deal.


    Watch his standup and you'll understand.


    It's a pretty fair representation of his creepiness. Of course said creepiness is magnified greatly when sharing a living space for 4.5 weeks.

  5. wow. i know i am not a smart person, but I am completely confused by this entire post....of course i didnt watch the entire video so if that explains the meaning....


    It's simple really, some B*tch I used to live with us got really pissy before she moved out to go to Grad school and left us with the kid in the videos as a one month subletter.

  6. This weekend I will be moving out of my 4 bedroom apartment. We have to move because our fourth roommate is at graduate school and we couldn't find someone to put in her tiny room for another year.


    I had issues galore with this girl before she moved out, and she made it abundantly clear that she now hates me- absolutely, positively, no matter what I say or do. It's sort of a bummer because we used to be very close friends, but alas, she suffers from IBS and night terrors, so it's tough to sweat the small stuff.


    Anyways, she moved in a fury of incommunication and left us (without even a breath of consultation) with the following subletter-




    You may recognize this video as I found yesterday that it achieved viral status a few years back:


    If that wasn't bad enough, here's him doing stand up (long, and painful, watch at your own risk):





    **Suffice to say the month of August has been a bit of a nightmare with this creep lurking in our apartment (often shirtless).


    EDIT: in the original post I had the links reversed. They're fixed now.

  7. Ahh... my guess is that one (or both) of you is behind a little router that isn't allowing direct connections. Video chat is going to be a direct connection... i.e. the AIM service will set it up, but once that' done, it's direct communication between the two of you.


    You can either drop the router for the chat session, see if you've got a 'DMZ' setting, or look up the correct ports to forward on the AIM/iChat sites. I'd do it for you, but if I don't get off of TBD and get my daughter moving, shell miss the bus!


    You the man, McJeff. I figured these were the "issues" at play, but I have no idea how to rectify them. One of my roommates is pretty techy-we'll get him on it.

  8. Is either party behind a physical firewall or running a software firewall?


    No. At least not to my knowledge. My video chat works with other Mac users and I don't know how to walk her through checking hers since I have always been Vista free.

  9. As the tailgate duties have been passed to the next generation, I wanted to make sure that we hit the Opener running. My Dad and his buddies have been responsible since the Rock Pile days and now the torch has been passed.


    Food - Pulled BBQ Chicken Sandwiches....I got those baskets that you fill up with charcoal so the chicken will be grilled with non direct heat. The chicken will be marinating in Sweet Baby Rays and Onion the night before (crock pot). Some sides will be pounds of shrimp, wheat thins with Nances spicy mustard and logs of pepperoni. The obvious chips and Bison Dip. Wives are bringing vegetable platters and homemade crab dip.


    Beverage - plenty of beer and a gas powered blender for the ladies who want the slush drinks. Big vat of bloody mary


    Amenities - Bills flags, American Flag, bottle opener with Monday Night Theme, 2 Bills helmets,


    T Shirts - these things are incredible. They are white champion ringers (white shirt with crimson red ringer). On front chest pocket is standing Buffalo helmet. Above helmet "The Tradition Continues" beneath helmet "Pole #1". On the back is "Tailgating at the Ralph Continues" big charging Buffalo logo below that. Below that are the names of 4 guys taking over tailgate and below that are the last names of founding fathers (tailgaters). In between the two sets of names is the old white helmet with charging Buffalo. These things are MAGNIFICENT!!!!!



  10. I am hopeful he will be extended, but am a little concerned that it has taken this long. LE was interviewed a couple weeks ago and said they were close, but I haven't heard a thing since. I have confidence in Russ and the boys and believe they will work out a deal to satisfy both parties...


    Can someone shed some light as to why this process takes any time at all?


    How does $X sound?

    Please go higher.






    We're getting there.


    $Y.5 + incentives?



    $Y.5 + incentives + direct TV and cell phone plan?



    All joking aside, seriously what is the "work" that needs to be done which make for a long process?

  11. Can somebody put in real-people (NON SARCASTIC) terms why I can't video chat from Mac' iChat to a PC using AIM?


    For the PC user the error message is that the connection "timed out."


    On my end, it says the person declined the invite, or if I'm invited, it says there's a "communication error."

  12. Night games always get less coverage than day games because they are running up against printing deadlines & don't cover them as well. One time I was headed home the day after a night game & got a Rochester D & C in Rochester that had to go to print before the end of the game. I think because most preseason games are at night, they get less coverage.


    I would just like to add that this one of the most insightful and respectful threads to comeby TSW in a long time. For once I can make it to page two without having to filter through mindless bickering over the same tired subjects. Thanks, Tim!


    GO BILLS! :nana:


    Shoot, I'll come to Buffalo and cover the Bills. 24/7. BCBN- Big Cat's Bills Network.


    I don't even need a home, I'll just camp out in the front lawn of a different player/coach/trainer/executive each night just to give YOU, the insatiable fans of the Buffalo Bills the round the clock coverage you so desperately crave.


    Move over Chris Brown, there's a bigger worm comin' to town!

  13. I thought Greer played extremely well last year for most of the season...he always seemed to be in receivers hip pockets and around the ball...


    Agreed, the guy is a defensive magnet. But he's the tiniest 5'11" in the history of fraudulent media guides. I think a receiver like Hardy- big lanky type -keeps our lil Greer at bay.

  14. Luckily I didn't spill, but the squealing tires as I pulled on the brake handles got their attention.


    I yell. So many times people holding their cell phones in their left hand walk right into the bike lane waiting to cross the road and stop RIGHT in my path. They have no idea that I (all 220 helmeted lbs of me) am barreling at them between 10-20 mph. So, in their best interest I give my deepest Viking "HEY!"


    They jump out the way, often times screaming, sometimes dropping their phones all together.


    If a person opens their car door and picks off a biker in a bike lane, they're fined for interfering with traffic- this on top of the stress of having just killed a human. Anyways, it's unfortunate that more pedestrians (mainly 20 something females) don't heed more attention to a fast and potentially painful vehicle.



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